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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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When you first came here, I thought maybe you were a leader. But now I see that you have other priorities. Real leaders separate, they cleave themselves off from everyone else because the things that real leaders do... most people just don't have the stomach for it. But the ones that do? They're the real threats.
~ The Warden sizing up Negan and explaining his view on leadership.

The Warden is a supporting antagonist in season 11 of AMC's The Walking Dead. He is the sadistic ward of the concentration camps at the Commonwealth and abuses the prisoners and the guards alike.

He was portrayed by Michael Weaver.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He leads the concentration camps at the Commonwealth and abuses the prisoners and troops there, not even letting them address each other by name.
  • When 3 prisoners try to escape, he has them shot to death.
    • It is later revealed that 11 other people suffered the same fates.
  • He tries to have Negan betray the survivors and threatens to kill his wife Annie if he doesn't, knowing full well that she's pregnant.
  • His abuse is apparently so bad that a man killed himself to avoid the torture or deaths of his family.
  • He was willing to hurt children, since he attempted that the soldiers execute Annie, knowing that she was pregnant and also, he had Hershel tied in a chair with a soldier yelling at him to stay quiet when Hershel was pleading for help, and if it weren't for the arrival of Carol and Maggie, it might be possible that the guard had done something bad to Hershel.
  • He attempts to have Negan killed via firing squad and when he sees Negan happy to martyr himself, he tries to have Annie killed to just to spite him.
  • When all the prisoners decide to save Annie and Negan and stand in front of them, he orders all of them to be killed as well.
    • He also denies Ezekiel's attempt at peace as well, not even acknowledging the offer.
  • After his men betray him, the Warden holds Kelly hostage and tries to kill her.
  • In his final moments, he sadistically mocks Rosita as she begs for him to reveal the location of her daughter.
  • While one could argue him as an Extremist as he said that the labor the prisoners will help good people, it's pretty clear that the good people he is talking about, are the corrupt members of the commonwealth, mainly Lance Hornsby and Pamela Milton.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He fails the High Heinous Standards of the series, as characters like Alpha, Beta, and Owen all have less resources, yet they do more damage. However, he still stands out for his sadistic rule of the concentration camps and willingness to hurt a pregnant woman.

External Links[]


            Walking Dead Near Pure Evils

Comic Universe
The Walking Dead
The Governor | Chris | Alpha | Beta

Telltale Series
Danny St. John | Andrew St. John | Randall

Television Universe
The Walking Dead
Andrew | The Governor | Joe | Dan | Gareth | Owen | Alpha | Dante | Pope | Sebastian Milton | Pamela Milton | Lance Hornsby | The Warden

B.J. | Joe

Fear the Walking Dead
Marco Rodriguez | Theodore Maddox | Virginia

Tales of The Walking Dead
