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Near Pure Evil Wiki
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Tighten has declared this article is to be renamed to
"Uka Uka (Old Timeline)" for the following reasons:
To distinguish him from his new continuity counterpart
"It's Tighten, not Hal!"

NOTE: This article is specifically about Uka Uka on his original continuity and not of his It's About Time incarnation as the latter fails the standards.

Crash Bandicoot, for the last time! Give the crystals to me!
~ Uka Uka in Crash Bandicoot: Warped.
There is nowhere to hide from the wrath of the mighty Uka Uka! (maniacal laughter)
~ Uka Uka in the bad ending of Crash Bash.

Uka Uka is the overarching antagonist of the Crash Bandicoot franchise. He is Aku Aku's evil younger twin brother and arch-nemesis, and the master of Dr. Neo Cortex, whom he has aligned himself with to dominate the entire universe.

In Crash Bandicoot: Warped up to Crash Nitro Kart, he was voiced by Clancy Brown, who also played Byron Hadley in The Shawshank Redemption, President Luthor in Justice League, Mr. Freeze in The Batman, Long Feng in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Yakone in The Legend of Korra and Gunmar in Tales of Arcadia. In Crash Twinsanity and Skylanders: Imaginators, he was voiced by Alex Fernandez. In the games starting with Crash of the Titans, he was voiced by John DiMaggio.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

In General[]

  • Unlike his brother, who is good and kind-hearted, Uka Uka is a diabolical and manipulative being who views himself as superior and the strongest, and deserves to rule (or outright destroy) the world for himself.
  • He is a terrible boss to his minions, as he yells at them whenever they fail him.
  • While he had sometimes teams up with Crash and Aku Aku, and opposed to other villains in the series, such as Nitros Oxide, Victor, Velo and even Cortex in Mind Over Mutant, he isn't On & Off, since it's only because they're in the way of his conquest and for pragmatism, and still shows no remorse for his past actions.
  • Although he had some humiliating moments in the series, such as being fought and pulled by Baby Cortex and Baby Tropy, being frozen for 3 years, being easily defeated by the Evil Twins and being tortured and humiliated by Cortex in Mind Over Mutant, they didn't are portrayed out of sympathy, and he deserves it for everything he has done.
  • Aku Aku mentions that he once gives socks to their mother on her birthday despite her not having feet.

Mainline Games[]

  • He's the one who ordered Cortex to collect the crystals and gems for his conquest, indirectly responsible for the events of the first two games.
  • While he spares from punishing Cortex in Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped, even though he failed him twice, it's because he could be useful to his plans (as he indirectly freed Uka Uka from prison), and it's shown in the games that he has no problem wanting to kill Neo for hate
  • He recruited Dr. Nefarious Tropy to create the Time Twister, which will allow them to collect the Crystals from their original placements in time and space.
  • As Crash hinders his plans, Uka Uka threatened that he would torture Crash and the entire universe with great suffering for a thousand years, threatening them put in a potential fate worse than death.
  • Although he criticizes Crash and Coco for defeating Tropy in Warped, because of how dangerous Time Twisted is without his control, it is more for pragmatism, as it is a threat that could be against him and his plans rather than a genuine concern for the world
  • He and Cortex try to kill Crash and Aku Aku in the final battle of Warped.
  • In The Wrath of Cortex, he revives Elementals to wreak havoc on the world, fully knowing how dangerous they are. He also had them empowering Crunch Bandicoot to kill Crash.
  • After Cortex's defeat in the true ending of The Wrath of Cortex, Uka Uka tried to hit him with an energy attack out of anger, and when Cortex dodged, which destroyed the space station's cables, Uka Uka still blamed him for having dodged, and after Cortex took them to an "emergency exit", which took them to Antarctica, Uka Uka angrily chased him giving energy attacks
  • Even when being freed by Crash and Cortex in Twinsanity from an ice wall, Uka Uka still tried to kill them both after awakening.
  • He offered to hand Cortex over to the Evil Twins, to see if they could calm down and stop to trying destroying the world, even though he knew they would kill him (although given the Evil Twins' risk of destruction, and the fact that Cortex had some role in their past, this may seem understandable)
  • Despite appearing to have been moved by Cortex's speech, as he was a father to Crash and encouraged him that they could both defeat the Evil Twins, not only was it temporary, but he still continued to dislike and despise Crash and Cortex.

Titans Duology[]

  • In Crash of the Titans, he teaches Cortex a new process called "Mojo mutations", which uses a magical substance known as Mojo to mutate any living creature into a loyal minion of Cortex. After Cortex failed to defeat Crash, he had his niece Nina to take over the operation due to her competence.
  • He had Cortex (later Nina) to create a giant robot named The Doominator to destroy the Wumpa Islands, which would kill all the inhabitants in it, and take over the world.
  • Although he seems to respect Nina as he puts her in charge of his plans and praises her, this is pretty much because she is more competent than her uncle rather than genuine respect.
  • He became interested in Cortex and Brio's N.V. plan, only going against it after they betrayed him.

Spin-Off Games[]

  • In Crash Bash, he had his team of evil minions trying to win a contest against Aku Aku. In the bad ending, he succeeds in winning and getting the crystals, presumably ruling the world forever.
  • While he seems to be nice towards Cortex and his minions in Crash Team Racing and Crash Nitro Kart, giving them tips and tricks to win the races, even protecting them and putting them back on tracks, it's mostly out of pragmatism, since he is seen berating them in any other games.
  • He orders Cortex and N Tropy to make their own plans to take over the world and defeat Crash in The Huge Adventure and Crash 2 N-Tranced respectively, which makes him indirectly responsible for Cortex shrinking the Earth, and for Tropy to have N-Tranced brainwash Coco and Crunch (and accidentally Fake Crash) and try to do the same to the Original Crash. and at the end of N-Tranced, he hints at a possible future plan and a "real adversary" for Crash to face

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Despite being taken seriously in most of the games, he still has some detracting comedic moments, such as protesting the Evil Twins' plan to destroy the world on the ground that it's his job, waiting for the background music to end and being strapped to a cow-shaped milking machine and fed cake by Cortex.
  • He suffers some Fridge Horror, due to his thousand years suffering not being declared how horrible it would be, and the destruction with the Doominator is not explicit with potential deaths.


  • Only the original Crash Bandicoot continuity version of Uka Uka counts as Near Pure Evil, while his new timeline counterpart from Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time doesn't because the new timeline only takes the first three original Crash Bandicoot games as canon, which makes Uka Uka fail the Heinous Standards to Dr. Nefarious Tropy and his female variant.

Externals Links[]


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