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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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I live, now I will have my revenge on Umbrella, and the world will burn in an inferno of hate!
~ Queen Leech before mutating to fight Rebecca and Billy, also his last words

Queen Leech is the main antagonist of Resident Evil 0.

He was a leech James Marcus was experimenting on before his death, which would then latch into his corpse and absorb his memories and mind, impersonnating him.

Effectively resurrected, Marcus sets his sights on getting revenge on Umbrella by unleashing the T-virus within the mountains of Arklay, fully willing to destroy the world in the process. His actions ultimately resulted in the destruction of Raccoon City and the eventual downfall of Umbrella.

He was voiced by Hiroshi Ito in the Japanese version and by Ian Downie in the English version.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Used his leeches to kill everyone in a train to Arklay, turning them into zombies in the process.
  • Killed Wesker and Birkin's men in the train and taunted them.
  • While he claims that he wants revenge over Umbrella, it doesn't make him an extremist since Marcus was a horrible person and Queen Leech himself had nothing to do with his death.
  • Tried to kill Rebecca and Billy numeros times by sending them different B.O.Ws and creatures.
  • In their final confrontation, he explained his origins and that now, the world will "burn in an inferno of hate", showing that he wants to attempt omnicide by unleashing T-virus throughout the world.
  • Turned into a mutated leech monster as his final attempt to kill Rebecca and Billy.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He has moral agency issues due to being an infested leech, and believes itself to be James Marcus reborn.

External Links[]


           ResidentEvilLogo Near Pure Evils

Umbrella Corporation
Oswell E. Spencer | James Marcus | William Birkin | Nicholai Ginovaef | Alexia Ashford | Alex Wesker
Los Iluminados
Osmund Saddler | Ramon Salazar (Remake) | Jack Krauser
Excella Gionne | Ricardo Irving
The Village and Four Houses
Mother Miranda | Karl Heisenberg | Masked Duke
Queen Leech | Carla Radames | María Gómez | Diego Gómez
