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Near Pure Evil Wiki
NOTE: This article only talks about her version in Daydreams Darkly's fanfiction "Princess," as her original MLP counterpart is not a NPE in any way, let alone a villain, therefore only information and crimes about her "Princess" fanfiction counterpart should be put here.


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Princess Celestia is the main antagonist of the 2012 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fanfiction Princess, which was written by Daydreams Darkly.

In contrast to her original, heroic counterpart, who is a sweet, kind, and benevolent ruler who deeply cares about her subjects, this version of Celestia is a cruel, sadistic, and power-hungry alicorn who, after being banished to the sun by Twilight Sparkle for murdering her entire friends and attempting to falsely execute her family, attempted to destroy the entire universe to kill Twilight. She is the archenemy of the latter due to her killing Twilight's friends.

Her Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • After being alarmed by Twilight Sparkle's transformation of an alicorn by the Elements of Harmony (the same elements that put her and her sister in power in the first place) and learning that she is about to be overthrown by the Mane Six (who are about to turn into alicorns), instead of accepting it to not make an enemy on the elements, she went to Ponyville and brutally murdered her student's friends to stop their transformation. Here are the ways of how she killed them:
    • Ripped Rainbow Dash's wings off.
    • Stabbed through Fluttershy's heart with her horn.
    • Kicked both Applejack and Pinkie Pie hard enough to snap their necks.
    • And sucked the magic, the very life-force of all unicorns, out of Rarity's horn, which was noted by Twilight (who Celestia had told the guards to hold her on to not interfere with the killings) to be the "worst of all."
      • To make things worse, she did the killings ON PUBLIC, though it's unknown what happened to citizens who witnessed the murders after Twilight becomes ruler of Equestria.
      • She would then mock Twilight, saying that she was dumb and powerless and would never take the throne of Equestria, even though Twilight never wanted the throne to begin with. She would also mock her of her intelligence, saying that she was too dumb to rescue her friends and too dumb to not know what's going on.
      • She also seems to not have care for her guards when most of them were killed by Twilight when she got free of their holding and never mention them on the slightest when mocking to Twilight.
      • Twilight reveals after she escapes that she took enjoyment of killing the Mane Six, revealing her sadistic side.
  • Plans to torture Twilight since Twilight is now an alicorn, now immortal, and couldn't be sent to the sun or moon or be turned to stone like Discord (chaining her up for all ponies to see her in a pathetic state in Ponyville, tie her down to be attacked endlessly by monsters, always in pain but could never die, etc.).
  • Slanders Twilight's name throughout Equestria, saying that she killed her friends, using magic to become an alicorn, and trying to usurp the throne, even though they are not true and she was the one to have personally done the killings.
    • She also uses magic to create an anti-long-distance-teleportation barrier around Equestria, forcing Twilight to use her wings to fly to Appleoosa.
  • It was revealed by Discord that Celestia and Luna had murdered Discord's entire race simply for being too disorderly for the latter two's own liking, which was kind of petty. While this was off-screen villainy, it had some on-screen effects since we never see anyone that looks like Discord, therefore being the reason why he tried to make Equestria his own playground. (it should note that this fic takes place after the events of The Return of Harmony, the two-part episodes of season 2 of MLP: FIM)
  • A flyer that she made to further made aware of Twilight's supposed treason would reveal that Celestia has captured the Main Six's family (the Apples, Rarity's family, etc.) and plans on executing Twilight's family (even Spike, who is only a child) out of spite, even though they didn't do anything wrong,
    • Discord also notes on how Celestia is using this as bait to get Twilight out of hiding.
  • Makes Twilight and Discord use the Elements of Harmony's powers against the illusion versions of Luna and Celestia, meaning that the duo had wasted the power of the elements, and shows that she stills has Twilight's family and did not mind when Luna was about to kill Spike.
    • When still being an illusion, Celestia rants that she sees all other ponies as "ants" because of her and her sister's power. While she would let them go home after killing Twilight, this is out of egotism as she wanted them to tell her tale of her saving them from the "evil that was Twilight Sparkle" to their descendants.
    • When the ponies are about to escape during Twilight's assault, she uses her magic to make a shield around them to prevent them from running away, saying that she wants them to "see the execution of the real criminal here," the "criminal" in question being Twilight.
    • She said she would promise to let Twilight's family live if Twilight surrendered. However, as Twilight had pointed out, she would still kill them anyway even if Twilight were to surrender. This shows how spiteful Celestia is of Twilight Sparkle.
  • Celestia attempted to manipulate Twilight into going against Discord with lies by saying that the latter was only using her, even though this was not true.
  • She ordered Luna to kill Twilight's family after Twilight had undone the barrier surrounding Equestria, only for them to not be killed as Twilight teleported her family to safely from the threat.
  • She attempted to kill the subjects surrounding the shield by Twilight after trying to cowardly run away from her as a way to coerce Twilight into not moving only for them to be teleported by Twilight to a safer place, just like what Twilight did with her (Twilight's) own family.
  • Celestia would try to run away cowardly from the portal that Twilight made for Luna and Celestia's banishment, only for them to not succeed. However, before being taken into the portal, Celestia would taking Twilight in with her into outer space beside the sun before attempting to kill twilight, resulting in Celestia melting some of Twilight's armor and into her skin/fur, making Twilight be in agony.
  • Even though Princess Celestia now became an outer space deity, she still retains her moral agency while trying to kill Twilight, with Celestia deciding to end all life in the universe when Twilight tries to make the sun turn back into its right size by causing eternal night, which would make a black hole that would destroy the entire universe and would've succeeded if it weren't for Twilight using her magic to make things right on the universe on time by trying to find a star that is fitting enough to replace Celestia's sun.
    • When trying to expand the sun before trying to destroy the universe by having no light at all, Discord had confirmed that Celestia's actions are destroying Equestria in the process, with him saying that Equestria is "catching on fire."
  • While her death was kind of brutal, she deserves it at the end for everything that she has done.
  • Due to the fanfic's extremely low heinous standards, since Luna and Discord didn't do much compared to Celestia (with Discord even becoming a hero in the fanfic), it allowed Celestia to stand out with ease since destroying the universe pales in comparison to what the former two had done, even with their powers.
  • Unlike her original counterpart, this version of Celestia doesn't have any comedic moments as the fanfic is taken very seriously.

What Prevents Her from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Just like her canon counterpart, she cares for her sister Luna, as her death at being burned by the sun was one of the main motivations of her trying to avenge her death by killing Twilight herself, besides having her ruling end by Twilight and the Elements of Harmony.
  • She also relies slightly on Fridge Horror because it is unknown whether the planets she destroyed had actual living beings in it.


  • So far, this is the only version of Celestia to be Near Pure Evil.

External Links[]


           My Little Pony franchise logo Near Pure Evils

Friendship is Magic
TV Show
Queen Chrysalis | King Sombra

Rabia | The Smooze

My Little Pony: The Movie: Storm King

Cozy Glow (Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake) | Discord (DISCORD Kinetic Typography Adaptation) | Discord (Scootertrix) | Queen Chrysalis (Daughter of Discord) | Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Factory) | Princess Celestia (Princess) | Rarity (Rarity's New Patterns)
