“ | I have your city, your people, and soon I'll have everything, you failed princess, that little shard is nothing, you might as well, give it to me. | „ |
~ Nar Est after he imprisons the whole city of Conondale into one big ball, also mocking Lyra. |
“ | Nar Est: Rasper, did you see that? Rasper: See what? lord Nar Est? Nar Est: A shred of darkness just flowed back to me, one of my pets has lost his pasas. Rasper: But that only happens when the humans are back. Nar Est: They're early, what are my little prisoners up to? that stubborn girl has returned with another poor champion, so much devastation on her hands, so many defeats, does she really expect this time will be any different? we'll let her try! I'll be, waiting. |
„ |
~ Nar Est after finding out that Lyra has returned with another champion, (Niko) also his introduction phase. |
“ | You want to have it all, but you fail at everything. They were fools to make you queen. And Sargus teaching you magic? What a waste of time. You are weak, Lyra, just like your father. It's time someone put you in your place. | „ |
~ Nar Est taunting Lyra. |
Nar Est is the main antagonist of the animated fantasy web TV series Niko and the Sword of Light.
He is a tyrannical warlord with dark magic who holds his victims captive for decades and is always destroying the champs who try to defeat him, he is the ruler of Cororndale who summons monsters to destroy Niko and Lyra and has the powers of darkness itself.
He was voiced by Steve Blum, who also voiced Killer Croc in the Batman: Arkham franchise, Doom Ma Geddon in Regular Show and a disguised Lady Arkham in Batman: The Telltale.
His Evil Ranking[]
What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]
In General/Background[]
- Even when he was the advisor to King Horris back then, he was dabbling in dark magic and had a plan to spawn it into the town jewel that would infect Carondolet with darkness.
- When Sargous caught wind of his plan and called him out for it and tried to convince King Horris about how horrible of an idea it was, He outright tells a lie to King Horris about how Darkness can make Carondolet strong and invincible, when in reality, it was to have Carondolet for himself.
- When King Horris went to sleep to think about whether to let Nar Est go or to punish him, he poisoned him with a incurable sickness that caused him to slowly pass away.
- Even worse, when Lyra finds out that he did it when he is seen exiting the room of King Horris's deathbed, he puts a sadistic smile on his face showing glee of poisoning someone to death.
- Upon hearing Belatha planning to have Lyra be the queen of Carondolet after her fathers death, he busts into the facility with his army forcing Belatha to give the crown to him out of pure envy.
- When Belatha refused to let Nar Est have a chance to rule due to his horrendous plans, he sends his army to attack Belatha and her fellow family members.
- Due to his army attacking Beletha and her fellow family members, he rushed to the town jewel to spawn his shadow into the town jewel.
- Even when Sargous tried to fight him and keep him away from the jewel, He spawns darkness into the jewel anyway which causes him to become a very powerful and dangerous dark soul who causes harm and damage.
- When Lyra shatters the jewel causing Nar Est to be just a phantom, he in a fit of rage spreads darkness around Carondolet, which would eventually imprison the whole town into one big ball.
- What's worse is that the town was imprisoned for a unbelievable amount of time as the imprisonment of the citizens lasted for decades which caused a large amount of suffering for the humans of Carondolet.
- After imprisoning the whole city of Carondolet, he taunted Lyra about how the shard of light is nothing and forced Lyra to give it to him, which Lyra refused.
- Carondolet wasn't the only city that was damaged by Nar Est, as he also destroyed Carapace and killed almost all the terrapinions except for Chompsky, which made Chompsky believe that there is no hope and hiding was the only option, until Niko convinced him to change his mind.
- Despite having Rasper as a pet, he only uses him as a tool and weapon for his dirty work, never actually caring about him in the end.
- Furthermore, he can abuse him verbally from time to time by sometimes calling him names and scaring him away.
- He killed a vast majority of champions in the past who tried to defeat him due to him being way too powerful to beat, which causes hope to slowly vanish from time to time, with Niko being the last of the kind to defeat him before all hope is completely gone.
- Overall, his vile actions have caused severe damage to not only Carondolet, but to the whole world as well, which due to the imprisonment of Carondolet, caused the citizens to live a depressing life as well as many other species to have a massive hatred towards him and his despicable actions.
Season 1[]
- He made his Mugwhump attempt to kill Niko.
- He cursed the Dolphin queen and turned her into a Mantagoor, which ended up saddening King Scampi.
- He forced Mandok to become his spy despite Mandok really not wanting to do it due to him being Niko's sidekick, using him as a pawn.
- He sent his agent Jackal to steal Niko's sword, with Jackal somewhat succeeding due to his façade of kindness.
- Even after getting betrayed by Mandok due to his loyalty to Niko and Lyra, he planted a ping beetle on him as another way to spy on Niko, Lyra and Mandok.
- Upon rescuing Aura (Which was only for pragmatic reasons) He imprisoned her at the pools of destiny for 200 years, even cursing her with a curse that would have her fade away without her bow of light.
- This would cause Aura to become a fallen hero who would fight Niko and Lyra due to anger of not being the true champion.
- Upon being confronted by Niko and Lyra at the cursed volcano, he tauntingly throws the almost damaged Carondalet ball onto the ground which causes Lyra to freak out, even saying it was too late for the citizens and for her.
- He trapped Lyra in a cage and made Rasper break her staff.
- He used his dark forces to yank Niko's sword into the dark jewel, which causes him to become powerful once again.
- He threw Niko in the well of Darkness, which causes Niko to come across the eye of Darkness.
- When Niko went out of the well of Darkness, Nar Est threw Niko all the way back to where he started on his journey, which causes him to black out and be in a fever dream for days and almost give up on hope as well.
- He would give the fatal blow to the darkness curse of Carondalet, which causes Sargous, Belatha, and their fellow family members to freeze which almost ends their lives.
- He sent his army to cause chaos around the world and be under his control, which would cause a huge amount of innocent species to be put in extreme danger.
- He plotted on ways on how he was gonna turn Lyra into something hideous, such as thumbs for teeth, and a slime foot for a body.
- This would ultimately make Lyra break down in tears due to her mind breaking about how she would never see her family or Niko again.
- When the Sky Pirates shot at him as a way to take him down, he shot his laser eye at them which causes their ship to crash and almost injuring them.
- When Niko told him that his friends give him strength, he said that they could all go down together while knocking him far into the distance.
- Despite being put into a trapped ball after being defeated by Niko and Lyra, it was indeed a well deserved punishment after all the heavy amounts of harm he caused.
Season 2[]
- Upon breaking free from his prison, he gets his hand on the jewel of darkness which he plans to use to destroy the world.
- He works together with the darkness as a way to make the darkness become invincible again.
- He sends the ultimate darkness champion to destroy Niko and Lyra.
- While battling Niko and Lyra in the final battle along with the dark champion, he taunted Lyra about how she was useless as well as her father.
What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]
- While he and his vile acts are taken extremely seriously throughout the series most of the time, he has some comedic moments that detract from his villainy and slightly downplay his threatening side, due to this, he isn't taken completely seriously enough by the narrative to be Pure Evil, However, due to the fact that the series still portrays him as a serious and dangerous threat in the series that still causes loads of mayhem, destruction and harm, this is a minor prevention. These moments include:
- Him getting crossed in disappointment when Rasper thinks he told a joke.
- Him stopping his evil laugh when Rasper does not laugh, causing him to tell him why isn’t he laughing, and him changing his mind about it while crossing his arms when Rasper said “you want me too?”
- Him watching Niko and his friends battle his minions while eating fruit.
- Him getting upset over a statue of him being destroyed by Chompsky by saying "I just put that up" In a upset voice.
- His alter-defeat in season 1, as he is seen crossed in disappointment and telling Rasper to stop when he is pecking on the glass.
- His defeat in season 2, as after his memory got wiped out by Lyra to defeat him, he in a confused tone asks who she is and acts excited when Lyra tells him she's a princess afterwards, completely forgetting everything.
External Links[]
- Nar Est on the Villains Wiki
- Nar Est on the Entertainingly Detestable Wiki