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Near Pure Evil Wiki


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Five becomes four becomes three becomes two becomes one becomes nothing.
~ A sentence often repeated by Shamura.
Shamura, for your wisdom we make this offering. Knower of all, in you we seek the answer.
~ A follower of Shamura as they prepare to sacrifice someone to them.
Shamura, now smited. Since time immemorial has their presence weighed heavy upon the beasts within. Their worshippers doth be well versed in the art of war-making. Prithee, move with care. Sharp teeth doth not equate to quick death.
~ Haro to the Lamb if they return to Silk Cradle after Shamura has been killed.
Shamura and I did not barter much. In truth, they needed little from me. Truly, 'twas shame what became of them.
~ The Mystic Seller after the Lamb defeats Shamura a second time.

Shamura is the overarching antagonist of the 2022 roguelike action-adventure game Cult of the Lamb. They are a Bishop of the Old Faith, the ruler of Silk Cradle and the Deity of Knowledge and War, as well as the one responsible for the genocide of all of the lambs.

Their Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Them Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Alongside their siblings, they control the cruel cult of the Old Faith and had their followers sacrifice countless people to them.
  • The bishops clearly don't care about their followers, having them commit suicide to empower themselves and not caring that their transformation accidentally kills even more.
    • It's also clear that their rule over them overall isn't beneficial.
  • It's implied that they and their siblings killed the other deities that used to inhabit the Lands of the Old Faith.
  • Alongside Leshy, Heket and Kallamar, they chained away their brother Narinder, turning him into The One Who Waits. While The One Who Waits definitely isn't a good person, Shamura doesn't seem to have trapped him out of good intentions but simply because he was a threat to their and the other Bishops' power.
  • While them sacrificing Baal and Aym was done with good intentions, it doesn't change that they've taken two children away from their mother and killed them.
  • Alongside their siblings, they killed all the predecessors of Ratau.
  • Organizing an almost complete and successful genocide on all of the lambs in the Lands of the Old Faith, thus driving all of them to near-extinction, leaving the Lamb the last of his kind.
  • When a prophecy foretold the demise of the Bishops and the reawakening of The One Who Waits, they and their siblings killed all the lambs in the Lands of the Old Faith to try and prevent it.
  • When the Lamb is revealed to still be alive, Shamura attempts to kill them.
  • They brainwash some of the Lamb's followers in the attempt of having them kill their leader.
  • As an undead, they attempt to kill the Lamb once more.
  • While they're eventually converted to the Lamb's cult, this isn't a redemption since the cult is morally grey at best and Shamura barely seems to realize they've joined at all.
    • While they can do things like getting lovers or giving compliments to the Lamb, these are just default actions all followers have, thus making them nothing more than something for gameplay purposes.

What Prevents Them from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • They fail the Heinous Standards when compared to Heket (who gives her victims a fate worse than death with the same resources as Shamura).
  • They are slightly sympathetic due to their head injury since it has driven them insane and caused them to continuously forget things.
    • They are further played for sympathy in the Unholy Alliance update, Where they reminisce about how they used to hold councils with the other Bishops and they show remorse for how things turned out, which is played for sympathy.
  • They are shown to be rather affable when interacting with the Lamb, respecting them, and speaking about the bishop's past.
    • This is further shown in the Unholy Alliance update where they express gratitude for seeing their realm and easing their pain, They also explain the history and backstory for the lands of the old faith.
  • They deeply care for The One Who Waits, regretting having introduced him to the ideas that caused him to turn against the other Bishops and having chained him away. They even sacrificed Baal and Aym to him so that he wouldn't be alone and accepted their fate as undead as a punishment for their actions.

External Links[]


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Heket | Kallamar | Leshy | Shamura | The One Who Waits
