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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Well, thanks for providing some entertainment, Hunter. But the show's over.
~ Spider before he shoots Hunter

Spider is the main antagonist of the Dead Rising 3 DLC Chaos Rising. He is a member of the biker gang "The Kings Of Chaos" who felt like he deserved to be in a higher position of power so he framed Hunter Thibodeaux for a crime he didn't commit and kicked the previous leader Torque out of the gang. Unfortunately for him this would start a chain of events that would lead to his death.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Before the events of the DLC, he helped the Kings of Chaos massacre a quarantine zone so they could take it over and turn it into their base.
  • Feeling unsatisfied with his current position, he framed Hunter for a crime he didn't commit and kicked Torque out of the gang due to his lust for power.
  • Although not made clear in scope, the crime was likely egregiously heinous and it’s also implied Spider did it himself.
  • Even in his moments of persuasive fake politeness, he still takes any opportunity to mock and goad Hunter.
  • He is proud of being a dangerously evil mutilator and wears it like a badge of honor, with full intent having the word ‘BAD’ tattooed on his chest.
  • When Hunter finally reunited with him after breaking out of prison, Spider expected him to go out of his way to retrieve him some of his favorite whiskey before he would even consider discussing matters.
    • After Hunter returns with the whiskey requested by Spider, he openly states he didn’t expect Hunter to survive. Spider states this in a condescending way which both shows how little he thinks of him and displays his extensive egotism. He also steals any other liquor Hunter recovered to have for himself, indirectly preventing him from further healing himself when he recovers from the near-fatal injury.
  • He shows no care for his own men, as he pits them against Hunter in an arena fight knowing Hunter would easily kill them just for his entertainment and then seemingly kills Hunter anyway despite saying if he won, he would tell him about what happened to Torque.
  • He kills Torque to hit Hunter where he knew it would hurt after realizing he was still alive by brutally gutting Torque and leaving him to bleed out in the most horrible way imaginable so he would die slowly and Hunter would have to witness it. He then threatens Hunter to do the same to him during their fight, even bragging that he “doesn’t have a heart”.
    • Spider also further goads Hunter in regards to his boss, even telling him outright he from his own view he “can’t see what Torque ever saw in him.”
  • After Hunter kills his captains, he only sees it as more competition to kill Hunter himself, ultimately only caring that he retains his position as leader of the gang.
  • Unlike many Dead Rising psychopaths, he lacks a Freudian Excuse and is aware of his evil nature as he takes pride in Hunter calling him out for killing Torque and was aware that framing Hunter and kicking Torque out of the gang was wrong, but didn't care anyway.
  • In addition to his unappealing and brazenly narcissistic personality, he lacks any redeeming qualities that other psychopaths tend to have and he shows no remorse for his heinous crimes.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He fails the Heinous Standards to Albert Contiello, who was an organ harvester even before the outbreak and had a higher body count with far more brutal methods, and he fails to Hunter himself who killed more then Spider did and he also fails to Jo Slade who had a higher torture count, along with being a rapist, but this is a small prevention regarding Hunter as he still was a deeply personal villain towards Hunter.

External Links[]


           Dead Rising LogoNear Pure Evils

Dead Rising
Brock Mason | Sean Keanan

Dead Rising 2
Raymond Sullivan

Dead Rising 2: Case West
Harjit Singh

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
Brandon Whittaker | Stacey Forsythe

Dead Rising 3
Hunter Thibodeaux | Sgt. Hilde Schmittendorf | Dylan Fuentes | Spider
