Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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You need to run like your life depends on it ... it does
~ Duke to the Rose Copies
Who's This? Oh Now we have a new little rabbit to pursue! Let's see how fast this one is! Find her! Hunt her Down!
~ Duke seeing the real Rosemary and sending his faceaters to hunt and kill her

The Masked Duke is one of the secondary antagonists (alongside Eveline) in Resident Evil Village: Shadows of Rose, he is the brutal ruler of the Castle Dimitrescu Stratum within the Megamycete tasked by Miranda to bring a perfect host for her Daughter Eva through the Rose Copies and clones,

He is voiced and mocapped by Aaron LaPlante.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • As soon as he was created within the realm of Consciousness he would watch over Castle Dimitrescu, tasked by Miranda to invoke terrors into the hearts of the Rose copies in order to bring out a perfect vessel for Eva.
  • He created false hope for the copies with the fake purifying crystal and judging from all the corpses lying around and that it’s still there when the real rose shows up means that no one has it.
  • For presumably 16 years or so he has been ruling over the castle with barbaric cruelty killing Rose copies for fun and enjoying it.
  • He has a hallway with all the Rose copies who managed to collect one mask's dead bodies in extremely brutal ways with one room being a puzzle room.
  • Sends in multiple face eaters to kill the Rose copies that are locked up, in an extremely brutal way by literally sucking out their faces and draining their life force of them leaving behind a calcified and messed up face.
  • When the real Rose shows up in the realm, she sees him torture one copy by summoning a bunch of face eaters to make her lost, then when Rose accidentally reveals herself, he sends all the face eaters to kill her.
  • Upon calcifying a sclerotia he taunts her through a television and sends the executioner to kill Rose.
  • Upon getting the second mask he taunts rose again and sends the executioner and multiple face eaters to kill her.
  • When Rose finally collected the final mask, he has the executioner knock her out and kidnap her, then locks her inside a prison with many fake scelotria and she has to calcify the real ones to escape, or else she dies.
  • When Rose finally gets the crystal he reveals it's fake much to Rose’s chagrin then drags her down into an arena to forcefully fight the executioner.
  • When the executioner dies, he is enraged calling the monster a disappointment and useless, then sends more face eaters to kill Rose until she Escapes.
  • Surprisingly gets away with everything he did.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He suffers moral agency issues, as he was literally created by Miranda to do evil so he doesn’t really know any better at all, although he has a clear sadistic personality so this is minor.
  • Because his worst crimes are under Miranda's orders, it means he fails the Heinous Standards to his creator Miranda.


  • Masked Duke alongside Miranda are the two Near Pure Evil's who appear in Shadows of Rose.


           ResidentEvilLogo Near Pure Evils

Umbrella Corporation
Oswell E. Spencer | James Marcus | William Birkin | Nicholai Ginovaef | Alexia Ashford | Alex Wesker
Los Iluminados
Osmund Saddler | Ramon Salazar (Remake) | Jack Krauser
Excella Gionne | Ricardo Irving
The Village and Four Houses
Mother Miranda | Karl Heisenberg | Masked Duke
Queen Leech | Carla Radames | María Gómez | Diego Gómez
