Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue.

I DID LOVE YOU! I tried so hard for you! I taught you everything I knew, in hopes you would pass your test! You had it in you, kid! I knew… I knew what they did here. Ever since I worked my way up here, got promoted to Director, all thanks to your urging. I learned a lot about this place. Why do you think I pushed you so hard to train? Got so mad when you skipped practice? How do you… [...] I tried, alright! It was up to you to save yourself! You didn’t just fail yourself. You didn’t just fail Cloudsdale. You failed me! You failed me! And that’s the worst thing you could have done. You aren’t just dead to Cloudsdale. You’re dead to me!
~ Rainbow Dash yelling at Scootaloo and blaming her for failing her test
Any final words, you miserable worthless wh-re of a foal?
~ Rainbow Dash before "killing" Scootaloo

Rainbow Dash is the main antagonist of the Rainbow Factory series, serving as the overarching antagonist of Rainbow Factory, the main antagonist of Pegasus Device, the unseen overarching antagonist of Pegasus Device: Reckoning, and the main villainous protagonist of The Weather Worker's Song and Rainbow's Factory.

She is revealed to be the upper rainbow factory's main executive, being mainly responsible for what happens to "failures", which would include Scootaloo, Aurora Dawn and Orion.

Her Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Overall, she follows the misogynistic rule of the other factory workers and the past leaders of the factory's time, where she allows her own kind to be killed due to them being considered "failures", which also included her own friend, Fluttershy (who was one of the only two to be spared from the factories' grasp, even though she was left unaware of what could've happened to her).
  • She is primarily responsible for the Rainbow Factory's torturous methods and murders (atleast in her time as executive), including that of Scootaloo, Aurora, and Orion, as well as the kills of the other fillies, such as the female filly who had died when she attempted to run away. In Pegasus Device, it's revealed that she had not only run the factory, but made it more efficient, costing the lives of more and more fillies, with Gauge stating that she was the most dedicated and devoted to the factory.
    • Along with that, given the kills in Rainbow's Factory are from the original story redone in her POV, she had shown herself to completely enjoy the screams and found every last inch of bloodshed exhilarating.
  • She takes sadistic joy out of what she does, as she lets out several laughs as she explains the horribly brutal fates of the fillies.
  • Rainbow Dash yells at Scootaloo (after the latter rightfully calls out her out for everything they had been through), telling Scootaloo that she was dead to both Cloudsdale and herself, then, as Orion comforts Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash sadistically tells the guards that since Scootaloo "ruined her", she decides to have Orion be killed first as a way to spite Scootaloo.
    • Furthering this fact, Rainbow's Factory showed RD had hated Orion from the start, even before the Rainbow Factory took place, so she had not only killed him just for spite for Scootaloo, but for Orion as well.
  • In Rainbow's Factory, it's revealed that she was going to have Scootaloo killed last before the rebellion had occured, just because of her own disappointment.
  • After Scootaloo starts a rebellion and every filly flies away, Rainbow Dash yells for the guards to kill her specifically.
  • Rainbow Dash would kill almost every filly in Scootaloo's rebellion, brutally tearing them to pieces, including Aurora Dawn, who she would violently rip her wing off before throwing her into the Pegasus Device.
  • Once Scootaloo herself is cornered, Rainbow Dash tells the workers that she wants to kill the former herself, and to simply catch her. In Pegasus Device, it is revealed she assumed she had succeeded in killing Scootaloo
  • The Rainbow Factory had run without incident for 20 years after the events of the original, meaning Rainbow Dash, indirectly or directly, killed many more pairs of fillies.
  • Slowly, Rainbow Dash gets more and more frustrated with her co-workers and would lash out at them and become verbally abusive toward them.
  • She was indirectly responsible for Contrail losing his sanity due to him fulfilling her plan, which prevented any incident/rebellion like the one Scootaloo had caused.
  • Rainbow Dash would not only blame Dr. Atmosphere for Corona and Cloud Clover fleeing but would threaten him both physically and verbally.
  • Much like during the incident with Scootaloo, she would tell the workers she wants to kill Cloud Clover and Corona herself.
  • It is revealed that fillies that can't produce spectra for the device, such as Inversion, are dropped into a boiling vat and supply the Pegasus Device's generator, which means it's highly likely Rainbow Dash came up with it
  • Rainbow Dash would corrupt Gentle (one of the only hesitant workers) that what the factory was doing was right, which would drive her insane.
  • During the final confrontation between her, Cloud Clover and Corona, her view on harmony had been revealed to be completely skewed, putting herself before others and laughing in whats dangerous.
  • Rainbow Dash would attempt to kill Cloud Clover and Corona, along with Dr. Atmosphere, and almost succeeded into throwing them into the device, and would've if Scootaloo hadn't interfered.
  • The ending implies that she had narrowly avoided execution/imprisonment simply at the cost of the Pegasus Device, which she only allowed because "its sacrifice would mean she could continue to protect and grow her beloved corporation.", meaning she felt no remorse for the primary actions, and her avoiding of execution basically means she got away scot-free.
  • While presumably dead in the sequel, Pegasus Device: Reckoning, she is posthumously responsible for both Gentle and Dr. Atmosphere's actions in the story.

What Prevents Her from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Rainbow Dash was revealed to have genuinely cared about Scootaloo, as she had screamed at Scootaloo that the former made sure she had done everything (teaching Scootaloo everything Dash had known, encouraging her, giving her several tricks and tips, the majority being explored in Rainbow's Factory) so the latter wouldn't end up failing and dying at the factory, showing she genuinely wanted to exempt Scootaloo from her fate (having been visibly shaken up when she found out Scootaloo had failed), and when Scootaloo had killed herself at the end of Pegasus Device, Rainbow Dash was genuinely distraught and even felt some level of remorse.
    • She had also genuinely cared for Dr. Atmosphere, even if she had verbally abusive toward him.
  • It's made clear by the end of Rainbow's Factory that Rainbow Dash had lost her mind, seeing Scootaloo as two different ponies: Her sister, and the monster that had failed her test.

External Link[]


  • This is the first Rainbow Dash to be Near Pure Evil.


           My Little Pony franchise logo Near Pure Evils

Friendship is Magic
TV Show
Queen Chrysalis | King Sombra

Rabia | The Smooze

My Little Pony: The Movie: Storm King

Cozy Glow (Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake) | Discord (DISCORD Kinetic Typography Adaptation) | Discord (Scootertrix) | Queen Chrysalis (Daughter of Discord) | Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Factory) | Princess Celestia (Princess) | Rarity (Rarity's New Patterns)
