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Near Pure Evil Wiki
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Season 3 of this show might come out in a few months but so far, Voit only has two preventions which are pretty minor, and he show no signs of redemption or affability, and not to mention, he might be dead

Episode-Thumbnail 16x03

What's the work?[]

Criminal Minds: Evolution is the 16th season of the famous and sometimes infamous serial killer/Murderer show, in season 16 almost everything revolves around Elias Voit and his serial killer network. Season 17 is about Frank Church and the gold stars.

Who is he?[]

Elias Jasper Voit, born Lee Duval and also known as Sicarius, is the main antagonist of the Paramount+ series Criminal Minds: Evolution, the sequel to the original Criminal Minds series on CBS. He is the leader of a cult of serial killers who have been operating since the COVID-19 pandemic.

He was portrayed by Zach Gilford,

What has he done?[]

  • Before the story he killed his mom and dad in a fire he caused, although it's unknown if it was an accident or not
  • With his serial killer and rapist uncle, Cyrus Lebrun, he assisted him with some unknown crimes of disposing with bodies and watching out for police investigations.
    • While his uncle deserved to die, there was still no reason for him to kill him with IV poisoning years later, only doing it out of revenge than remorse.
  • Over several years, he killed at least 56 people in INSANELY brutal ways, it was said that he killed almost every victim differently. This ranged from slashing, strangulation, burning, acid, acid live dismemberment, forcing victims to hang themselves, and forcing spiders down victims' throats until their insides were mutilated.
    • He even had a girlfriend named Allison which he abused in their relationship and eventually murdered by forcing her to commit suicide.
  • To get money and fulfill his sadism, he manipulated psychopaths with a serial killing network, assisting dozens of sadists in torturing, murdering, and even raping victims.
    • He planted several kill kits around the country and forced them to follow rules such as paying money, making them kill in secondary locations, killing victims in a time which will stop them from being caught, and forcing them to commit suicide to keep association with his online alias hidden
      • The most notable of these was of Benjamin Reeves, the senator's son, Voit gave him a sharp mouthpiece that he would use for his cannibalistic torture, all in exchange for money. He also planned to use him as blame later in the future.
        • Reeves raped and tortured Sandra Hart, Claire Durham, and Rose Clark, attempted to kill Jessica Sawyer with a gun, and finally, ripped off his mother's face while Elias pointed a gun at her.
  • After the death of Rory Gilcrest (who killed the Delany parents and kidnapped Chrissy Delany and her brother), he committed suicide on the rules of Elias and several to other associates killed themselves as well
  • Forced Robert Harris (who killed Steve Duncan) to kill himself after he targeted someone that he held a grudge against.
  • Planted bombs in his Georgia storm shelter so that it would destroy all evidence and kill Jennifer Jareau and/or Luke Alvez
    • In the meantime, he abducted a German shepherd and tortured it until it became a killing machine, using it to kill Brandon Jones and killing the dog when it was no longer useful
  • Kidnapped Ramona Havener and confessed his crimes so he could train how to say it to his family and tried to get Kiel to kill Ramona when she didn't listen.
  • Knocked David Rossi out and held him hostage, when Tyler, the brother of Allison confronted him, he told him about how he threatened her infant son and how she said to say "I love you" to her baby before her death, but its then revealed a lie and Voit says "Just kidding, she died crying like a little bitch" shooting Tyler in the shoulder several times and almost killing him.
  • For the second time, he kidnapped Rossi and forced the BAU and FBI to watch him stuck in one of his many containers while he broadcasted it.
  • He held his family hostage at gunpoint and got into a shootout where he murdered Doug Bailey with a bullet to the head and hit William LaMontagne in the chest.
  • In prison, his daughter Holly starts cutting herself and she tries to kill Voit by stabbing him with a pen.
  • Repeatedly taunts Luke Alvez and other BAU members with threats, talk about their friends and families, and sneakily hiding information about the Gold Stars.
    • He knew all along that Pete Bailey, Doug Bailey's son, was one of them and knowing he blamed Emily Prentiss for Doug's death, practically assisting in her kidnapping

Mitigating Factors[]

His tragic backstory is something I want to note, now, its mentioned that he got his family killed in a house fire, but it's not clear if it was on purpose, which I think people need to know to talk about how he grew up. Cyrus Lebrun was a serial killer and arms dealer, he started to abuse Elias by trapping him in a closet, only sliding small amounts of food under the door and killing animals and bringing them to Elias to make him enjoy violence. Eventually he was recruited by Cyrus to help with dumping the bodies, watching police investigations, and helping the police to act like a well-intentioned citizen, he also read books from profiler David Rossi to understand his uncle's crimes, this grew his obsession with David. When Maria Jones begged for Voit to let her go, he listened but Cyrus took the knife back from her and stabbed her dead, Cyrus got mad at Voit and Voit strangled him until near death but spared him. Later, he leaves with his suitcase and gets a relationship with his soon to be wife, Sydney, whom he loved but also hanged out with because she was abused and was easy to manipulate. The main argument I see that shows he isn't tragic is "he commits crimes too evil to be tragic" when he leaves Cyrus, he proclaims that he doesn't want to be like him, meaning he was clearly affected. Later in the future meeting him, Cyrus is ecstatic knowing Voit is the serial killer on television, and Lee tells Cyrus that he hates him for what he does and how he fakes being like an innocent person, Cyrus also says he can't run away from blood. So, it does seem that he is affected by what happened and Cyrus is kind of the reason he starts freaking out and hurting his family.

He loves his family; he always stopped his killings to hang out with her and when she gives birth to a child, after the shootout with the BAU and murder of Doug Bailey, he does try to shoot his wife but his gone was empty, he finally gives up Rossi when his wife tells him to do it, so it's just anger when he tried killing her. As mentioned in the "What has he done" he kidnaps a woman and practices his speech when confessing to his family, but he is unable to say it in actual confrontation. Finally, he is worried that his children will be like him and accepts a deal which will help his family when he is gone.

Heinous Standard[]

There is no problem with him passing, 56 people killed in insanely brutal ways, including live mutilation? There is someone like Vincent Perrota who killed around 100 people in also brutal ways, but Elias makes up for it in making a serial killing network, assisting in serial murder, mass murder, torture, mutilation, rape, familicide, and many others. Its unique enough and he has less resources to someone like Frank Church in season 2 (Who is an easy Pure Evil), not mentioning personal villainy which he has one of the highest even to John Curtis or Cat Adams, which makes up for any argument that he might barely fail without. he has at least 70 murders, and I'm not even counting the fact he forced his allies to commit suicide as well.

What prevents him from being Pure Evil[]

  • Despite his viscous crimes, he is arguably tragic, while he did kill his father and mother in a fire he caused, not only is not unknown if he did it on purpose or accident, but he also didn't deserve to be abused by his uncle, Cyrus Lebrun, a arms dealer and serial killer/rapist
    • Starting off he was forced into a closet for months and only got food on certain occasions and animals were killed in his presence and he grew up full of violence. Eventually he was forced to assist in dumping bodies and helping police to throw them off, one time, Maria Jones, begged for her life and he let her escape, only for her to be killed by Cyrus, he was berated and then got into a scuffle where he won, but he spared him and left, trying to live a normal life. Meeting him years later, Cyrus was shown to be insanely happy knowing he was the serial killer mentioned on TV, not taking any responsibility for turning his nephew into what he is now.
  • He cares for his family as he at several times stops his heinous actions for their benefit of his loved ones:
    • Stopped planting kill kits across the state and killing victims to hang out with them and pay attention to his children or when a new baby was born.
    • Goes as far to kidnap a woman to practice confessing his crimes to his family but not being able to in a final conformation.
    • Is appalled that his children will become like him after his daughter tried stabbing him.


dont care, just vote, I think yes