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Near Pure Evil Wiki
Near Pure Evil Wiki
NPE Approved
Leland Barnes
Dennis Trope

I usually explain in paragraphs but since I addressed their mitigating factors, there is no reason to explain everything as every debated quality is already addressed. The original Law & order doesn’t have many Near Pure Evils or Pure evils, and in fact, there are only three. So, today, we will bring up the only NPE characters from this franchise who are not rapists.

What’s the Work[]

Law and Order is a 1900 police procedural TV show focusing on the New York City City Police Department homicide detectives. The first candidate is from season 16 and the other is from season 10

Who are Dennis Trope and Leland Barnes?[]

Leland Barnes is the main antagonist of the Law & Order season 16 episode "Criminal Law". He is a domestic abuser who eventually freaked out and shot up his workplace where he killed his wife and 3 workers. When some of the workers survive, he orders his son, Harlan, to kill the survivors, also directly causing the lives of two Silvia Rossi's that were mistaken for the real target.

Dennis Trope is the main antagonist of the Law & Order season 10 episode "Gunshow". He is a misogynistic paramedic who after years of abuse by his father and neglect by his mother, decided to commit an act of terrorism where he shoots 27 female medical students in a park with a modified semi-automatic pistol, 15 fatally.

Heinous standard[]

  • Leland may seem less heinous than Trope, but he is still a solid count. Barnes abused his wife repeatedly in his marriage and later murdered her and 3 other workers. The ones that survived were killed after Barnes forced his son, Harlan Barnes, to murder them. Unfortunately for two other Silvia Rossi’s, they were mistaken for the real target, and they were murdered. Leon Whittaker was one of the targets and he was himself killed along with his wife. Harlan directly kills his cellmate to frame it as a suicide and he is indirectly responsible for Harlan being imprisoned for life and his younger son being imprisoned but not for life. With his crimes of domestic abuse, uxoricide, mass murder, serial proxy murder by manipulating his son, and ruining both of his son's lives, he should pass the baseline of this absurd heinous standard. This is a side note, he was once proposed as CM and got several upvotes, this is NOT AN ARGUMENT, but this just shows that he is pretty bad.
  • Trope is a solid candidate since he is a mass murderer, but these types of villains are unfortunately common in this world. What makes Denis just barely pass is that, out of every mass murderer who either has loads of resources, military training or marksmanship, guns like an assault rifle, pawns to do the crimes, and bombs/fire making, Trope just has a modified pistol and he still claims 15 victims and injures exactly one dozen one in a singular minute. Not to mention, Trope targets specifically females compared to most mass murderers who have no discrimination. People like John Nelson target dozens of Asians, but he only claims 7 victims compared to 15.

Mitigating Factors[]

  • Leland, unlike Trope, has no mitigating factors to be seen: an abuser even before he killed 4 people, a master manipulator who got his son to kill the survivors, no remorse for the lives that were not the target and even threw his son under the bus. No discussion is needed.
  • At a young age, Trope was abused by his father and when his father died, he was still abused, not physically, but instead by the neglect of his mother. Due to this trauma, he grew to hate all women; another thing that contributed to who he is today is that the stress and anxiety of being a paramedic forced him to go on leave and his boss was also a female, breaking his ego. This seems major, but a question that needs to be answered is why he targeted women and not men despite his father abusing him and his mother. Well, it is because his boss was a woman. At this point in his life, his tragedy isn't big enough to make him sympathetic, more just petty. There is a weird scene when Ed Green asks Dennis why he killed those women while acting like a misogynist and Trope starts bawling his eyes out. When we are on trial, all of this possible insecurity is thrown out of the window, and he adopts a smug sadist attitude.

Heinous standard[]

  • Leland may seem less heinous than Trope, but he is still a solid count. Barnes abused his wife repeatedly in his marriage and later murdered her and 3 other workers. The ones that survived were killed after Barnes forced his son, Harlan Barnes, to murder them. Unfortunately for two other Silvia Rossi’s, they were mistaken for the real target, and they were murdered. Leon Whittaker was one of the targets and he was himself killed along with his wife. Harlan directly kills his cellmate to frame it as a suicide and he is indirectly responsible for Harlan being imprisoned for life and his younger son being imprisoned but not for life. With his crimes of domestic abuse, uxoricide, mass murder, serial proxy murder by manipulating his son, and ruining both of his son's lives, he should pass the baseline of this absurd heinous standard. This is a side note, he was once proposed as CM and got several upvotes, this is NOT AN ARGUMENT, but this just shows that he is pretty bad.
  • Trope is a solid candidate since he is a mass murderer, but these types of villains are unfortunately common in this world. What makes Denis just barely pass is that, out of every mass murderer who either has loads of resources, military training or marksmanship, guns like an assault rifle, pawns to do the crimes, and bombs/fire making, Trope just has a modified pistol and he still claims 15 victims and injures exactly one dozen one in a singular minute. Not to mention, Trope targets specifically females compared to most mass murderers who have no discrimination. People like John Nelson target dozens of Asians, but he only claims 7 victims compared to 15.

What have they done?[]

Dennis Trope[]

  • While he does have a backstory in which his father and his mother abused him and neglected him because of this, this isn't as major at first glance due to the reasoning for him hating women coming out of egotism that his boss was a female, females were more successful than him, and because they innocently suggested he become a nurse.
  • Because of the thing mentioned above, he stole the identity of an elderly dead neighbor and bought a Rolf 9mm, a gun purposefully made to be easily adjusted, and turned it into an automatic, with it, he went to a park full of females and shot 15 of them fatally and 12 non-fatally.
  • His misogynism is so big that when Ed Green says that he will be executed for his crimes, he breaks down and admits to the massacre, even bawling his eyes because of it.
  • Despite going to jail for 15 years, he ultimately gets off easy due to his testimony that Rolf Firearms made their guns too easy to change, the CEO is charged for the mass murder while he is only charged for a year for each murder.

Leland Barnes[]

  • He abused his wife for several years and because he could no longer deal with her, he attacked her workplace and shot her and 3 other coworkers dead. In addition to his domestic abuse, he also had no care for his two sons, Robert and Harlan.
  • Ordered his cellmate Anton Garfield to give instructions to kill every single witness involved in the mass shooting to his son Harlan.
  • He later killed Garfield by strangulation and made it look like a suicide.
  • In total, he claims the lives of 7 people. two being actual survivors, one being the wife of victim Leon Whitaker, two of them being Sylvia Rossi’s who was mistaken for the real one, and the last being the brother of the third Sylvia. Along with this, one of the survivors, Elaine Bowman was almost killed but Harlan was stopped before it could happen.
  • Taunts Jack McCoy, the prosecutor involved in his trial, on how he knows nothing about the murders committed against the witnesses.
  • Because he manipulated his son into the killings, he is the reason why Harlan is ultimately imprisoned for life and why he attempted to strangle Joe Fontana
  • Intimidates the sole survivor of the hits, Elaine Bowman, into not telling the truth to the court and committing perjury.
  • If not for his other son Robert shooting him dead outside of the courthouse and being prosecuted for Patricide, he would have been a possible karma Houdini

Yes, for both