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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Just like Cambodia!
~ Mark Tomaso as the Yacumo village is put to flames.
My son was a son of a bitch. And he was no good.
~ Mr. Tomaso describing what his son Mark was.

Mark Tomaso is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Jack Anders) in the 1980 exploitation film Cannibal Holocaust.

He was one of the four members of Alan Yates documentary crew. In 1979, Mark and the rest of the crew travelled to the most unknown of the amazon forests in order to shoot a documentary that Alan called 'The Green Inferno". Mark and the rest of the crew seem like innocent people at first, but after a man named Harold Monroe finds their unreleased documentary footage, we see how monstrous Mark and the rest of the crew really were.

He was portrayed by Luca Barbareschi.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He apparently served in a war of Cambodia, which judging by his words later in the film, involved him and/or his fellow soldiers burning down things.
  • After the crew's tour guide Felipe got bitten by a snake, he held him down so that Jack Anders can cut his leg off and reacted with extreme excitement over this act as Alan Yates filmed it.
  • He burned down the village that belonged to the Yacumo tribe while they are still inside of the huts, killing around 34 people including children while Mark just laughed manically the entire time.
    • Before burning down the village, he also shot a piglet for no reason other than sadism.
  • He gangraped a Yanomamo girl with Alan and Jack just for fun of it, and either killed her after they are done filming the rape or caused her to be impaled by the tribe for losing her virginity before marriage.
  • He agreed with Alan that they should shoot Jack to save their own lives and filmed Jack getting butchered and eaten by the tribe for sadism.
  • Instead of trying to save Faye Daniels when she was captured by the tribe, he instead convinced Alan that they have to run and save their own lives, leaving Faye to get raped, butchered and eaten by the tribe.
  • Even Mark's own father hated him, mostly because he was a son of a bitch and he was no good, and felt that his death was well-deserved, unlike the other members of the film crew, who at least had someone who were concerned for their fates.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He fails the Heinous Standards to Alan as all of his worst acts were done under the orders of him with Mark doing nothing unique enough to stand out from him. While the implied war crimes Mark committed in Cambodia could help him stand out, none of them are ever revealed and lack onscreen evidence.

External Links[]


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Animated Features
The Mysterious Stranger | The Grand Duke of Owls | Emperor Maltazard

Live-Action Features
Angel Eyes | Attila Mellanchini | Karl Stromberg | Mark Tomaso | Jack Anders | Junior | Prince Humperdinck | Count Rugen | Queen Bavmorda | Annie Wilkes | Buffalo Bill | Jack Merridew | The Grand Duke of Owls | Ryan Gaerity | Emperor Maltazard | Mrs. Lenz | Michael Myers | Witch-king of Angmar | Lyutsifer Safin

See Also
Europacorp Near Pure Evils | Lantern Entertainment Near Pure Evils | Luc Besson Near Pure Evils | Lucasfilm Near Pure Evils | Sony Pictures Near Pure Evils | Warner Bros. Near Pure Evils

           20th Century Studios Logo Near Pure Evils

Animated Features
The Grand Duke of Owls | El Supremo | Pharaoh Seti I | Hernán Cortés | Eris | Madame Gasket | Phineas T. Ratchet | Vincent | Emperor Maltazard | Russ Cargill | Rumpelstiltskin | Tighten | Lord Shen | Captain Gutt | Mandrake | Jester | Dave | Kai the Collector | Chef Bergen | Creek | Killian

Live-Action Features
Angel Eyes | Charlie Hewitt Jr. | Grandpa Sawyer | Attila Mellanchini | Damien Thorn | Grand Moff Tarkin | Karl Stromberg | Cornelius Evazan | Mark Tomaso | Jack Anders | Kenny Hampson | The Thing | Arius | Junior | Prince Humperdinck | Count Rugen | Matthew Cordell | Screwface | Annie Wilkes | Norma Bates | Mother | Buffalo Bill | Jack Merridew | The Grand Duke of Owls | Victor Vega | President Koopa | Ryan Gaerity | Juno Skinner | Dr. Terrence Wynn | The Ultimate Evil | Egor Korshunov | Cyrus Grissom | Nathan "Diamond Dogs" Jones | Aaron the Moor | Jean-Pierre Richard | Zé Pequeno | William Stryker | Leatherface | Elle Driver | General Grievous | Victor Crowley | Emperor Maltazard | Constance Lenz | La Femme | Megatron | Michael Myers | Beadle Bamford | Mademoiselle | Patrice Saint-Clair | Demolishor | Mark Hoffman | Edwin | Dylan Gould | David 8 | Ronald Jones Jr. | Calvin Candie | Stephen | Mary Epps | Bolivar Trask | James Savoy | Sergio De Luca | Major Marquis Warren | Quintessa | Colonel McCullough | The President | John Cassetti | Ultimate Predator | Lyutsifer Safin

Animated Television
Seymour Skinner | Sabretooth | Fenghuang | Yaoguai Twins | Bone-Fossa | Alistair Covax | Kostas Becker | Lisa Simpson | Sheriff | Bastion

Live-Action Television
The Man in Black | Eduardo Ramos | Gary | Jacob Broadsky | The Governor | Gareth | Alpha | Dante | Dr. Arthur Arden | Nurse Mildred Ratched

Video Games
Carol Miller

See Also
Blue Sky Near Pure Evils | Buena Vista International Near Pure Evils | Disney Near Pure Evils | DreamWorks Near Pure Evils | Europacorp Near Pure Evils | Luc Besson Near Pure Evils | Mario Near Pure Evils | Netflix Near Pure Evils | Star Wars Near Pure Evils | The Simpsons Near Pure Evils | The Walking Dead Near Pure Evils | X-Men Near Pure Evils
