"Mature Content Warning!" |
“ | I was to become a god! Creating a new world, with an advanced race of human beings... | „ |
~ Spencer's final words before being killed by Albert Wesker. |
Lord Oswell E. Spencer is one of the three overarching antagonists (alongside Mother Miranda and James Marcus) of the Resident Evil video game franchise.
Lurking in the shadows and rarely seen, he is the president of Umbrella, a major bio-weapons manufacturer hiding behind a pharmaceutical façade, and the former student of Mother Miranda. A man of great wealth and power, he was an aristocrat with a keen hobby in art collecting.
Spencer had a vision to remake the world and lead it into a new era, as the world's current state was less than ideal to him. He intended to use the research of B.O.W. to carry out his vision and mold a utopia for mankind with himself as its ruler. He was also the student of Mother Miranda, who inspired him to achieve his goals in evolving mankind.
In the English version, he was voiced by Adam D. Clark in Resident Evil 5, and by Time Winters in Resident Evil Resistance. In the Japanese version, he was voiced by Issei Futamata in Resident Evil Resistance.
His Evil Ranking[]
What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]
- Instead of using Mother Miranda’s teachings, such as the Mold and its ability to mutate, assimilate and replicate lifeforms, to better the word, he wished to completely change the world.
- With the Cold War intensifying, he began viewing humanity as a race destined to fall, with him being the right man to push humanity into evolution. Spencer would soon form a eugenics circle of likeminded scientists, including Marcus and Ashford.
- Even though Spencer is implied to have been shattered by the horrors of World War II and the Cold War itself, his actions are not done out of good intentions as he is obsessed with godhood even if he believes himself to be a good person.
- Upon having learnt about the Ndipaya, a West African tribe of skilled engineers whose rituals involved a flower called Stairway of the Sun containing the Progenitor Virus, which granted superhuman abilities and mutation, he viewed the virus as a means to enhance the human race, going on an expedition with Marcus and his protégé Dr. Brandon Bailey to West Africa to find it, coming to a success with proof of its existence.
- Afterwards when Marcus was ostracised from his university Spencer used his charity Spencer Foundation to fund Marcus’ research, however he would force him to isolate himself within the Spencer Estate’s lab.
- Spencer would make it his life goal to ensure the genesis of a new race of humans through the Progenitor Virus, establishing Umbrella Pharmaceuticals alongside Marcus and Ashford.
- The public face of Umbrella Pharmaceuticals was as an ordinary medicines manufacturer, however under Spencer’s control the company’s real goal was to enhance the Progenitor research.
- Ordered that to accumulate money and data various circle members establish their own laboratories around the globe and work on Progenitor strains that could be sold as bioweapons to the US military.
- He would pressure Marcus into running Umbrella Executive Training School, a private university owned by Umbrella Pharmaceuticals in the Arklay Mountains, and use it as a lab for research. Because he gave control over to Marcus, Spencer is responsible for Marcus’ ruthless actions as director of the Training School.
- In his efforts to research the T-Virus, Marcus experimented on animals and use his own students as test subjects, where they would be infected by him tricking them into touching his leech specimens, of whom Marcus would restraint to walls with chains, force them to sit on iron chairs, drown them, impale by an iron maiden, force them into gas chambers to study their survival abilities, and subject them to vivisection removing their organs, all of which Spencer is indirectly responsible for.
- He would pressure Marcus into running Umbrella Executive Training School, a private university owned by Umbrella Pharmaceuticals in the Arklay Mountains, and use it as a lab for research. Because he gave control over to Marcus, Spencer is responsible for Marcus’ ruthless actions as director of the Training School.
- In his efforts to remake humanity in his own image and give birth to a race of superior superhumans to advance humanity with him ruling as a god, he created Project Wesker, where hundreds of children with superior intellect across the world were abducted, indoctrinated to share his views through manipulation, given the best education that money could buy and given the surname Wesker. When they grew up, they were allowed to go out into the world under monitoring to take jobs in a variety of professions.
- A number of these candidates were drawn to Umbrella and gained employment including Dr. Albert Wesker and Alex Wesker.
- Would order samples of the Ebola virus as part of international research into finding a cure for Ebola virus disease. However, he used it as a front to research its findings to strengthen the Progenitor virus for better use as a bioweapon.
- To cast out the most genetically superior, Spencer infected the Wesker Children with the Progenitor Virus, resulting in all of them dying except for Albert and Alex.
- This would ultimately leave a terrible impact as it gave rise to Albert Wesker, who chose to use Spencer’s teachings to pursue a life of evil and obtaining power, becoming an even worse individual than Spencer himself, making Spencer responsible for nearly every evil act Wesker committed.
- Upon ordering the construction of a replica of his Family Estate in the Arklay Mountains be built atop limestone caverns in order to create a secret underground laboratory complex, he hired New York architect George Trevor to build it.
- However upon its completion Spencer realized that Trevor knew all of the mansion's secrets, including the existence of an underground laboratory, deciding to dispose of him so only he and his inner circle would know of the lab's existence.
- As the man in charge of the Arklay Laboratory, he is responsible for all of the horrific experimentations to occur on animals and humans as well as the production of B.O.W.s at the laboratory for t-Virus research.
- Common human test subjects were homeless people who upon being infected would become aggressive and cannibalistic zombies, animals such as Snakes, Sharks, Dogs, Crows, Insects, and Spiders were infected and turned into monsters, and the Chimera Project impregnated several women with human-arthropod hybrid embryos, with the DNA of the most satisfying animal preserved for future cloning.
- Massively funded the Arklay team next-gen bioweaponry to develop the Tyrant Project to create human super soldiers known as Tyrants, intended to be the ‘Ultimate Bio-Weapon’.
- This makes him responsible for the creation of Tyrants which would become one of the most dangerous and destructive Bioweapons used in Bioterrorism with countless equally dangerous variants responsible for countless deaths.
- Invited the entire Trevor family, including George, his wife Jessica, and 14 year-old daughter Lisa to the mansion to celebrate its completion, without them knowing he planned to use them all as test subjects in his Progenitor research. As Jessica and Lisa arrived, they were dragged away by Spencer's employees and taken into the underground caverns as human research subjects for the Progenitor Virus.
- Jessica and Lisa were injected with the 'Type-A' and 'Type-B' strains of the Progenitor Virus, a newly-discovered retrovirus Spencer believed would be useful for eugenics, but which required alteration to successfully mutate a human.
- Over the next few days, both were subjected to further testing while their mental state deteriorated. Because of her poor reaction to the virus Spencer ordered Jessica’s execution. However, Lisa's body reacted much better to the infection, developing a degree of superhuman abilities.
- For over twenty eight years Lisa remained beneath the estate, continuously mentally and physically deteriorating because of experimentation, having to be fed via IV Therapy.
- She was used as a host for the NE-α Type parasite, engineered by Umbrella to replace the brain functions in a B.O.W. to improve performance. During the surgical implantation Lisa's immune system destroyed the parasite and absorbed its DNA, causing Lisa to grow tentacles on her back.
- Lisa’s mind eventually became partially restored, with her attacking Umbrella Personnel leading to Spencer ordering the Umbrella Security Service to execute her. Lisa however survived, living in the Arklay Mountains, soon attacking S.T.A.R.S. members after the T-Virus outbreak and eventually meeting her end when she died in the explosion of the mansion. Spencer is responsible for Lisa’s decades long torture and experimentation and eventual descent into an animalistic monster, tormented by the loss of her mother.
- She was used as a host for the NE-α Type parasite, engineered by Umbrella to replace the brain functions in a B.O.W. to improve performance. During the surgical implantation Lisa's immune system destroyed the parasite and absorbed its DNA, causing Lisa to grow tentacles on her back.
- Jessica and Lisa were injected with the 'Type-A' and 'Type-B' strains of the Progenitor Virus, a newly-discovered retrovirus Spencer believed would be useful for eugenics, but which required alteration to successfully mutate a human.
- As George arrived at the mansion he was knocked out and locked in a room, however after escaping he failed to escape the mansion due to being drugged and forgetting the mansion’s layout.
- After running from the guards for several days Trevor was forced to go into hiding in one of the unfinished passages, hungry and weakened, tortured by the knowledge he had dragged his family into a nest of vipers. Because of Spencer Trevor died of starvation and thirst when he became trapped in an inescapable pit.
- In order to secure more of the Progenitor Virus, Spencer hired mercenaries to force the Ndipaya off their native land and secure the Garden of the Sun for Umbrella's own exclusive use.
- With Umbrella established Spencer became increasingly paranoid that his allies would threaten his own eugenics project.
- The first victim of Spencer's paranoia was Edward Ashford, who died from exposure to his primitive t-Virus strain in a staged lab accident orchestrated by Spencer. His remaining competitor to eliminate was James Marcus, proceeding to take efforts to steal Marcus' research data.
- When the Spencer Foundation headhunted Albert Wesker for a job at Umbrella after he acquired a doctorate in virology at just age 17, he ensured that Wesker and a fellow student, William Birkin, would abuse Marcus' trust in them and steal his research data.
- At the end of the school year, he ordered the Training Facility and lab to be shut down, cutting Marcus off from his research staff and the children he used as test-subjects. Wesker and Birkin were immediately assigned to the Arklay Laboratory to take over as its chief researchers and used their knowledge of Marcus' research to drastically alter the Arklay Laboratory's own t-Virus project.
- To procure more funding for their eugenics project, on Spencer’s orders Umbrella entered a secret agreement with the United States military to produce biological weaponry and began further projects to create mutant virus strains for military use.
- The Umbrella founders each worked separately on what they dubbed the "t-Virus Project". The t-Virus was a series of mutant Progenitor virus strains which would infect it’s hosts and turn them into dangerous mutated monsters known as B.O.W.s.
- The t-Virus would create countless B.O.W.s and sub-variants which would ravage the world from the hands of bioterrorism and nefarious organisations. As the man who administered its creation. Spencer is responsible for every single use of the virus, every infection, every outbreak, and every death.
- The Umbrella founders each worked separately on what they dubbed the "t-Virus Project". The t-Virus was a series of mutant Progenitor virus strains which would infect it’s hosts and turn them into dangerous mutated monsters known as B.O.W.s.
- Despite Spencer's near-total control over Umbrella, his paranoia continued to find new victims as Umbrella expanded to the point of possessing its own paramilitary, the Umbrella Security Service.
- As Marcus continued to perform and master his own dedicated research, Spencer ordered a U.S.S. raid on the training school, who infiltrated the lab and gunned Marcus down. Birkin and Wesker accompanied the kill squad, and quickly recovered any research data of relevance for their own projects at the Arklay Laboratory.
- Spencer’s orchestrated assassination of Marcus would eventually lead to the events of Resident Evil 0, where Marcus’ mutant leech creations would fuse with his body becoming Queen Leech, who would infect the entire facility staff of Arklay Laboratory’s staff with a t-virus strain, attacking Umbrella's investigation teams with leeches and a passenger train transporting Umbrella staff through the Arklay Mountains.
- Queen Leech's goal was to create a devastating viral outbreak that would ultimately spread across the world, judging the entire planet to be wicked. Spencer is to blame for Marcus’ horrific transformation and the danger S.T.A.R.S. member Rebecca Chambers and former Marine Second Lieutenant Billy Coen were in from the dangerous Queen Leech.
- Spencer’s orchestrated assassination of Marcus would eventually lead to the events of Resident Evil 0, where Marcus’ mutant leech creations would fuse with his body becoming Queen Leech, who would infect the entire facility staff of Arklay Laboratory’s staff with a t-virus strain, attacking Umbrella's investigation teams with leeches and a passenger train transporting Umbrella staff through the Arklay Mountains.
- As Marcus continued to perform and master his own dedicated research, Spencer ordered a U.S.S. raid on the training school, who infiltrated the lab and gunned Marcus down. Birkin and Wesker accompanied the kill squad, and quickly recovered any research data of relevance for their own projects at the Arklay Laboratory.
- As Umbrella entered the 1990s, he continued to take a direct role in the company's nefarious affairs despite his advancing age and confinement to a wheelchair.
- Reassigned Wesker as a double agent as the Captain of the S.T.A.R.S., a private-funded police special forces unit in Raccoon City, Alpha Team, using him to monitor their knowledge on Umbrella. Spencer would then order Wesker to sabotage the engine of Bravo Team's helicopter and intentionally lead the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha & Bravo teams into Spencer Mansion, a Zombie & B.O.W. infested death trap, leading to the deaths of many members of the teams, all for the sake of gathering combat data on Umbrella's Bioweapons and to kill off any incriminating data, making Spencer to blame for nearly all of Bravo Team brutally dying.
- After the Arklay Laboratory outbreak, under Spencer’s control, Umbrella would blame researcher Morpheus D. Duvall for the incident, firing him and ruining his career, which turned Duvall into a resentful and insane man.
- Duvall would become obsessed with beauty, viewing the world as ugly and wishing to remake it by destroying the ‘ugly’ world. Morpheus would steal samples of the t-Virus from Umbrella Europe's Paris laboratory as well as the highly experimental T+G Virus, intending to use the latter to hold the world for ransom when used as the warhead for the missiles.
- He then hijacked the Umbrella-owned luxury cruiser, Spencer Rain, releasing the T+G virus on-board, killing the passengers and crew, before attempting to deploy the virus across the world and mutating into a dangerous monster almost killing US Army Operator Bruce McGivern and Chinese Special Agent Fong Ling. Spencer is responsible for Morpheus’ descent into madness and dangerous plan threatening the entire world.
- Duvall would become obsessed with beauty, viewing the world as ugly and wishing to remake it by destroying the ‘ugly’ world. Morpheus would steal samples of the t-Virus from Umbrella Europe's Paris laboratory as well as the highly experimental T+G Virus, intending to use the latter to hold the world for ransom when used as the warhead for the missiles.
- Following the discovery of a retrovirus in the body of Lisa Trevor in 1988, Spencer funded a new bioweapons project called the Golgotha Virus and it’s facility NEST, a large subterranean laboratory complex located underneath Raccoon City, placing Dr. William Birkin in charge, for the sake of furthering the selling of bioweaponry.
- Because of his decision to place Birkin in charge of NEST and the G-Virus Project, Spencer is responsible for all NEST’s ruthless research, where in the Resident Evil 2 remake they used children at the Raccoon City Orphanage and numerous other people as test subjects. The accelerated use of test subjects was so high that the newly commissioned Incineration Disposal Plant P-12A suffered a biohazard incident due to having to process too much biowaste and dumped bodies.
- Because of his presidency over all Umbrella subdivisions and territories, Spencer was responsible for the corrupt Chief of Raccoon City Police Brian Irons being able to receive bribes from Umbrella USA for covering up their activities in Raccoon City.
- Even worse, in the Resident Evil 2 remake, Irons was placed in charge of the Raccoon City Orphanage, where children were used as test subjects for NEST, and when one of the children tried but failed to escape, Irons ordered every last child within the orphanage executed to cover the Umbrella’s tracks, which can be pinpointed back directly to Spencer. And because of his inadvertent cause of the Raccoon City Incident,
- Spencer is responsible for the deterioration of Irons’ psychopathic behaviour, who had begun giving confusing orders to the RCPD police officers to ensure that the entire precinct die, hoarding the RCPD’s arms locker and dispersal of arms which deprived officers of guns when they were overrun by Zombies, hunted down survivors, murdering Raccoon City mayor Michael Warren’s daughter Katherine to taxidimise her, and also in the Resident Evil 2 remake, kidnapping William Birkin’s daughter Sherry Birkin.
- Even worse, in the Resident Evil 2 remake, Irons was placed in charge of the Raccoon City Orphanage, where children were used as test subjects for NEST, and when one of the children tried but failed to escape, Irons ordered every last child within the orphanage executed to cover the Umbrella’s tracks, which can be pinpointed back directly to Spencer. And because of his inadvertent cause of the Raccoon City Incident,
- After having learnt of Birkin's planned betrayal to Umbrella planning to sell the US Military the G-Virus for him and his family’s safety, due to not receiving a position as a Corporate Executive, he sent Umbrella Security Services to take Birkin into custody and acquire the G-Virus.
- When Birkin refused to comply an Umbrella soldier gunned him down and the team proceeded to take his suitcase.
- However, the fatally wounded Birkin still had one G-Virus sample left in his possession and used it on himself, mutating into a powerful and horrific monster in the process, who pursued the soldiers into the sewers and slaughtered most of them, except for HUNK.
- This altercation accidentally caused several t-Virus and G-Virus samples to spill into Raccoon City’s sewers, infecting rats which soon spread the virus into the city's water supply, soon plunging Raccoon City into anarchy and chaos as the viruses spread across the city, infecting thousands of innocents and animals into monsters.
- Spencer is largely responsible for the Raccoon City Incident, all of the innocent lives lost, the chaos and destruction sown onto the city, the deployment of dangerous B.O.W.s such as Tyrants to hunt down personnel aware of Umbrella’s involvements and for combat testing, due to his inadvertent cause of the Arklay Outbreak which would cause a domino effect eventually leading to the Raccoon City Incident and it’s absolute destruction from the hands of National Security Advisor Derek C. Simmons.
- This altercation accidentally caused several t-Virus and G-Virus samples to spill into Raccoon City’s sewers, infecting rats which soon spread the virus into the city's water supply, soon plunging Raccoon City into anarchy and chaos as the viruses spread across the city, infecting thousands of innocents and animals into monsters.
- However, the fatally wounded Birkin still had one G-Virus sample left in his possession and used it on himself, mutating into a powerful and horrific monster in the process, who pursued the soldiers into the sewers and slaughtered most of them, except for HUNK.
- Following Umbrella’s decline following the Raccoon City Incident, he decided to clear house by having Umbrella's entire Africa facility shut down to avoid the Progenitor Virus being discovered, ordering every employee including his own ally Brandon Bailey to be killed.
- Aware that Umbrella was on the brink of collapse, Spencer ordered his right hand man Colonel Sergei Vladimir to recover the U.M.F.-013, Umbrella’s supercomputer containing all their data, from Raccoon City and take it to Umbrella’s final stronghold located in a chemical plant in the Caucasus, which he had purchased to continue Umbrella’s productions even after all of the chaos it had caused.
- Spencer specifically orders Vladimir to oversee the T.A.L.O.S., a B.O.W. intended to be the ultimate Bioweapon. Vladimir was an ex-Soviet Soldier who, among a mass of unemployed soldier’s after the Union’s collapse, Spencer took advantage of to expand Umbrella’s paramilitary organisations, using his genetic superiority to enhance the Tyrant Project.
- Even though it is possible Spencer cared for Vladimir, as he states that Spencer had given him a home and the fact Spencer placed a large amount of responsibility on him, it's highly likely that Spencer only saw Vladimir as a tool to use.
- Spencer specifically orders Vladimir to oversee the T.A.L.O.S., a B.O.W. intended to be the ultimate Bioweapon. Vladimir was an ex-Soviet Soldier who, among a mass of unemployed soldier’s after the Union’s collapse, Spencer took advantage of to expand Umbrella’s paramilitary organisations, using his genetic superiority to enhance the Tyrant Project.
- As Umbrella's involvements in the Raccoon City Incident and bioterrorism become public knowledge as the US Congress voted in an act to liquidate Umbrella's USA branch and ban the company from conducting any future business in the country, Spencer assembled expert lawyers, fake witnesses, and bribes during the Raccoon Trials to divert all of Umbrella’s responsibility, where for four years Spencer’s team would try to force all blame on the US to cover up their own involvements.
- Spencer’s stalemate with the US Government soon ended when Albert Wesker leaked excerpts of the recovered U.M.F.-013’s data to the court, forcing Umbrella to declare bankruptcy and shut down all their subdivisions and paramilitary organisations, leading to the fall of Umbrella and an international manhunt placed on Spencer filed by both the United States and Russian Federation.
- Spencer, now an international fugitive, would seclude himself in his family estate where he would spend the remaining years of his life.
- Intent on establishing a future successor to Umbrella, Spencer was obsessive in maintaining what little order he had left. Right after the Raccoon City bombing he ordered a purge of senior executive staff to prevent the US from ever learning about the Progenitor Virus, rationalizing it as “Never leaving a map when one buries treasure”.
- Over the next few years, he had little to no contact with the outside, seen only by his loyal bodyguards and his butler Patrick, with his increasingly erratic behaviour coinciding with his depression and failing health.
- However, intent on surviving long enough to see the rebirth of Umbrella, Spencer ordered Alex Wesker to begin research into a mutagenic virus capable of restoring his youth and giving him immortality, supplying her with funding, equipment, research material, several hundred test subjects, and a research facility on Sonido de Tortuga Island to this end.
- Alex however had no love for Spencer and betrayed him, disappearing after she gave up on the project and taking the results, her subordinates, and the test subjects to Sejm Island in the Baltic Sea.
- However, intent on surviving long enough to see the rebirth of Umbrella, Spencer ordered Alex Wesker to begin research into a mutagenic virus capable of restoring his youth and giving him immortality, supplying her with funding, equipment, research material, several hundred test subjects, and a research facility on Sonido de Tortuga Island to this end.
- Becoming close to his death, lacking the strength to eat solid foods and spending most of his days sitting in his study, in a desperate last effort to survive he ordered Patrick to assist him in the development of a new virus by using test subjects confined beneath the Spencer Estate in the hopes of healing his body.
- As these experiments led to several failed mutations, Spencer realized that his death was inevitable, conceding that he would never realize his plan himself and enlisted Patrick to leak his location to Albert Wesker through an associate. Spencer then dismissed Patrick from his duties and was left with only his bodyguards at the estate, waiting for Wesker to find him.
- Even though it seems he was “kind” to Patrick, his butler, relieving him of his duties before his death, it is highly likely Spencer only acted out of pragmatism as he acts on logical villainy when he needs to make nefarious ends meet and since he had no reason to kill him, Patrick was lucky he still had his life.
- As these experiments led to several failed mutations, Spencer realized that his death was inevitable, conceding that he would never realize his plan himself and enlisted Patrick to leak his location to Albert Wesker through an associate. Spencer then dismissed Patrick from his duties and was left with only his bodyguards at the estate, waiting for Wesker to find him.
- When Wesker enters the Estate on a stormy night, brutally murdering Spencer's guards before heading into Spencer's private office, expecting him to be surprised by his arrival, Spencer revealed that he was waiting for him.
- In their meeting Spencer reveals the Wesker Project to him and how he was made a reality through the project with the use of the Progenitor virus, and how Spencer intended to use the children as a new superior breed of humans in a new, advanced world with him as it’s god, saying how he had the right to be a god, showing no remorse for anything he did only speaking about his ambitions. Brewing with rage, Wesker brutally kills Spencer by charging his hand through his chest, finally bringing an end to Spencer.
- Even after his death, Spencer left a dark legacy through the viral research that he conducted throughout his life that would plague the world with large-scale dissemination of bioterrorism.
- Due to his negligence in not being able to deal directly with the constant leaks and desertions of his dishonest employees during Umbrella's final years, this allowed them to start selling B.O.W.s to their rivals in the Bio-weapons black market since 1998 which culminated in the proliferation of countless outbreaks around the planet during the first decade of the 21st century, causing the deaths of thousands of people as a result, making Spencer directly responsible for all of the viral events that terrorized as well as future events, the world even after his death.
- A cold, ruthless elitist and ambitious man, Spencer ruled the globe-spanning Umbrella Corporation behind a veil of darkness, lurking in the shadows, mercilessly eliminating his rivals and own allies to increased his power as Umbrella’s president, overseeing all of Umbrella’s horrific, cruel, and inhumane experimentations on viruses and bioweaponry, responsible for the existence of bioweapons and all its uses across the world, driven by an ambition to rule over the world with a supreme race of humans as a god. Spencer is responsible for every single event, outbreak, infections, chaos, destruction and deaths in Resident Evil, all because of his aspirations to rule over the world as a god.
What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]
- No matter how diabolical he became, he still genuinely cared for two people in particular:
- He honored his former master Mother Miranda, as in the letter to her, he's shown to be thankful for all the research that she has taught him and he was very sorry that he didn't say goodbye before she moved on from his life while also wishing her the best of luck in her mission to bring her daughter back. The fact that he wanted to be there to say his farewell to her shows that it is not mere fanaticism and still cared about and respected her, and nothing subverts this even in his final moments.
- Likewise, Spencer is shown to treat his butler Patrick rather well as evidenced by the latter being entrusted with experiments on Umbrella's test subjects and choosing to relieve him of his duties after fulfilling his final task with nothing confirming it done out of pragmatism.
- Adam D. Clarke modeled his voice and mannerisms from Emperor Palpatine, a Pure Evil villain, while voicing Oswell E. Spencer due to being a fan of Star Wars. He also compared Spencer's relationship with Albert Wesker as Sidious' relationship with Darth Vader, being the very being that influenced both of them into being the ruthless individual being they are. However, while Vader was able to find the light of hope for redemption and Sidious remained evil, Wesker stayed evil to the end yet Oswell didn't lose all his humanity despite his ruthlessness.
- While he was approved as Pure Evil, this was before the release of Village, where it's revealed that Oswell has one redeeming factor (other than his relationship with Patrick) which disqualifies him from Pure Evil. It's stated in his letter to Miranda that he cared and respected her, regretted leaving without saying goodbye to her and hoped she'd succeed in her goals, even creating Umbrella itself according to her ideals. Since it's proven he genuinely cared for her and not as an excuse for his future megalomania. it stops making him Pure Evil.
External Links[]
- Oswell E. Spencer on the Villains Wiki
- Oswell E. Spencer on the Resident Evil Wiki
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Umbrella Corporation |