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Near Pure Evil Wiki

Remember, stupid Earthlings. The Yapool may die, but the Terrible-Monsters won’t. I’ll become a curse and get my revenge.
~ Yapool to Ultraman Ace.

Yapool is a major antagonist in the Ultra franchise. He is a demonic interdimensional entity who seeks to conquer the universe and defeat the Ultras. He is the arch enemy of Ultraman Ace.

He was voiced by the late Tatsuhiko Takada in Ultraman Ace and Ultraman Taro, Tessho Genda in Ultraman Mebius, Ultraman Mebius & The Ultra Brothers, Ultraman Ginga S, and Ultra Fight Victory, and Yasuhiro Kikuchi in Ultraman Decker.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

In General[]

  • Throughout the franchise, he constantly tried to conquer Earth and destroy humanity using his choju
  • Despite being created from a collective consciousness, he is still shown to have a sadistic and arrogant personality as he constantly views the humans as inferior to him and genuinely takes pleasure in tormenting and manipulating both the humans and the ultras
  • Overall, he has no loyalty to any of the other villains he teams up with as he usually treats them as disposable pawns such as Nackle.


  • During the Great Ultra War, he, alongside several other Kaiju helped and assisted Alien Empera in his attempted invasion of the land of light.
  • Prior to Minami’s arrival on Earth, he sent in Lunaticks to destroy her homeworld on the moon by draining the magma from its mantle, turning the place into a barren wasteland and killing possibly millions of her people in the process.
  • Prior to Aprassar becoming his agent, he saved her from her home world exploding due to an energy shift, using the opportunity to use her as a slave. Afterwards, he then tricked her into thinking he saved her out of goodness and later made her his agent in order to help him conquer Earth.
  • Prior to the events of episode 25, he gave the Orion Aliens access to his choju Sphinyx, which eventually lead up to them using it to conquer earth thousands of years later

Ultraman Ace[]

  • In episode 1, he unleashed Velokron onto the city of Fukuoka and later had him attack Tokyo. As a result, the Terrestrial Defense Force was wiped out.
    • Additionally, Seiji Hokuto and Yuko Minami temporarily got killed in Velokron’s rampage, resulting in them becoming Ultraman Ace’s human hosts once he revived him (until Minami eventually left in episode 28).
  • In episode 2, he allowed an egg to absorb a construction worker and later destroy an airline filled with hundreds of people on it before eventually fusing it with another egg in order to hatch the choju Chameleking
  • In episode 3, he possessed Vakishim and used him to slaughter a bunch of villagers, including an elderly couple while disguised as their grandson
    • Following this, he burned their houses down and had Vakishim revert back to his choju form before later transporting him to TAC’s base so that he would destroy it
  • In episode 4, he gave an evil artist named Kuri Mushitaro telepathy and the ability to draw things to life, and additionally gave him control over Garan (a prehistoric fish he had turned into a choju) so that he would destroy TAC. Due to this, he indirectly caused the death of a truck driver and woman who had refused to Mary him.
    • Ironically, he also caused Kuri’s death due to the fact that once Ace killed Garan, he also killed Kuri as well because of how connected Yapool made them.
  • In episode 5, he teamed up with Giron-man and gave him access to Aribunta, leading to the latter feasting on several women, dissolving the flesh of everyone on board a train, nearly draining TAC of oxygen, and later luring Ace into a death trap that forced him to call Zoffy for help
  • In episode 6, he sent in Brocken to posses a astronaut so that he could securely destroy tac from the inside.
  • In episodes 7 & 8, he sent in Alien Metron Jr. and Doragory to attack TAC in order to sabotage their attempt at preventing a planet called Goran from colliding with Earth. As a result of sending them, he responsible for every deed they did in their attempts to sabotage TAC
    • By sending in Metron Jr, he is responsible for him delaying TAC’s attempt at stopping Goran, him killing Ichiro’s fiancé alongside several TAC agents, and him posing as her in order turn most of the members against Hokuto
    • By sending in Doragory, he is responsible for him savagely ripping apart Muruchi 2 and him later temporarily killing off Ace
  • In episode 9, he unleashed Gammas and attempted to make an army of him using 10,000 negative photo copies.
  • In episode 10, he sent in Alien Atira to disguise himself as Hideki Goh in order to distract TAC so that Zaigon would destroy them.
  • In episode 11, he sent in Unitang and had it disguise itself as 10 women in order to secretly try and destroy TAC’s choju radar detective system
  • In episode 12, after Sabotendar lost to Ultraman Ace during their first fight,he had it disguise itself as a normal cactus and feed on a bunch of humans in order to become stronger.
  • In episode 13, he unleashed Barabas on Earth and later lured the Ultra brothers to the planet Golgotha. However, once Ace separated from them in order to stop it, he crucified the remaining brothers and later forced Ace into letting Barabas win by threatening their lives.
    • Additionally, due to sending Barabas on earth, he indirectly caused the death of a young boy’s older brother.
  • In episode 15, he exploited a horseshoe crab’s hatred of humanity and transformed it into the choju King Krab
  • In episode 16, he transformed a man named Yakai into Minotaur choju named Cowra and later used him to feed on a bunch of humans and later to try and destroy TAC
    • Additionally, when a group of villagers tried to stop the curse, he blew out the fire which they were using for the ritual in order to stop them
  • In episode 17, he manipulated a paraplegic girl named Tamiko into letting him turn her into the demon She-Devil by exploiting her desire to see her dead mother. Under his orders, he made her cause several car accidents in the process. However, when Minami broke her out of her it, he used She-devil’s fireflies to create the choju Hoturanga so that it would kill them both and destroy TAC’s M7 Missile.
  • In episode 18, he stole a young boy’s pet pigeon and transformed it into the choju Black Pigeon. Because of this, Black Pigeon forced Ace to put it down
  • In episode 19, he sent in King Kappa and had him disguise himself as a swimming pool so that it could feed on the navels of unsuspecting children and turn them into Kappas.
    • Additionally, he sent in 2 androids to appear as a married couple in order to lure the children to King Kappa
  • In episode 20, he unleashed Zemistar onto the suruga bay in order to attack any ship that entered there by levitating them into the air and dropping them.
  • In episode 21, he sent in Aprassar to destroy TAC. However, once she started falling in love with a human, he mind controlled her against her will and turned her into a choju. All while mocking her history with him and how much control he had over her
  • In episode 22, he sent in Space masks to infiltrate TAC’s Hq and kill a bunch of their guards. Following this, he had him disguise himself as a teacher in order to manipulate a bunch of kindergartners into designing a statue of a choju, leading to the creation of Black Satan whom Space Masks promptly brought to life.
  • In episode 23, he disguised himself as an old man and proceeded to kidnap every child on Earth before later attempting to send Hokuto somewhere else when TAC sent him to his dimension. Eventually, once Ace finally defeated him, he gloated that his choju would avenge him, showing no care or remorse for the fact that his choju would ultimately kill lots of people.
  • Following his death, his cells traveled all across earth, creating/summoning choju to follow out his will, leading to countless lives being taken. Additionally, some of his choju were used by several villains in order to carry out their evil schemes. Overall, he is indirectly responsible for everything they did
    • In episode 24, his hatred of ace created Mazaron Man, a choju who disguised itself as a human and later delivered a piece of his remains to a pregnant woman in order to turn her and her unborn child into a demon called a Yojo and a choju named Mazarius respectively
    • In episode 28, his cells summoned Lunatyx who went on try and drain the magma from Earth’s mantle (similar to what he did to the moon). However because of his return, Minami was forced to leave Earth behind once she defeated him, in order to reunite with her people, leaving Hokuto as the sole host for Ace.
    • In episode 29, his cells created Gitagitanga who later went on to be used by Ungramon in order to get revenge on the surface dwellers and also cause the deaths of Dan Umezu’s father and 2 beer factory workers.
    • In episode 30, his cells created Red Jack who went on to cause the deaths of a young girl’s mother and sister, as well as few motorcyclists
    • In episode 31, his cells went into a zoo Baptir and temporarily turned it into the choju Baktari
    • In episode 32, his cells created Coakes, a humanoid choju who went on to try and destroy 2 military bases, as well as torment Hokuto while also disguising it’s a child in order to seem innocent
    • In episode 33, his cells created Bad Balloon, a balloon based choju who went on to disguise itself as a hot air balloon in order to feed on the joy of unsuspecting children who rode it, leading to them temporarily becoming emotionless zombies
    • In episode 34, his cells created Kaiteigagan, a sea shell based choju who went to destroy several ships across the Japanese coastline, leading to the death of Yuji’s father and thus making him and his sister orphans
    • In episode 35, his cells created Dreamgillas, a dream based choju who went on to terrorize the dreams of a young boy before eventually manifesting itself into the real world when the boy tried to daydream instead
    • In episodes 36, his cells created Soundgillar, a sound based choju who went on to attack any place that had loud noises
    • In episode 37, his cells created Machless, a choju who went on to attack fast moving objects such as a train and a plane, killing possiy hundreds of people and later killing a race car driver
    • In episode 38, his cells created Snowgiran, who was used by Namahage in order to punish Japan for adoration of Christmas by temporarily blinding them
    • In episode 39, his cells created Firemons, a fire based choju who was used by Alien fire to help him conquer Earth and later temporarily killed of ace by impaling him with a sword
    • In episode 41, his cells went into a statue of a an evil god named Kaimanda, leading to it possessing a father and it turning his son who was wearing a lion suit into the choju Shishigoran.
    • In episode 42, his cells created Iceron, a ice based choju who went to kill a little girl’s father, resulting in him becoming Woo 2
    • In episode 43, his cells created Fubigara, a yeti based choju who went on to use a hobo as a host and later temporarily freeze a group of people at a resort, including Dan
    • In episode 44, his cells created Oni-Devil and also went into 3 red beans which were then eaten by Hokuto, Kunno, and Ichiro, leading to their arms becoming temporarily numb
    • In episode 45, his cells created Gasgegon, a Choju who went on to destroy a satellite before eventually arriving on Earth
    • In episode 46, his cells created Daidarahoshi, a time traveling choju who back in time in order to try and destroy an ancient statue. In the process, he also brought some of the tac members as well, which nearly got them killed by warriors who mistook them for demons.
  • In episode 48, he disguised himself as a female nurse and planted a device in Hokoto’s teeth in order to make him hallucinate Velokron 2 everywhere he went. Later on, once Hokuto got temporarily fired from TAC, he then unleashed the real Velokron 2 in order to kill him.
  • In episode 49, he gave Univargles access to his choju Aquarius, leading to the former using her to trick a bunch of humans into thinking he was god while also having them try and kill TAC so that he could conquer Earth without any interference
  • In episode 50, he gave the Revolve aliens access to his choju Signalion, leading to him using the choju to mess with traffic lights in order to cause as many car accidents as possible
  • In episode 51, he exploited a boy’s dislike of violins and used it to create Geegon so that it would steal the souls of people of listened to its music.
  • In episode 52, he disguised himself as a seemingly innocent Alien Simon in order to distract TAC while he unleashed Jumbo-King , a choju he created from a bunch of Ace’s past foes, in order to destroy them. Additionally, he also went on to telepathically reveal himself to Hokuto and successfully urge him into shooting him in front of a bunch kids, leading to Hokuto revealing his secret identity as Ace in order to restore their trust in TAC.
    • Because of this, he, unfortunately, had to leave Earth behind as well as his human life as Seiji Hokuto.

Ultraman Taro[]

  • In episode 29, after reviving Bemstar as a choju with the help of Alien Empera, he first had him destroy ZAT’s Space Station 1, leading to the death of Captain Ueno, whose son Toru temporarily lost fate in ZAT as whole because of it. Immediately after, he then unleashed Bemstar on Earth in order to destroy a bunch oil refineries before later causing Taro to lose during his first fight with it.
  • In episode 30, after Taro and ZAT started gaining the upper hand against Bemstar during their second battle, he sent in Velokron 3 and Sabotendar 2 in order to stop them. Later on, however, once all 3 were destroyed, he attempted to flee in his spaceship

Ultraman Mebius & Ultraman Brothers[]

  • In 1986, he used his hatred of the Ultras in order to create the choju U-Killersaurus. Afterwards, he then sent it to destroy Ultraman, seven, Jack, and Ace. However, because of how powerful it was, the brothers were then forced to seal both him and U-Killersaurus into a bay but at the cost of draining their powers and having to live their lives in their human forms for 20 years while watching over him.
  • In 2006, he successfully manipulated a group of aliens (consisting of Alien Temperor, Alien Zarab, Alien Guts, and Alien Knackle) into reviving him. However, as a result, he caused everything they did in order to try and and do this.
    • After Mirai/Mebius killed Alien Temperor, Zarab kidnapped his love interest Anya Jinguji and began to impersonate her before eventually drugging him. Afterwards, he then impersonated Mebius and began going on a rampage in order to try and ruin his reputation
    • After Mebius killed Zarab, Alien Guts and Alien Knackle overpowered him and crucified him, forcing the Ultra brothers to turn into their usual forms in order to help free him, despite the fact that they could have died in doing so. However, once they did free him, they themselves were also temporarily crucified, forcing Mebius to briefly retreat
  • Once the last remaining Alien, Knackle finally revived him and U-Killersaurus, he repaid him by remorselessly and ungratefully killing him off.
  • During his/U-Killersaurus’s second fight with the Ultra brothers, he imprisoned Jinguji inside U-Killersarus’s forehead.

Ultraman Mebius[]

  • Following the events of the Ultraman & the Ultra brothers film, he revived Velokron, Vakishim, and Doragory in order to defeat him
    • In episode 24, he taunted Mirai/Mebius of his return and later possessed Ryu in order to sabotage GUYS’ equipment and plant bombs in their spaceships so that he could kill them. However, once Mirai/Mebius successfully managed to get him out of Ryu, he summoned Vakishim and possessed him in order to try and destroy GUYS.
    • In episode 25, he sent in Doragory to posses Dr. Fujisawa in order to stop her dimensional dissolver device
    • In episode 26, he sent in Velokron to injure Captain Sakomizu in order to stop GUYS from using the dimensional dissolved to prevent his portal from sending choju to attack Earth.
  • In episode 42, he used Gadiba in order to recreate Red King and Gamora
  • Following the defeat of Velokron, Vakishim, Doragory, & Red King/Gamora, he joined in the ranks of Dark Four Heavenly Kings (alongside Deathrem, Grozam, and Alien Mephilas) in order to prepare for Alien Empera’s invasion of Earth (which also included his encasing of the sun in Darkness).
    • In episode 43, he unleashed Mebius Killer to attack Mebius and later empowered him with Gadiba so that he would be powerful enough to beat him. Meanwhile, he also used a Space-Time Emitter to lure GUYS to the moon so that they would get destroyed by the Choju Lunatyx. However, once Mebius actually defeated Mebius Killer, he brought him, Mitsuhiko Hirukawa, and Anya Jinguji to his own dimension in order to deal with them personally himself.
    • In episode 44, he attempted to destroy Mirai/Mebius’ faith in humanity and in the process, successfully convinced his enemy Mitsuhiko into shooting him, despite the fact that he had just saved him from getting killed by Yapool earlier. This then forced Mirai to put up his shield and expose himself as Mebius. However, when Mirai refused to get corrupted by him, he attempted to kill his love interest Jinguji and nearly defeated him by mocking his friendship with GUYS. Though, once Mebius ultimately defeated and killed him, he gloated that he would inevitably be destroyed by the rest of the dark four heavenly kings
      • In general, because he forced Mirai to reveal his secret identity as Mebius in front of Anya and Mitsuhiko, he is indirectly responsible for the latter exposing his identity to the public when Alien Empera finally arrived and demanded that Mebius be kicked off of Earth. Something that also led to the the higher ups at GUYS nearly kicking Mirai out as well, despite the fact that he was recovering from the injuries he received from Empera’s Imperializers.

Ultraman Mebius Gaiden: Ghost Rebirth[]

  • After Alien Empera was killed by Mebius, he took possession of Ace Killer and joined the Dark Four Heavenly Kings again in order to revive him. To do this, he and the others held Taro and Ace hostage and forced Mebius and Mecha-Zamu to fight EX Zetton in order to get the Giga battleneizer so that they could revive him.

Ultraman Ginga S[]

  • In episode 5, he possessed Gouki Matsumoto and proceeded to trap Hikaru Raido in a dimensional rift before later attacking a pregnant woman.

Ultra Fight Victory[]

  • Following his defeat at the hands of Ginga, he revived Juda Spectre and his siblings Gina and Mold in order to help them conquer the universe.
    • Prior to this, he also kidnaped and crucified Ginga before later attempting to kill him using Victory Killer.

Ultraman Decker[]

  • Taking on the form of Yapool man, he teamed up with Agams in order to defeat Ultraman Decker.
  • In episode 18, he first appeared blasting away a bunch of TPU officers who were attacking Agams. Afterwards, while Agams fought Kanata Katsutmi, he disguised himself as the latter, and attempted to lure his friends to Aribunta so that they would eaten. Eventually, once Kanata/Decker destroyed Aribunta, he disguised himself as Agans and exploited his desire to save him in order to lower his guard and trap him into his dimension, leaving Agams to wreck havoc on Earth
  • While he does end up getting assimilated and mind wiped by the spheres in episode 19, it’s very well deserved due to the countless lives he took as well as his overall cruelty towards humanity and the Ultras.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Due to being a singular entity formed from the collective consciousness of an alien race, he suffers from moral agency issues as he is technically made of evil. Despite that, this is a minor prevention as he is shown to have a very sadistic and arrogant personality and is consistently shown to be intelligent and highly manipulative.
  • While he overall didn’t care about the villains he teamed up with, he was genuinely loyal to Alien Empera as he assisted the former in his invasion of the land of light and earth and later on attempted to revive him during the events of Ultraman Mebius Gaiden: Ghost rebirth. Additionally, he was also loyal to Juda as he was willing to go to the length of reviving him during Ultra Fight Victory.


  • He is the only Ultraman Ace villain to be Near Pure Evil.
    • He is also the first NPE villain in the Ultraman franchise to be a Big Bad.

External links[]


           Ultraman English Near Pure Evils

Robot Commissioner | Alien Ghose Leader | Yapool | Alien Magma | Dogyuh | Kaji | Deathbringer | Beatstar | Queen Bezelb | Gillvalis | Ultraman Tregear

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