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Near Pure Evil Wiki

You think I'll listen to you? I brought you into this world. YOU ARE MY DESIGN.
~ Void Steve revealing that it was him who set Sabre's adventures in motion.
Like I said, you're all just pawns in my game, and it's time for another pawn to fall, and for another piece to move forward.
~ Rainbow Void insinuating himself as the mastermind before killing Funny Orange Steve on the spot.
I am the first Rainbow Steve. I have always been the hero of this story.
~ Void Steve to Sabre in the World Below.

Seer, later known as Void Steve, is the main antagonist of the Steve Cinematic Universe. He serves as the main antagonist of Rainbow Quest, the final antagonist of Steve Legends and a posthumous antagonist in Twisted Rainbow.

In Rainbow Quest, he serves as the overarching antagonist of Seasons 1 and 2, the main antagonist of Seasons 3 and 5, the posthumous overarching antagonist of Season 4 and a posthumous antagonist in Seasons 6 and 7. In Steve Legends, he serves as the tritagonist-turned-final antagonist of Season 2.

He is the creator, hive mind and true leader of the Darkness, having been responsible for working behind the scenes to fulfil his plan of ceasing worldwide conflict and bringing peace, and has orchestrated many events throughout the series, manipulating various key individuals into playing a part in his plans. He is by far one of the most powerful and dangerous threats that Sabre and his crew have encountered, being the strongest Darkness and an exceptionally twisted, deceptive and malevolent individual.

It was eventually revealed that Void Steve used to be a regular Blue Steve and was the first identity of Rainbow Steve, who became the Hero to avenge a fallen friend and put a stop to the Demon Steves, a great evil he blamed himself for accidentally unleashing. Unfortunately, his desires to end all conflict and save the Steves from evil lead to him turning to extreme measures, resulting in him slipping into madness and creating the Darkness as a form of protection against the Demon Steves and a tool to use in his quest to revert the world to nothing so true peace and unity could be achieved. He is Colle's former friend as well as his and FavreMySabre's arch-nemesis.

He is based off his original counterpart.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

In General[]

  • While the series is an adventure-comedy with several antagonists presenting themselves with some comedic moments, Void Steve is taken completely seriously whenever he is present and never displays any comedic moments whatsoever, making him one of the darkest antagonists in the series, especially as Season 3, his debut as the big bad, is widely considered to be one of, if not the darkest season in the series.
    • Even if he was unaware of the First Curse being the First Enemy he sought to fight against in the past (which seems likely), it still doesn't excuse his actions as Demon Void even though he was manipulated.
  • He openly shows zero care for anyone around him and has no respect for those who work for him, seeing everyone as expendable pawns (or, as Sabre puts it, "failed projects") he can further manipulate into serving him. He openly expressed that he doesn't care for Soul and Corruption Steve and doesn't care about the Darkness, as long as he has a use for it. After removing the last bit of good within him, he is unable to feel any empathy.
    • Furthermore, any politeness or care he might've showed to Soul and Corruption have been completely subverted when he revealed he didn't care at all for them during the final battle.
  • Although he believes himself to be a hero and fighting on the side of good for a peaceful and unified civilisation, he is demonstrated to understand morality and chooses to do evil, despite not seeing himself as such because of his delusions of heroism. He even willingly removed the last bit of good within him, takes pleasure in being empowered with evil energy, enjoys being a feared force to be reckoned with and accepts that he's insane, but doesn't care.
    • Additionally, even though he did shift his goals from Steve Legends to Rainbow Quest and became a genuine extremist who wanted to protect the Steves from the Demon Steves by using the Darkness, he shed this motivation after becoming a Demon Steve and only sought to eliminate the other side and "win" to maintain his delusion of being a hero, viewing his actions as merely a rematch of a game.

Steve Legends[]

  • Upon becoming Void Steve and falling to Dread Steve's manipulation, he sought to revert the universe to nothing.
  • He manipulated many Steves into accepting their negative emotions and manifested them as the nothing-embodied substance/race of beings known as the Darkness, whom he also manipulated into serving him and his cause.
  • To distract Colle and keep him from finding out his true plans, he sent out a shadowy illusion of Colle to terrorize him.
  • In order to regather the Rainbow Crystals in the future, he created a false prophecy so that the next Rainbow Steve would fall to corruption and be susceptible to his manipulation.
  • He destroyed the kingdoms/villages of all the Biome Steves and Giants with the Darkness and killed every last one of them, driving them to extinction.
    • The Darkness would eventually spread to the Judge's dimension and corrupt it completely, resulting in the Judge's death.
    • Afterwards, he went to the Red Kingdom and destroyed it, nearly resulting in the Red Steves going extinct and forcing them into hiding to stay safe and hidden, which also resulted in the other Steves of the world believing them to be extinct.
  • After arriving at the Red Kingdom to finish wiping the Red Steves out, he taunted Genesis over destroying his creations and killed two more Green Steves in front of him and Colle when they tried to flee for safety.
  • He killed Genesis in front of Colle and gloated about his victory over him before moving on to trying to kill Colle and the Red Leader.
  • When confronting Colle at the Temple, he admitted that the reason he spared Colle earlier was not out of care, but so he could have an easier time persuading him to join him over beings like Genesis and the Judge.
  • After teleporting himself and Colle to another dimension, he scattered the Rainbow Crystals so Colle could scavenge for them in a sadistic game of cat-and-mouse.
  • When being pummelled by Colle's fireballs, he cowardly pleaded for him to stop with the empty promise of wanting to change, manipulating Colle into getting closer before attacking.
  • Within a new dimension, Void psychologically terrorized Colle with more shadow of both his alive and deceased friends in order to emotionally break him down.
  • To prevent himself from feeling empathy or remorse, he willingly removed the last remaining good within him and destroyed it, becoming fully evil and gloating about it.
  • He temporarily killed Colle and didn't hesitate to try and do it again after his revival.

Rainbow Quest[]

  • To further his new plan, he lured Sabre into entering his tomb and teleported him to the Steves' world, preventing him from going back home and using him as a pawn, which he succeeded in, resulting in Orange Steve becoming the third Rainbow Steve.
  • Right after Nightmare Steve's death, Void used the Darkness to transport Nightmare into the Void and further corrupted him, making him his henchman.
  • He presumably lead the Darkness to attack the Middle World, resulting in Indigo Steve becoming infected.
  • After escaping from the Void, he taunted Galaxy Steve by having him chase him and eventually killed him in front of Sabre and Rainbow Steve, splitting him into Time and Elemental Steve.
  • He lead the Darkness on a full-on offensive attack against the World Beyond and specifically targeted a Blue Steve he once knew before he fell, corrupting him.
  • Upon being confronted by his old Blue Steve friend, he sadistically taunted him over his friend's demise and assaulted him with lightning when he doubted his claims.
  • Bringing an army of Darkness with him, Void Steve laid siege on the Green Kingdom, infecting nearly all of its residents and infecting the Green Leader, resulting in him staying back to buy Sabre and Co. some time.
    • Right after, Void Steve rushed at Sabre in an attempt to kill him.
  • He sent the Darkness to destroy the Violet Kingdom, infecting all of its residents, and overheard what an infected Violet Steve had said to Rainbow Steve, resulting in the pressure mounting on him.
  • Upon seeing a scared and hurt Rainbow Steve being confronted by Sabre, Void could only mock them in amusement and proceeded to manipulate Rainbow Steve into joining him, having planted a small infection on him to ensure his grasp on him remained.
  • He collected the infected Indigo and Blue Steve from their respective worlds and trapped them in his lair to experiment on them, infecting them with some of his personal Darkness and eventually transforming them into Soul and Corruption Steve.
  • Upon Sabre, Time and Elemental Steve showing up at his lair, Void surrounded the trio and temporarily imprisoned them within the cells below his lair.
  • Having outlived his usefulness, Void Steve betrayed Rainbow and locked him in a machine to extract the crystals from him.
  • He sadistically taunted Sabre over Rainbow Steve's soon-to-be fate and revealed it was him who brought him into the Steves' world, having manipulated everything about his adventures.
  • He froze Sabre and Elemental Steve in place and forced them to watch as he killed Rainbow Steve by separating the crystals from him, allowing him to transform into Rainbow Void.
  • Upon his first minutes as Rainbow Void, he immediately attempted to kill Sabre and Elemental Steve, and would've succeeded had Time not intervened.
  • After Rainbow Steve's funeral, Void arrived at the Rainbow Hub with the intention of hunting down and killing the remaining Steves in hiding.
  • He captured Funny Orange Steve and toyed with Sabre before killing Funny right in front of him in cold blood.
    • This, combined with Rainbow Steve's death, allowed for Shadow Sabre to manifest, with Void having previously planted a piece of his Darkness on Sabre during one of their previous encounters to infect him in his own way. With Shadow locking Sabre in his mind, Void used his body as a puppet and used his husk to slaughter many Steves, including that of the Great Librarian. These actions also resulted in the Steves distrusting Sabre and even spreading rumors that he had killed Rainbow and Funny Orange Steve.
  • He commanded Sabre to destroy a Yellow Steve outpost nearby as well as its inhabitants.
  • He planned on amassing a giant army of Darkness and using it to lay siege to the newly built Rainbow Kingdom, which would decimate it and infect everybody inside.
  • Tried to kill Sabre after learning of his betrayal.
  • Even in his final moments, all he could do was taunt Sabre, knowing that the Demon Steves would be released and cause Sabre more grief.
  • Even after his death, Void Steve's influence was felt by many of the Steves for his monstrous actions, becoming a posthumous, but still very feared figure of Steve culture for all he had done and the pain he had brought onto so many people.
    • Additionally, his actions were what lead to the majority of the Corrected Sun's members joining the organization, due to the rampent racism against the Blue and Indigo Steves because Void, Soul and Corruption used to be part of their species.
  • He refused Sabre's help from escaping the World Below, willingly refusing redemption, and taunted him about the Darkness having been created to safe people, but is now destroyed.
  • He conspired with the First Curse to overrun the Overworld with Demon Steves, planning on resuming his goal of trying to unite the world as "one" (albeit, without reverting the world to nothing this time) by presumably transforming them into Demon Steves.
  • He sent a horde of Demon Steves to attack the Rainbow Kingdom, nearly killing Sabre and Light Steve due to the amount there were.
  • Upon Light Steve challenging his power and poking fun at him, Void, in an act of egotistical pettiness, struck Light with lightning, severely injuring him.
  • Upon Sabre challenging him, Void Steve mocked him and attempting to guilt-trip him by bringing up Rainbow Steve, saying he would be ashamed to have called Sabre a friend due to his usage of the Darkness.
  • He appeared at the Colorless Guard training camp to test Sabre's abilities, sending several Demon Steves at him, and would've succeeded had Sabre not intervened with the Darkness.
  • After Sabre failed to kill him, Void teleported to the four rebuilding Steve kingdoms and summoned Demon Steves to invade each one.
  • Indirectly destroyed the Rainbow Crystal due to his immortality and regenerative capabilities when it was used against him, taunting Sabre and threatening that the world would become "much better".
  • He revealed that all the pain he had put Sabre through during the season was just to test Sabre's strength upon telling him that he invited him to fight to test their power, completely disregarding the lives that had nearly been destroyed all to test Sabre's abilities.
  • Although he did initially challenge Sabre to a fair fight and seemed to possess a sense of honor, he began to employ cowardly tactics to gain the advantage when he realized he was losing, resulting in Sabre's shield breaking and him almost dying.
  • When Sabre was on the brink of death, Void lamented his desire to recollect the Blue Crystal Shard from Sabre, and would do so after it fell off his corpse, right before he was stopped by Shadow Sabre and slain once and for all.
  • In Sabre's mind, his greatest fears took the form of Void Steve, further cementing that Void is, and will always be Sabre's greatest enemy and the person who delivered the most pain, misery, suffering and agony into his life.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Even though his chances of being able to prevent his transformation are debatable, he still possesses a genuinely tragic backstory. While he isn't presented sympathetically in Rainbow Quest, the prequel series Steve Legends presents him sympathetically and highlights his tragic transformation into the monster he became. Void Steve was originally a regular Blue Steve named Seer and a friend of Colle who stood up to fight against Dread Steve, becoming a target of the latter's mind corruption and was psychologically tormented by visions of his future as Void Steve, leading to him killing Dread in a traumatized-driven fit of rage, which also indirectly caused the death of Dream Steve, filling Seer with deep regret.
    • Even after becoming Rainbow Steve to avenge Dream's death, he would continue to secretly mentally suffer from the pressure of being the Hero before going to confront Dread to learn about what he had seen in his vision, and was heavily manipulated into believing that the natural state of the universe was for there to be nothing, even admitting that he took what Dread said to heart and genuinely believes it.
    • His defeat in the series finale of Steve Legends is also played for sympathy, as Colle chooses to remember Void for who he once was and considers his past self as Seer to be avenged, apologising for not being there to help him through his struggles and for not being able to see what he was becoming due to the trauma and manipulation he had been subjected to. So, while his tragedy is somewhat downplayed due to it not excusing his actions, him willingly removing the last bit of good in him and having debatable control over his fate, it isn't fully gone at all, preventing him from being Pure Evil.


  • Void Steve is the second Rainbow Quest villain to be Near Pure Evil.
  • If Void Steve's backstory hadn't been expanded upon in Steve Legends, he likely would've been Pure Evil.

External Link[]


           Minecrafting Near Pure Evils

Video Games
Minecraft: Story Mode: The White Pumpkin | Mevia | The Warden

Web Videos
Minecraft: Apocalipse: Yuri | Ryder
Missâ Alexandrica: The Devil
Steve Cinematic Universe: Nightmare Steve | Void Steve
Dream SMP: Dream | Punz
Lightning SMP: Horus
Minecraft Utopia: Red Tuguim
The Adventures of Heroi Bugado: King Silverfish
1000 Players Build MASSIVE Civilization in Minecraft: Elanuelo

Web Animation
Animation vs. Minecraft: Killer Bunny | Cave Spider Queen | Raid Captain
Songs of War: Tygren Voltaris
The Indie Game Movie: Error Sans
