Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Steven Stoughton, later known as S!3V3N, is the titular main antagonist of the Pokémon: Strangled Creepypasta series, acting as the main villainous protagonist of Strangled Red, the main antagonist of Strangled... and Doors Open, and one of the two overarching antagonists of Lost Silver (alongside The Unown King).

He was once an introverted, shy, but caring Pokémon trainer who's ace, and favorite Pokémon, was his beloved Miki. After a tragic accident, with Miki's life ending via a botched trade, he went on to become an insane, murderous, and obsessive maniac who would stop at nothing to get his Miki back.

He was created by Shadowmalerenamon on DeviantArt.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

In General[]

  • Although he started off as an introverted teenager who loved his CHARIZARD Miki, he progressively got worse, showing how obsessed he was with his beloved Pokémon.

Strangled Red[]

  • After Steven was grieving due to his failed trade, he went and obtained a MissingNo.
  • He went on to strangle and murder his brother, Mike. Although Mike was indirectly responsible for his Miki’s death, he was just a kid, as such, he didn’t know Miki would die.


  • When he revived his Miki with MissingNo, she was in immense pain, seen by its strangled and mangled sprite and noises, but despite this, he showed no care at all.
  • If a player went to his house in the secret final scene, he went on to murder the player and all of their Pokémon.

Doors Open[]

  • If a player was not prepared for the fight, he murdered all of the player's Pokémon.
  • After winning the battle, he caved the floor in.

Lost Silver[]

  • While he did not appear in Lost Silver, he was directly responsible for Gold’s torment, as he was the one to drop him into the hellhole.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He was genuinely insane due to his obsession for his beloved Miki.
  • He genuinely loved his CHARIZARD Miki, even if it’s in a twisted way, as he would genuinely do anything to get her back. While this doesn't justify his actions it's still played for sympathy.


  • He is currently the only Pokémon Near Pure Evil to come from a Creepypasta, and vice versa.
    • Due to the fact Pokémon Creepypastas are usually shock value or lack any real character, Steven is possibly the only Pokémon Creepypasta villain to ever be Near Pure Evil.

External links[]


           Creepypasta Near Pure Evils

Story Creepypastas
Isaac Grossman | Mr. Widemouth | Pastel Man | Mr. Grossman | Jeff The Killer (Richardson and Arkensaw Routes) | Bloody Painter | Rosie | Bobby Fields

Series Based On Creepypasta
The Operator | Alex Kralie

Fanon Creepypasta
Xenophanes (MaimyMayo) | Fatal Error | Sonic.EXE | Exeller | Mr. Virtual | 3X3 | Steven | Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Factory) | Rarity (Rarity's New Patterns)

           Pokemon Near Pure Evils

Main games
Cyrus | Ghetsis
Spin-off games
Ardos | Dark Matter | Roger Clifford

Iron-Masked Marauder | Zero | Xerosic | Lysandre

Fan Works
Professor Cypress | Darkrai | Gengar (Bad Things Will Happen) | Steven | UnChloe | Chansilla

See Also
Fire Emblem Near Pure Evils | Mario Near Pure Evils | Nintendo Near Pure Evils
