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“ | Without villains, there are no heroes. | „ |
~ His famous quote. |
Red Tuguim is the secondary antagonist of Minecraft Utopia: Season 1 and a minor antagonist in Minecraft Utopia: Season 2.
He is the evil side of Tuguim who was awakened after discovering that Ralls used him and tried to frame him as a shape-shifting alien, along with his trauma from his previous adventures before ending up in the Utopia Universe. When Tuguim tried to return for the city after calming down, he hijacked the control from the real Tuguim's body and decided to destroy the city.
His Evil Ranking[]
What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]
In General[]
- While the villains from both seasons had their share of awful actions, he stands out due to his low resources, even more so in the second season due to not even having his missiles anymore.
- He is indirectly responsible for Tuguim having memory issues and PTSD.
Utopia: Season 1[]
- He hijacked the control of the body from Tuguim after his counterpart decided to not become evil.
- Immediately after that, he decides to build explosive missiles to be able to destroy the city, even testing one by blowing up a savanna.
- He extort Ralls by forcing him to give away his money and wallet so he can use it to but TNTs to use on his missiles and gain his forgiveness (which it isn't being true since he still despises Ralls). While Ralls was an awful boss and a hypocritical anarchist, he at this point was atoning for his sins and wanted to make amends with everyone, and while theft and robbery is common is this series, extortion is something completely new at this point.
- He decided to land the newly finished missile on the city hall, only being stopped when LG spotted him and the real Tuguim forced him to land the photo of the missile.
- After he was arrested by LGGJ, he declares that he will murder everyone one by one before blowing up Utopia.
- When he was unconscious due to blood loss, he sadistically tortured the real (Green) Tuguim inside their mind with his sword and missiles, nearly killing him. When he was losing to him, Red Tuguim used an illusion of Tuguim's lost friend Phantom to lower his guard and stab him to win.
- When Apuh revealed that an alien ship was above Utopia and ready to blow the city up, like what it did to Apuh and LG's bases. He decided to not help them, making him guilty of being an accomplice by inaction should the ship have managed to destroy the city.
- He manipulated Dlet by claiming that the real Tuguim was the evil one, so he build a machine to separate both of them. He did that so he could do his plans unopposed without him interfering.
- He claimed to a comatose Ralls that he will murder him in this state after murdering everyone.
- He permanently murdered Biel in cold blood by claiming that he hurt innocents due to his weapons business. (The series was set into Hardcore after the locker was opened, thus his death is permanent). However, this makes him a hypocrite since he built missiles of mass destruction to destroy the city and injured the NPCs from the jail, with the detective landing in the hospital.
- After that, he gloated to LGGJ about it and claimed that he wanted to initiate his plan after defeating him. This forced LG to kill him using a gun, something that he would never do. Showing how utterly heinous he is.
- After he was defeated and killed, he never showed any remorse for anything he did while talking with his green (Real) counterpart. The true (Green) Tuguim was extracted from him thanks by Dlet's machine while the Red one died.
Utopia: Season 2[]
- After he was revived though Tuguim's clone, he broke the growing amethyst shard from Pedrux's lab and despite Pedrux's pleas, he ran away from the laboratory with the key.
- He killed Phantom and Tuguim when the duo tried to escape him and their deaths would have been permanently if Purple Phantom didn't rewind time.
- Its revealed that he knocked Ralls unconscious and stole the armors from his store, with this action putting the real Tuguim on the prison due to the recording.
- When Lggj went to his coffee shop to see his employee, he stabbed in on his back, killing him. He only survived due to the Dark Lichen from his version of Topcraft.
- Attempted to murder Pedrux, mistaking him as Tuguim when he was disguised as him to prove his innocence. Even after discovering he was actually Pedrux, he still tried to murder him, subverting his possible gratitude to him.
- While he agreed to join the Dark PSI organization, he took it over by becoming the new leader, even killing a vampire minion from Dark Ralls, not even following their plans of blowing up specific building of Utopia. This made Dark Foka research to find a way to either kill or control him after seeing how evil and deranged he really.
- He hijacked the television network, announcing his plans of destroying Utopia again despite knowing it wasn't the same one he knew, he then prompted Tuguim to face him alone on the public garage.
- His actions drove Tuguim nearly insane, with him getting his deserved death by his counterpart.
- In the alternate timeline where Tuguim won the elections, he took advantage of the chaotic and destructive rule of his counterpart to kill everyone in the prison, eventually killing his killing his counterpart and causing Phantom to die in a car crash while chasing him.
What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]
- He is made of evil, meaning that he doesn't have a Moral Agency of his own and is naturally aligned to evil. But considering that he has a personality of his own and can be superficially nice and manipulative, this is a minor prevention.
- Pedrux discovered Tuguim has a unique property of tyrbing Red after being pushed too far, further proving he is made of evil.
External Links[]
- Red Tuguim on the Hate Sink Wiki
- Red Tuguim on the Villains Fanon Wiki
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