Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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The one thing worse than death is to avert your eyes from it. Look straight at the people you kill. Don't take your eyes off them for a second. And don't ever forget them, because I promise that they won't forget you.
~ Kimblee to Hawkeye and Mustang.
Ah... what a beautiful sound. It doesn't get any better than that. I can feel it deep in my bones, like a part of me I never noticed before. That sound is an extension of my being. And this land - this land that's governed by death - I will paint it red with this shard of destruction.
~ Kimblee destroying Ishval.

Solf J. Kimblee ( ゾルフ・J・キンブリー) is a major antagonist of the fantasy manga series, Fullmetal Alchemist, and its 2009 anime adaptation, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

Kimblee, also known as the Crimson Lotus Alchemist (紅蓮の錬金術師) was one of the state alchemists and Amestrian mlitary officer. He serves as the agent of the homunculi and helps them achieve the Father's goal. Kimblee is also a veteran of the Ishvalan War and a war criminal with a twisted morals and psychopathic tendencies. He's the arch-enemy of Scar and Alphonse Elric.

He was voiced by Hiroyuki Yoshino in the Japanese version, and Eric Vale in the English dubbed version.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • As one of the state alchemists during the Ishval Civil War, he was enthusiastic about carried mass destruction and the mass murder of civilians. In addition, he was one of the few soldiers who did not find the conflict traumatic and genuinely enjoyed doing his work of bringing death.
  • He fatally injured Scar and his brother.
  • When his superiors demand the stone back, Kimblee refuses and kills them all, keeping stone for himself.
  • When he was imprisoned, he showed no guilt and was very proud of his actions in Ishval.
  • After being released from prison by the Homunculi, he starts working for them and begins hunting Scar.
  • Despite being perfectly aware of the Homunculi's end goal and the millions of deaths it would cause, he acts completely indifferent to it; in his words, he aids them to be able to see which side - humans or Homunculi - will prevail once a conflict between them erupts.
  • In Baschool he generates a tremendous explosion, which causes Edward Elric to be impaled on a metallic pole and abandons his two chimeras Darius and Heinkel in a collapsing mine.
  • He initiates bloodshed of Drachma soldiers at Briggs to complete Father's Nationwide Transmutation Circle.
  • He rescues Pride from the dome and severely wounding Heinkel.
  • He was never truly loyal to his country or homunculi.
  • While he does help Edward defeat Pride, this decision was not motivated by remorse or a genuine will to help, but rather by Kimblee's twisted worldview code.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He is affable and respects toward people who stick to their beliefs, even if he may not agree with them. This shows that he has a some kind of honorable side. For example, during his fight with Alphonse, he was very curious about Al's point of view, which caused him to temporarily stop fighting and start debating with him. He also seemed to accept Edward’s choice to spare Pride’s life despite having every reason to want revenge after being consumed. He even tipped his hat to Ed as a final gesture of goodwill.
  • Despite the many people he's killed, he appears to have a twisted respect for the fallen, as he makes sure to remember the faces of everyone he kills, remembering the specific city and district of where he killed Scar's brother and family as well as the severity of the wound he inflicted on Scar's brother. He even tells Roy to never look away when taking lives and remember the people he would kill, because they would never forget him.
  • He has standards against people who contradict their principles, as shown when he chose to prevent Pride from accessing Edward’s body out of disgust towards Pride for desiring to use a human vessel despite previously going out of his way to illustrate how worthless they are to him.


  • While the manga and 2009 anime version of Kimblee is Near Pure Evil, his 2003 anime version is Pure Evil due to lacking his counterpart's code of honor or helping Ed defeat Pride, only living to cause explosions and make people suffer.

External Links[]


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Envy | Solf J. Kimblee | King of Xerxes
