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Near Pure Evil Wiki

Evan: What do you want?
~ The Catfish before assimilating Evan Sparks.

The Catfish is the main antagonist of Alex Bale's horror short CATFISH. An enigmatic creature, the Catfish manipulates people on dating sites under the guise of being one of its previous victims, before assimilating into a hive mind it made.

It was played by Lexi McCain when using her as a host, and the late Evan Sparks when using him as a host.

It's Evil Ranking[]

What Makes It Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Prior to the short, it already had assimilated seven people, including Lexi McCain.
  • It began manipulating Evan Sparks on a dating site under the guise of being Lexi McCain and asked him to meet up with it.
  • When Evan caught onto it's true nature and saw the previous hosts standing in the shadows, it assimilated Evan and used him as a host too.
  • At the end of the short, it called Alex Bale while using Evan as a host and asked him to pick it up from Lexi's house to assimilate him too. Afterwards, it uses Evan to smile to Lexi, both it's hosts.
  • While a mysterious creature, there's no implication it has agency issues.
  • While enigmatic, it is clearly characterized via speaking through Lexi as a manipulative and cruel monster that seemingly enjoys what it does if the smile at the end is anything to go off.

What Prevents It from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • It's ultimately unclear if the process of assimilation is painful or if the people it assimilates die. While it's definitely played for horror, the short's short run time and Evan's assimilation being off-screen make it rely on Fridge Horror.


  • It is one of two Alex Bale Near Pure Evils, alongside The Pizza Man.