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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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It's understandable, people get scared, they're as like to turn to God as anything else. God died with the gold standard. We're on to more concrete faith now. You have to rob Paul to pay Peter, there is no other way. Murder in it's simplest form, but what happens when all the money is gone? Well, money becomes a matter of faith. And that's what I'm here for: to make you...believe.
~ Rick Trager's twisted philosophy.

Doctor Richard "Rick" Trager is a major antagonist in the 2013 survival horror video game Outlast, a posthumous antagonist in the DLC Outlast: Whistleblower, and a major antagonist in The Murkoff Account. he is also the archenemy of Miles Upshur.

He was voiced by Alex Ivanovici.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He raped an IT specialist named Michelle and got her pregnant, forcing her to either get an abortion or get fired from her job.
  • He tried to drug Pauline and potentially rape her as well.
  • When he found out Michelle denounced him to Murkoff's police, he called her and Pauline "lying bitches", which implies that he is a misogynist and also a hypocrite.
  • He stabbed Michelle in the stomach multiple times, aware of her pregnancy, and resisted his arrest, causing him to accidentally get his hair caught in a shredder.
  • He has kidnapped several variants throughout Mount Massive Asylum, slowly torturing and mutilating them before killing them.
  • While other variants seem to have a higher kill count, multiple severed body parts can be found around Trager's lair, which means he would probably cut his victims into pieces before or after he killed them.
  • He tricks Miles into climbing into a dumbwaiter while he being chased by variants and then restrains him in a wheelchair.
  • He takes Miles to the exit and jokingly tells him he can go. But since Miles can't move because of the wheelchair, Trager mocks him by saying that he "doesn't want to leave" and takes him back to the elevator.
  • He cuts off Miles' fingers with his intention to sell them, and would have done the same with his testicles and tongue if he hadn't escaped.
  • If Miles hides and doesn't get spotted, he will kill a restrained former Murkoff executive by impaling him with his shears while being faux affable towards him for sadism.
  • If he finds Miles after he escaped the wheelchair, he will chase him and try to kill him.
  • Whilst chasing Miles, he says he should have cut his feet first, which is probably another thing he does to his victims to prevent them from leaving.
  • While he used to be a friend of Jeremy Blaire, he doesn't seem to care about him anymore, and Blaire was an awful person as well, heavily implying their supposed friendship was built on mutual sadism.
  • Despite having some comedic lines, it doesn't distract him from his villainy at all: the more he talks, the more he is heinous.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He has moral agency issues due to being put through the Morphogenic Engine like the rest of Murkoff's patients, although he was already a horrible person before then so it's only a minor prevention.

External Links[]


  • Trager is by the closest Outlast near pure evil to being pure evil


           Outorg Near Pure Evils

Murkoff Corporation
Rudolf Wernicke | Hendrick Joliet Easterman

Richard Trager | Eddie Gluskin
