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Near Pure Evil Wiki
NOTE: This page is only about his novel incarnation as the show incarnation of Walder Frey was voted Pure Evil, and thus only the novel version of Walder Frey's info and crimes should be put here.

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Walder Frey is a major antagonist in the book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. He is the head of House Frey and the Lord of the Crossing. He is behind the Red Wedding which is one of the most infamous events of the whole series.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He organizes the Red Wedding which kills Robb and Catelyn Stark along with 3500 other people to take revenge on Robb Stark for not honoring his vows to marry one of his daughters. Many of Robb's soldiers outside the castle are burned alive in their tents while they are drunk which adds to the brutality of the act.
    • This is considered to be one of the biggest acts of treachery and dishonesty in Westerosi history because the guest right is considered to be one of the most sacred things in most Westerosi cultures.
  • When his mentally challenged grandson Jinglebell is taken captive by Catelyn Stark who threatens to kill him should Walder refuse to spare Robb Stark's life, Walder still refuses to spare Robb and throws his grandson's life away.
  • After Robb and Catelyn are killed, Walder allows his kin to shows disrespect to their corpses. After he had Robb's direwolf Grey Wind killed, he let the direwolf's head be attached to Robb's body before parading him, and also lets his kin throw Catelyn's corpse into the river Green Fork in a mockery of House Tully's funeral customs.
  • Although he originally meant for Catelyn to be taken hostage, along with her brother, the groom Edmure Tully, the woman's madness caused one of his sons, Ser Raymund, to cut her throat to end it (possibly out of pity or simply to avoid dealing with an insane hostage, or both). It is unclear if Walder encouraged this.
  • Him being offended over Robb Stark not honoring his vows to marry a female Frey is a weak excuse for orchestrating the Red Wedding because it's a petty reason for revenge and none of the other people who were killed had anything to do with Robb's decision.
  • While Walder Frey had the protection of Tywin Lannister when he enacted the Red Wedding, from what is shown, he was the one who came up with the idea for the Red Wedding and Tywin simply agreed to protect him and reward him if he did it. Even Tywin's abused son Tyrion Lannister says that he has no doubt that Walder was the one who came up with the idea for the Redding Wedding when he confronts Tywin for his own part in it.
  • While ASOIAF has a high heinous standard, Walder Frey still stands out because he doesn't have as many resources as some of the other characters in the story and because the Red Wedding is a taboo even in Westerosi society due to the combination of guest right violation and treachery.
    • He also stands out because the Red Wedding gives him a body count of over 3500 people and because he allows Catelyn to kill his own grandson Jinglebell and refuses to spare Robb Stark to save him.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Unlike his show counterpart, he appears to care about some members of his family. After the Battle on the Green Ford, he arranges a ransom with Tywin Lannister for all the Frey captives at Harrenhal, paying with chests of gold for every single one of them. While he doesn't care about his grandson Jinglebell because he is mentally challenged and he doesn't save him when Catelyn threatens to slit his throat, Merett Frey mentions in his own thoughts in one chapter that Walder Frey takes care of his own even when they anger and disappoint him and this applies even to those members of his family whose names he can't remember. He also pays a ransom for Petyr Frey when the brotherhood without banners kidnap him. It is also mentioned that Walder drilled the idea inside his heir's head Stevron Frey that "blood is blood" and to take care of his own. Walder also reacts in a slightly disturbed way when Roose Bolton subtly threatens him that two of his grandsons are captives of Ramsay Snow and he uses nice words to describe one of his daughters Roslin, even calling her a "flower".

External Links[]


           A Song of Ice and Fire Logo Near Pure Evils

Tywin Lannister | Roose Bolton | Walder Frey | Lothar Frey | Janos Slynt | Petyr Baelish | Kraznys mo Nakloz | Varamyr Sixskins
Aerys II Targaryen | Rossart | Lo Bu | Joron I Blacktyde | Wyl of Wyl | Moro

Tywin Lannister | Roose Bolton | Balon Greyjoy | Janos Slynt | Meryn Trant | Polliver | Rast | Kraznys mo Nakloz | Razdal mo Eraz
