Near Pure Evil Wiki

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  1. Jacob Dawes from Criminal Minds - Ends February 5
  2. Dandy from Bake Night Terror - Ends February 6
  3. Erzsebet Bathory from Castlevania Nocturne - Ends February 6

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Near Pure Evil Wiki
Yellow Steven is need of more information. You can expand it. Click here to add more.

Yellow Steven is the AU of Steven Universe from Bad End Friends, a webcomic series that acts as a spin-of of the crossover fanfic The Mystery Kids. In the original series, Rose Quartz (aka Pink Diamond) gave birth to Steven by sacrificing her physical form. In this AU, it was Yellow Diamond instead who sacrificed her form. However, Yellow Diamond only did so for experimental purposes.

His Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close To Being Pure Evil?[]

  • While the original work didn't portray the Diamonds' actions in a positive light, there are much more extreme here. Under his rule, several planets were conquered, being turned into lifeless husks servings as massive kindergartens for gems.
  • When he got to Earth, he immediately overpowered the Crystal Gems, capturing all life to put in zoos for Pink, resetting Pearl and Rose, poofing Garnet to use her gems for a special project and outrighting shattering Amythyst.
  • He abducted Connie, experimented on her, by enfusing Garnet's gems into her body, and made her into becoming a gem warrior.
  • He is taken pretty seriously, and doesn't care about any of the other Bad End Friends, only siding with them for pragmatic reasons.
  • For a fanfic about the souls of beloved heroes turning black, the standard isn't all that high. Most of the Bad End Friends are either tragic, amoral, or have generic crimes. Some weren't even villains at all. Due to destroying planets and commuting wrongful experimentation, he is easily one of the most evilest of the friends.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Since he is essentially another gem experiment done to further the Diamonds' monarchy, that could lead to him being inherently evil. Due to having a personality and freedom of choice, it shows that he does have a moral agency.
  • He displays care for a couple of individuals:
    • He does care for Gem Warrior Connie. While she's his loyal bodyguard in public, she's his girlfriend in secret.
    • Because he put all Earth lifeforms in zoos for Pink, it shows that he does care for her too.
  • Lastly, while he is one of the evilest of the group, he fails the heinous standards to Genocide Frisk (who killed all monsters for sadistic reasons) and Bipper (who is literally Bill Cipher) in terms of villainy.


  • Yellow Steven, aside from Snowqueen Elsa, are the only Bad End Friends Villains to be approved as Near Pure Evil.
  • Yellow Steven is currently the only Steven Universe character to be NPE. Unsurprisingly, he comes from a fanon work given the actual show's tendency of redeeming it's antagonists.

External Link(s)[]


           1200px-Cartoon Network 2010 logo.svg Near Pure Evils

TV Shows
Saint Seiya

Over the Garden Wall
Evil Spirit

Codename: Kids Next Door

Infinity Train
Simon Laurent


Samurai Jack

Green Lantern: The Animated Series

Batman: The Brave and the Bold

The Powerpuff Girls (1998)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
General Grievous | Grand Moff Tarkin | Cad Bane | Admiral Trench | Osi Sobeck | Morley

Master Chen | Clouse | General Cryptor

Steven Universe
Yellow Steven

The Powerpuff Girls (2016)

Courage the Cowardly Dog
Benton Tarantella | Errol van Volkheim

Steve Malek | Si Rich

DC Super Hero Girls (2019)
Cythonna | Joker | Lex Luthor

Adult Swim/Toonami
Final Space
Bhero | Todd H. Watson

Rick & Morty
King Jellybean | Evil Morty | Supernova | Rick Prime

Learning with Pibby
The DArkn∊∬

The Legend of Team Brunette

See Also
Adventure Time Near Pure Evils | Ben 10 Near Pure Evils | DC Animated Universe Near Pure Evils | Regular Show Near Pure Evils | Rick and Morty Near Pure Evils | Star Wars Near Pure Evils | Total Drama Near Pure Evils
