In this wiki, you find a number of villains who almost made it into being Pure Evil, with only minor preventions that hold them back. The main purpose of this wiki is while Pure Evils are truly awful individuals, that does not mean villains who aren't Pure Evil are not as dangerous, and despite the fact that these villains may have a few redeeming qualities that does not mean they're redeemed to be good, as doing evil for Near Pure Evils is as natural as breathing with doing good being unnatural for them. For information about the good counterpart of these villains, see the Near Pure Good Wiki. |
Kazuya Mishima also known by his alter ego of Devil Kazuya, is one of the two main antagonists of Tekken franchise (alongside his father Heihachi).
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NPE Proposal: Frankie Diomede from Mean Frank and Crazy Tony
Im back here with another western character and it’s a character acted by Lee Van Cleef one of the most badass actors o…
NPE Removal: Dabi
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