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Near Pure Evil Wiki
NPE Rejected

Turning the entire world into babies would have terrible results. Does he not realize this?

Okay... Time for one I am slightly iffy on. So... Let's discuss.

What's the Work?[]

The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald was a six episode animated series that essentially served as a marketing promo for Mcdonald's (obviously). It stars Ronald as he and his friends go on various adventures. For this proposal, we are focusing on the fourth episode "Birthday World". In this episode, it's Ronald's birthday, and he gets tickets to an amusement park run by an evil scientist.

Who is Pinchworm? What Does He Do?[]

It's Ronald McDonald's birthday, even everybody has a birthday present for his surprise party! Well... except for Hamburglar, who had forgotten about the birthday party. Ashamed, Hamburglar worried he would be able to get a present in time and feels he let Ronald down. Unknown to him, a creep by the name of Professor Thaddeus J. Pinchworm was listening in on him and saw him as the perfect person to take advantage of in his goal of world conquest. Presenting himself as friendly man, he tells Hamburglar of a place called Birthday World, and he gives the crook some free tickets for the occasion which Hamburglar happily accepts as such an expensive park would be a wonderful birthday gift for Ronald.

So the McDonald gang go to Birthday world and they find... it actually kinda sucks. The rides are either broken, cheap, or just plain unrideable. Pinchworm then instructs them of the feature ride to try that won't leave them disappointed. So they do, and... yeah, the park is a trap. The gang is restrained into the roller coaster as Pinchworm reveals his true intentions of wanting to take over the world, having lured the gang in to serve as his test subjects for a laser. A laser that turns anybody it zaps into toddlers. The test is successful as the gang are now babies. There is one detail Pinchworm overlooked though. When he made them younger, they were able to slip through the restraints. Realizing his "test toddlers" as he calls them escaped, he awakens a robot dog of his named Cogster and sends him to fetch Ronald and the gang.

Of course, Ronald thinks quickly and tricks the dog into bringing a metal bone back instead. Angered by this, Pinchworm attempts to capture the gang himself, even saying things to get them to come to him due to their childlike mentality. Of course, Ronald is the only one who maintains his maturity and keeps Pinchworm from capturing anybody... until the gang attempt to hide in a place that had a sign that said "Ronald and friends, hide here" which Hamburglar saw (meaning Pinchworm took advantage of the fact that toddlers are dumb). Even Ronald, upon finding out how Hambuglar found such a hiding spot, realized they had fallen into another of Pinchworm's traps. It is there that Pinchworm reveals the full extent of his plan. The gang were mere test subject, but his full goal is to turn everybody in the world except himself into toddlers on the claim that as the only adult, he would rule. He even built a giant laser to pull it off. And to ensure the gang doesn't interfere, he further manipulates their child minds into walking deeper into the trap with toys, leaving Ronald to go and save everybody.

After saving his friends, the gang make their way to Pinchworm's lab before the mad scientist can throw the big switch and de-age the entire world. Of course, the gang do what they can to keep Pinchworm distracted before he has a chance to throw the switch and zap the planet. After subduing Pinchworm, they are quick to shut the ray off... only for Franklin and Tika to play with the buttons and reactivate it, giving Pinchworm enough time to recover and cage them all except for Hamburglar who is the only one left to save the day, using a Ronald toy to jam the machine and make it go hayware, exploding and turning the gang back to normal. Meanwhile Pinchworm ends up de-aged by his machine. Crying over his defeat, he reactivates Cogster in one last effort of vengeance, but the robot dog only views him as a dog treat due to the way he now looks and chases him off.


Two preventions. First is the fact that he does effectively rely on fridge horror. Yes, turning the entire world into toddlers is horrible and can effectively lead to the end of the world, and as one youtube comment I read pointed out, could potentially kill those who are already infant via death by deaging or even kill the unborn... however, these details are not heavily explored. At most, Pinchworm states he would be the only one in the world able to do various things due to being the only adult on the planet, but nothing in detail of how aware he is of the catastrophic consequences his actions would entail exactly.

The other prevention, and this is the reason I am iffy here, is comedy. He does have quite a few comedic moments that detract from how serious he is. Such moments include forgetting that de-aging the Mcdonald gang would allow them to slip free of the restraints he had them in, getting chased by a bush brought to life by Ronald, and even being deaged by his own cannon and chased away by his own robot dog. The humor behind Pinchworm is definitely too much for him to be PE, but is it too much for him to be NPE? That is the question.

Does He At Least Pass Baseline?[]

While he is very much reliant on fridge horror that keeps him from being considered full on heinous, the concept of turning the entire world into toddlers is still pretty serious and dangerous, and it is shown to affect those zapped both physically and mentally given how childish the gang (except for Ronald for some reason) act with Franklin and Tika especially being shown to have been reduced to the minds of babies. I'd say that is enough to say that he is at least beyond general baseline. Really, it's the humor that has me concerned.


For this one... I'm giving him a slight maybe.