Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki


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I smell death!
~ Sol Regem's most famous quote every time he senses the smell of dark magic.
Give up dark magic, or I will reduce you to ash!
~ Sol Regem threatening Ziard and his city Elarion.

Anak Arow, better known as Sol Regem, is one of the overarching antagonists (alongside the Startouch Elf Council) in Netflix's The Dragon Prince franchise.

He is an ancient and powerful Sun Archdragon with a deep hatred of humanity, whom he considered to be lesser beings. He was the original King of the Dragons for two hundred years until he became blinded by Ziard. He is later revealed to be one of the catalysts behind the villainy of the Fallen Startouch Elf Aaravos.

He is voiced by Adrian Hough.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him to Being Pure Evil?[]

In General/Background[]

  • He has a deep hatred against humanity. When they began developing dark magic, his hatred grew even more as they are poaching for innocent magical creatures acquired for dark magic.
    • Speaking of magical creatures, he does not display any genuine care for them as proved that he is willing to kill Zym and Rayla purely for being associates to Callum, as well as helping Karim in attempt in slaughtering the sunfire elves.
    • Furthermore, the first Dark Mages were acted out of desperation rather then malice (Humanity Struggled during Sol Regem's leadership). However Sol Regem didn't seem to care about that. If Sol Regem addressed humanity’s struggles, Ziard would've surrendered the staff.
  • After learning that Leola had taught her human friend magic, he reported this to the Great Ones, leading her to be executed.
    • This caused her father Aaravos to fall into villainy and became a threat to the entire world.
  • He demanded Ziard to give up dark magic despite knowing humans would struggle to survive without them.
  • When Ziard refused, he flew his way to burn Elarion to ashes. Ziard responded by using his dark magic to stop Sol Regem from destroying the city. Sol Regem flew back and killed him, but not without becoming blinded by Ziard.
    • Despite becoming blind, he flew to Elarion and destroy and kill most of the civilians, leaving only a few survivors thanks to Aaravos.
  • At one point, he accidently buried his mate, Aithne Solair, alive during his fit of rage.

Book Three: Sun[]

  • When he understood Rayla was with a human, he told her that if Callum didn't die by his claws, he would kill him, Rayla and Zym.
  • While he was willing to listen to Rayla's words about Callum's loyalty and heroism to the Dragon Prince, this goes out of the window when he smelled "death" inside Callum, learning that he used dark magic once.
  • Because of this, he attempted to kill Callum, Rayla, and Zym, despite knowing they are all children, with Zym being especially a baby.

Book Five: Ocean[]

  • He tried to kill Karim and Pharos when they tried to convince him to help them in bringing an end to the union between humans and elves, only not doing so due to being too depressed.

Book Six: Stars[]

  • He threatens to kill Karim for disturbing his sleep, even though Karim wasn't being rude towards him.
  • While he did not end up slaughtering Janai's army as Karim wanted to, his rider Pharos (who was being possessed by Aaravos) led him in destroying Katolis, Callum and Ezran's home.
  • He is responsible for Viren's death as he sacrificed his own heart to use dark magic to protect his people from Sol Regem's fire.
  • While he was initially unaware of the death and destruction he inflicted on Katolis until Aaravos revealed to Sol Regem that he had been manipulating him this whole time, Sol Regem expressed no remorse for his actions.
    • His destruction of Katolis posthumously caused Ezran to begin to lose himself into hatred, and only stopped after the archdragons' sacrifice to stop Aaravos where he understood how far he had lost himself to hate.
  • After Aaravos taunted him about his mate's death, in the fit of rage, he attempted to kill Aaravos by eating him, only to have eaten Pharos instead, leading to him to be choked to death.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Right before his death, it is revealed that he genuinely loved his former mate, Aithne Solair, as he was devastated when he learned about Aithne's fate and how he was the one who caused her death. This was the one time Sol Regem expressed any regret or guilt over anything he had done.

External Links[]


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See Also
13 Reasons Why | 20th Century Studios | Amblin Entertainment | Buena Vista International | Disney | DreamWorks | IGA | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure | Jurassic Park | Lucasfilm | Marvel Cinematic Universe | Nickelodeon | Paramount | Sony Pictures | Star Wars | Tales of Arcadia | Universal Studios | Warner Bros.
