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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Steven Wilkins is the main antagonist of the 2007 horror comedy film Trick 'r Treat. He is known as a local principal who is secretly a serial killer who kills various people he decides to seemingly for the thrill of it.

He was portrayed by Dylan Baker.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • When he spots Charlie stealing candy, he puts on an affable façade and tricks him into eating candy that he poisoned with cyanide, causing him to die a painful death where he coughs up blood a lot and vomits before dying.
  • While trying to bury Charlie's corpse in a hole with a body bag, it is revealed that he attempted to kill another child (with the sound the body in the bag made confirming it) and put him in a body bag, preparing to bury them both.
  • While trying to do so, when the child whom he thought to have murdered in the body bag begins moving and making noises, he proceeds to rather brutally kill it by ramming the shovel onto its head before burying both of the bodies completely.
  • It is implied through the dialogue he gives mimicking his son after burying the bodies that he might have killed his own wife. While this relies on fridge horror, it's worth mentioning since it would make him worse than he already is if true.
  • It's revealed that he cut off Charlie's head and used it as a "pumpkin" to decorate with his knife with his son, indicating that he may inspire his son to be a serial killer like him.
  • At a party, while dressed in a costume with a black mask and hood and vampire teeth, he pretends to date a woman before proceeding to kill her by stabbing her with his sharp teeth, causing her to bleed to death at a party, putting her dead body on a sidewalk and closing her eyes to make it look like she's asleep to get away with it.
  • He then proceeds to stalk a teenage girl named Laurie whom he intends to kill in the woods, unaware that she is a werewolf in disguise and makes his attempt to kill her by cornering her against a tree and sticking his fake sharp teeth into her throat to try to kill her only for her to turn the tables on him by capturing him and bringing him to the ritual place her sister and friends are having where she proceeds to kill have sex with him and kill him.
  • While other villains in the movie manage to get higher body counts, he stands out for a fair lack of resources with said villains having higher advantages due to either supernatural powers like the vampires or Sam or easier access to people due to their materials like Mr. Kreeg who had the job of a bus driver, though Wilkins also sticks out from him for being more direct and more brutal in some of his murders (and his attempted murder) than him.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He cares for his son, displaying affection towards him by spending some time with him carving Charlie's head (which is reminiscent of carving pumpkins to them) and showing him how as their way of celebrating Halloween.
  • He has comedic moments, such as sucking a lollipop after killing Charlie, children screaming at blood on his shirt when he answers the door only to believe that it's fake, and the scene where he tries burying two bodies in his backyard only for his son to look out the window and talk out loud while asking questions with Steven telling him to be quiet.


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See Also
A Song of Ice and Fire Near Pure Evils | Amblin Entertainment Near Pure Evils | Arrowverse Near Pure Evils | Adventure Time Near Pure Evils | Batman Near Pure Evils | Cartoon Network Near Pure Evils | Castle Rock Entertainment Near Pure Evils | DC Animated Universe Near Pure Evils | DC Extended Universe Near Pure Evils | DreamWorks Near Pure Evils | Godzilla Near Pure Evils | Gotham Near Pure Evils | Injustice Near Pure Evils | Legendary Entertainment Near Pure Evils | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Near Pure Evils | Mortal Kombat Near Pure Evils | Regular Show Near Pure Evils | Scooby-Doo Near Pure Evils | Star Wars Near Pure Evils | Stephen King Near Pure Evils | Superman Near Pure Evils | Tim Burton Near Pure Evils
