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Near Pure Evil Wiki


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Come closer. Fear not, for though you are already dead, I still have need of you.
~ The One Who Waits giving the Lamb another chance after the latter's death.
He was unalike the rest of his kin. While others dealt with flux; chaos, famine, pestilence, war. Things in which their constancy must transpose. And yet he was the inevitable; the obstinate and irresistible. The one who waits. Truly peculiar, 'twould then seem, has appetency to invite the novel and the new, break ancient vow and primordial bond alike. Traditions stagnate and appetites augment, nonetheless. Doubt tears faith asunder.
~ Haro talking about The One Who Waits.
Bonds of familial duty, turned instead to chains. Most voracious of appetites, curbed and contained. Most infectious of ideas cut of and cauterised before given chance to rot and spread. Cruel, verily. Alas, what other recourse was given? How does one kill Death? ... Alas. One cannot.
~ Haro talking about The One Who Waits' imprisonment.

Narinder, better known as The One Who Waits, is one of the main antagonists of the 2022 roguelike action-adventure game Cult of the Lamb. Formerly one of the Bishops of the Old Faith, The One Who Waits was sealed away after betraying his siblings. To obtain his revenge and freedom, he gave his crown to the Lamb.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Since he once was a Bishop of the Old Faith, it's likely that his rule over the cult was just as cruel as his siblings'.
  • It's implied that he and his siblings killed the other deities that used to inhabit the Lands of the Old Faith.
  • He betrayed his siblings and when they sealed him away he mutilated each of them. To be precise, he:
  • He raised Forneus's children to be his servants, not caring for them in the slightest, which is shown with him not being bothered when the Lamb kills them nor caring what happens to them if the Lamb brings them back to life.
  • He had various people form cults in his name and sent them against the Bishops of the Old Faith, with all of them (with the exception of Ratau and the Lamb) dying.
  • He shows no care or respect for Ratau, considering him weak and congratulating with the Lamb if they sacrifice him to the Red Fox.
  • He encourages the Lamb to manipulate and sacrifice their followers.
  • It's likely that he was the one to trap his siblings in a state between life and death where they have to relive their final moments of agony since Kallamar was afraid to die and be sent to him and he's the God of Death,
  • He ultimately betrays the Lamb, deciding to sacrifice them and their followers in the end (and succeeds in doing so in one end, killing the Lamb in an extremely brutal way and smiling evilly as he does so). In doing so, he kills the last sheep alive, technically making him complicit in genocide.
  • If the Lamb decides to rebel against them, he first attempts to have them killed by Baal and Aym and then attempts to kill them himself.
    • He also threatens to give the Lamb a fate worse than death, saying that once he will have slaughtered them, their pain will not end.
  • Despite the game's high Heinous Standards, he manages to stand out because he's effectively working on lower resources due to being trapped for most of the game and thus being unable to use his full power.
  • Although he's eventually converted to the Lamb's cult, this isn't a redemption since the cult is morally grey at best and Leshy still shows some arrogance and hostility towards the Lamb.
    • While he can do good things like getting lovers or giving compliments to the Lamb, these are just default actions all followers have, thus making them nothing more than something for gameplay purposes.
  • While it's never revealed how he exactly intends to rule over the Lands of the Old Faith, it's made clear that it's not anything good.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Some of his unique quotes as a follower show that he has grown some genuine respect for the Lamb.
    • This respect is even further proven in the "Unholy Alliance" update, Where after helping the Bishops ease their pain and getting their artifacts, Narinder will approach the lamb and expresses gratitude for easing their pain, gifting the Lamb his artifact as a thanks for their effort.
  • He has some genuine care for Shamura and seemingly regrets what he did to them. He also seems to hold no grudge against his siblings, with him stating that he won't bore the Lamb with speeches of who betrayed who, and that the world has already moved on.

External Links[]


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Heket | Kallamar | Leshy | Shamura | The One Who Waits
