Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki
Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Nigel Cass is one of the secondary antagonists of the 2020 video game Watch Dogs Legion. He is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Mary Kelley) of the main story, and a minor antagonist of the DLC expansion Bloodline.

He is the chief of the military unit named Albion who took control of London after the Zero Day bombings occurred.

He was voiced by Lee Ross.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He and Albion worked as military units for dictatorships in Africa, killing countless people in there and committing many war crimes to the point that he's considered a war criminal on many countries.
  • He attempted to destroy an entire village with his drones. Thankfully, Hamish Bolaji was able to hack the drones and turn them off, stopping the attack.
  • He helped Sabine blow up several of London's landmarks by giving her some of the bombs she used to accomplish it.
  • When DedSec tried to stop the bombings, Nigel killed all of them, which made them not be able to stop the bombing and causing thousands of deaths.
  • He betrayed Sabine and tried to kill her even after she gave him the opportunity to became the ruler of London, although she was able to escape.
  • He incriminated DedSec over the bombings and started killing the surviving members and torturing and killing anyone accused of working for DedSec.
  • He took over London with an oppressive regime and killed many civilians who were against him.
  • He had many illegal immigrants arrested so Clan Kelley would kidnap them and enslave them.
  • While he did personally arrest Thomas Rempart, this was likely out pragmatic reasons to keep his image to the public.
  • His overall goal is to initiate project THEMIS, where he would create drones that would kill anyone who even thought on committing a crime, no matter how small it was.
  • When the police commissioner refused to allow him to activate project THEMIS, Nigel killed him and told his co-workers that he would kill them after project THEMIS was made.
  • He killed an innocent blogger who was about to interview him just because she was against Cass.
  • When London found out about his corruption, he threatened to kill anyone that would try to go close to him, and hid inside his bunker to avoid getting arrested.
  • He tried to kill the player when he came into his bunker.
  • While he does say that he's trying to save London, the game goes out of it's way to explain that Nigel is just excusing his ruthless and uncaring nature and has no problem with killing countless innocents that were against him.
  • Despite losing his father when he was a teenager, this doesn't make him sympathetic as the people he killed had nothing to do with and some of the main characters suffered from worse yet didn't become evil, much less horrible people like he did.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • While this doesn't excuse his actions, he still cares for his father as he became the way he is because of his death, and he blames himself for it.
  • He has some honor, as he delayed his attack of drones for a week so it would happen on Hamish's birthday as a way to thank him for creating the drones, demonstrating some honor and cared for Hamish despite how ruthless he was, only trying to kill him after Hamish betrayed him.

External Links[]


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Damien Brenks | Delford "Iraq" Wade | Nicholas Crispin | Nigel Cass | Sabine Brandt
