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Near Pure Evil Wiki

Tarakudo is a major antagonist of Jackie Chan Adventures, serving as the main antagonist of the fourth season. He is a malevolent oni, an ogre-like demon of Japanese mythology, who seeks to rule over the world with his nine generals.

He was voiced by the late Miguel Ferrer.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Once he plunged the world into complete darkness together with his nine generals, each of whom ruled his own tribe of Shadow Khan. His reign of terror ended when his generals were trapped in masks, which were then scattered around the world.
  • After Daolon Wong accidentally awakens Tarakudo, the latter leads the Dark Hand and Hak Foo out of prison to help him find the masks and plunge the world into darkness again.
  • When the Dark Hand refuse to help him, he threatens to crush them with a steel barrel if they don't join him.
  • Demonstrates his hatred of good magic.
  • After catching Jade (who is still a child), he ordered her dog Scruffy, who turned into a demon, to eat her, while sadistically mocking her.
  • When Jade was able to remove the mask from Scruffy, Tarakudo got angry and was going to hit Jade with his magic, but accidentally hits Scruffy, seriously injuring him and showing no remorse for it.
  • He locked Ratso and Chow in fake coffins for missing the mask, and forced them to stay there all day.
  • Sadistically mocked Jackie Chan, putting a pumpkin on him and going to bury him in a pumpkin patch.
  • Ordered Shadowkhan to eat Chow's shadow, thereby subjecting him to eternal oblivion just to demonstrate these abilities to Hak Foo.
  • When all the masks are collected in the vault of Sector 13, they all break, freeing the Oni generals who leave this place, and each spreads in a certain direction to plunge the world into darkness. Jackie, Jade, Uncle, and Tohru, along with El Toro and Viper, decide to fight the generals, but end up being captured by Tarakudo and Ikazuki, his right-hand man.
  • Tarakudo notices the confusion and tries to kill the heroes, so Uncle begins to prepare a potion so that Tarakudo can wear a mask.
  • Having received a humanoid form, Tarakudo fights with all of them hand-to-hand and defeats them. When he tries to take the mask from Jackie, he notices that Jackie is not holding it before Jade jumps off his back and puts the mask on his face, causing Tarakudo, his generals and the entire Shadow Khan to be sucked into it, trapped inside the mask forever.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He treats each of his generals with the greatest respect and honors them when they successfully complete their tasks. Also, when General Ikazuki was caught on Finn from behind, he showed real compassion for the general.
  • While frqeuently annoyed by the Dark Hand goons and occasionally using threats to keep them loyal, unlike Shendu and Daolon Wong before him, Tarakudo is never outright cruel or overly-punishing towards them. Tarakudo mostly just scolds the Dark Hand for their incompetence and is genuine about inviting them to share the power of the Oni Masks.
  • Whenever someone is wearing an Oni Mask, Tarakudo mostly just teaches and encourages the user to summon the Shadowkhan, never relying on brute force or manipulation to get them to rely on the masks' powers and largely allows the mask users to act on their own.

External Links[]
