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Victoria Jones is the main antagonist of Max original series Velma.

She is the mother of Fred Jones and the wife of the head of Jones Gentlemen Accessories William Jones. Victoria was later revealed to be a mastermind behind the killings of three teenage girls and a daughter of General Harry Meeting who used Dr. Edna Perdue's old research in order to continue her father's operation.

She was voiced by Cherry Jones.

Her Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Though she had a tragedy of her family having financial troubles after Dr. Edna Perdue hid her research from her father, it was mostly General Harry Meeting's fault since he was the one who took the credit of the creation of SCOOBI project, so it clearly doesn't justify the murder of several teenagers at her hands.
  • While it is possible she may have cared for her father before, it was later subverted after her family is financially struggled, even she called him incompetent and failure for this.
  • She only married William Jones in order to keep her status, which later gaining control of Jones Gentlemen Accessories alongside her husband.
  • She only saw her son Fred as a pawn to her as she tried to mold him into a better businessman, but his immaturity and incompetence only gets in her way of her plans.
  • Purchased the former house of Dr. Edna Perdue just to recover her research.
  • After caught Diya Dinkley in the basement of her mansion, she hypnotized her into rebuilding the lab in order to put the plan in motion. She also hid her inside the underground lair, which become responsible for her disappearance for years.
  • When Velma discovered her mother's disappearance, she immediately hypnotized her into blaming herself for her disappearance, which causing her to receive hallucinations for years.
  • She murdered three popular girls from Crystal Cove High, but the first two were to frame Velma while the last one is to freeing her son Fred from the jail. However, she only help Fred escape from jail out of pragmatism and to keep her image.
  • During the Fog Fest, she went to attack people at the carnival. One of the people she attacked were Velma, Daphne, Fred, Norville, and even Gigi.
  • Kidnapped her son Fred and puts her inside the underground lair where the brains of three popular girls were.
  • Hypnotized Diya into confessing her "murders" of several teenagers, thus framing her and gotten her arrested as result.
  • Though she help Daphne and Fred restore their popularity at school, she only does this to make Daphne become an intern of Jones Gentlemen Accessories and to swap her and Fred's brains.
  • After Velma exposed her as the serial killer behind the murder of several teenagers, she attempt to swap her and Fred's brains out of spite.
  • She hypnotized her husband William for discovering her true nature and intentions.
  • Though she seems to have admitted her remorse to Fred, it's clearly because she was afraid when she's being confronted by Fred, not to mention she's also pathetically apologized for her actions and claimed that her actions were result of being possessed by ghost of Dr. Edna Perdue, tricked him into dropped the guard down and allowed her to take the gun.
  • Held her son Fred hostage and attempt to kill both Velma and Daphne by shoot them with a gun she stole from him before she got crushed to death by a spike.
  • Even after her death, her actions are still giving Velma, Fred and Norville impact on their lives, as Velma assumed that she somehow survived from her death, Fred began to hate Norville and blames him for her death, while Norville became traumatized as he kept on receiving hallucinations of him killing Victoria.
  • She began to haunt Norville as a ghost.

What Prevents Her from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Despite the fact that she's still generally played seriously throughout the series, she does have comedic moments that detract from her villainy, even when it comes to her son Fred and also her comedic death where to the point of Velma twerking at her corpse.

External Links[]


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Television Shows
Brad Chiles and Judy Reeves | Ghost Clown | Lighthouse Keeper | Professor Pericles | Snow Ghost | Victoria Jones

Animated Films
Katz | Sarah Ravencroft | Shannon Lucas

Live Action Films
Evil Masked Figure | Tar Monster

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Animated Features
Ruber | Sarah Ravencroft | Sinestro | Ultraman | Kludd | Nyra | Wonder Woman | Aquaman | Future Mr. Ross | Hunter | Trigon | Katz | Hal Jordan | Lulu

Live-Action Features
DC Extended Universe
Zod | The Enchantress | Incubus | Ares | Doctor Poison | Kalypso

The Thing | Chief Cicatriz | Angel Eyes | Alex DeLarge | Billy | Karl Stromberg | Toecutter | Ray Parkins | Mama Fratelli | Junior | Peter McAllister | Jack Joshua | Prince Humperdinck | Count Rugen | Jimmy Conway | Tommy DeVito | Annie Wilkes | Buffalo Bill | Jack Travis | Penguin | Byron Hadley | Two-Face | Waingro | Adam Styler | Henry Addison | Dr. Jason Woodrue | Poison Ivy | Agent Smith | Evil Masked Figure | Tar Monster | Agamemnon | Bo Sinclair | Anthony Lilliman | Lex Luthor | Mrs. Lenz | Xerxes | Antonin Dolohov | Amycus and Alecto Carrow | Bellatrix Lestrange | Beadle Bamford | Steven Wilkins | Mr. Kreeg | Jason Voorhees | Fenrir Greyback | Esther Coleman | Talia al Ghul | Bane | Leopold II | Angelique Bouchard | Witch-king of Angmar | Sadie Cunningham | King Vortigern | Keicho Nijimura | Alvin Marsh | Nolan Sorrento | Shere Khan | Rose the Hat | Walter Simmons | Johnny Boy Soprano | Lyutsifer Safin | Carmine Falcone

Animated Television
DC Animated Universe
Scarecrow | Sewer King | Professor Milo | Thoth Khepera | Firefly | Arkady Duvall | Farmer Brown | Aresia | Unity | President Luthor | Paran Dul | General Wade Eiling | Doctor Moon | Devil Ray

Adventure Time
Earl of Lemongrab | Stag | Orgalorg | Patience St. Pim | Uncle Gumbald | Warren Ampersand

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Esidisi | Kars | Daniel J. D'Arby | Keicho Nijimura | Yoshikage Kira | Prosciutto | Ungalo

Nemesis | Derek Powers | Zander | Dr. Harley Street | Ci-Kat-A Queen | Traag | Demongo | Dr. Goyu | Chase Young | Mr. Freeze | Black Mask | Clay Puppington | General Grievous | Grand Moff Tarkin | Cad Bane | Admiral Trench | Osi Sobeck | Morley | Equinox | Klarion | Doom Ma Geddon | Quillgin | Natalia | Internet | Joker | Donatello Versus | Ra's al Ghul | Victoria Jones

Live-Action Television
Prometheus | Dante | Stanley Dover | The Thinker | Cicada II | Bloodwork | Non | Lex Luthor | Neron | Dark Arrow | Overgirl | Bruce Wayne

Game of Thrones
Roose Bolton | Balon Greyjoy | Tywin Lannister | Meryn Trant | Polliver | Janos Slynt | Rast

Ogre | Robert Greenwood | Theo Galavan | Eduardo Flamingo | Jervis Tetch | Ra's Al Ghul | Nyssa al Ghul

Overlook Hotel | Johnny Boy Soprano | The Greek | Phil Leotardo | Azazel | White Dragon

Video Games
Alvaro D'Alvade | Claus Strandberg | Reza Zaydan | Craig Black | Brother Akram | Bradley Paine | Carl Ingram | Robert Knox | Dmitri Federov | Roman Khabko | Helen West

Superman | Joker (Injustice Universe | Main Universe) | Wonder Woman | Gorilla Grodd

Telltale Batman
Lady Arkham | Penguin | Thomas Wayne | Two-Face | Hamilton Hill | Riddler | Harley Quinn

Joker | Lex Luthor | Victor Zsasz | Brainiac


See Also
A Song of Ice and Fire Near Pure Evils | Amblin Entertainment Near Pure Evils | Arrowverse Near Pure Evils | Adventure Time Near Pure Evils | Batman Near Pure Evils | Cartoon Network Near Pure Evils | Castle Rock Entertainment Near Pure Evils | DC Animated Universe Near Pure Evils | DC Extended Universe Near Pure Evils | DreamWorks Near Pure Evils | Godzilla Near Pure Evils | Gotham Near Pure Evils | Injustice Near Pure Evils | Legendary Entertainment Near Pure Evils | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Near Pure Evils | Mortal Kombat Near Pure Evils | Regular Show Near Pure Evils | Scooby-Doo Near Pure Evils | Star Wars Near Pure Evils | Stephen King Near Pure Evils | Superman Near Pure Evils | Tim Burton Near Pure Evils
