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Mama, Ishmael, and Lot Polk are the secondary antagonists of American Horror Story: Roanoke, the sixth season of the horror anthology live-action TV series American Horror Story. They are the three leading members of the Polk family and have been committing cannibalistic traditions on many people involving them torturing whoever they come across with sadistic pleasure before mutilating their body parts that they would devour, killing whoever they deem to be "bad meat" while also serving the Butcher through providing sacrifices to her from time to time ever since a pact made with her by their kin 200 years ago, with them being indicated to be sadistic about this as well.

In their My Roanoke Nightmare (fictional documentary) appearances, Mama Polk is portrayed by Frances Conroy, Ishmael Polk is portrayed by Grady Lee Richmond, and Lot Polk is portrayed by Chaz Bono while the real world, Mama Polk is portrayed by Robin Weigert, Ishmael Polk is portrayed by Frank Collison, and Lot Polk is portrayed by Frederick Koehler.

Their Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Them Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • While their previous family went through the year of Depression in 1929 where everyone was broke and there was nothing to eat and started a cannibalistic tradition by killing a few people who killed their pig and had a nice meal and then eating them, not only is this not played for sympathy, but it doesn't hold up as not only do they have plenty of crops on their farm, showing that they don't have to commit cannibalism to survive, but they're doing this more for kicks rather than survival which is evident by how much sadistic joy they relish out of torturing their victims, even forcing their victims themselves to commit cannibalism from time to time as shown with Shelby, Matt, Audrey, and Monet for laughs. They're even willing to gruesomely kill their victims themselves without eating them if they determine them to be bad meat as shown with Elias where Mama Polk had Lot smash his head with a hammer when she deemed him bad meat. Their overall motive isn't even to survive. It's just, as Mama Polk put it, to remain the first family as long as possible so long as they keep up traditions.
  • While their kin has been committing cannibalistic traditions before them, they stick out for their actions not relying on offscreen villainy in contrast to the former, being explicitly motivated by sadism as their ancestors were only explicitly motivated by hunger with it never being made clear if they took as much joy in their victims' pain like the current Polk Family, and committing acts that have never been specified to have been acts committed by their kin like them gruesomely killing those they deem "bad meat", forcing some of their victims to commit cannibalism themselves, torturing their victims by taking their teeth out, etc.
  • They have been providing the Butcher with victims to sacrifice as part of the deal made 200 years ago with her kin to the Butcher where when they bring her victims to sacrifice in blood consecration, they are left in peace by the Butcher. While this was done to maintain peace, they show no remorse nor any hesitation with this and are even hinted to be sadistic about it as well.
  • When Matt, Shelby, and Flora all try escaping the house and the Butcher through a tunnel with the help of Edward Mott who would then disappear, they knock them out and take them to their cabin where they reveal that they have been torturing Elias by Mama Polk tearing off his leg and arm, with Elias begging Matt to kill him to put an end to his pain when Matt reveals himself to him.
  • Mama Polk then attempts to feed Matt and Shelby bits of Elias' body while saying it is just "jerky" and putting on a façade towards them and when she tastes it herself, she spits it out with dislike of the taste before claiming he is bad meat, allowing Lot to brutally kill him by smashing his head in with a hammer.
  • After Matt, Shelby, and Flora try to escape only to get caught by Lot, in order to ensure that they don't escape again, Mama Polk breaks Shelby's ankle with a hammer, causing the bone of the ankle burst from the skin and be visible.
  • They then arrive to the Butcher's location and give Matt, Shelby, and Flora to her to be killed by her as their sacrifice to her.
  • When they find Lee with Audrey and Monet, they tase Lee before kidnapping all of them and taking them to their cabins to be tortured for their body parts.
  • Once they tie up Lee, Mama Polk pours peanut oil over her leg and adds seasoning onto it, making a sadistic joke about how every sweet meat needs tenderizing before proceeding to torture Lee by stabbing her in said leg with a knife.
  • Mama Polk then attempts to trick Audrey and Monet into eating body parts and when they don't, Ishmael tases them some more while laughing sadistically with Mama and Lot, eventually succeeding at forcing both of them to eat them.
  • They are established to have committed their cannibalistic hobbies for years as Mama Polk herself explains that police have been in their pockets for years and that they pay them better than the state ever could.
  • Mama Polk then has Jether take a chunk out of her thigh so that she could causterize it.
  • As revealed by Jether, after they take the "best parts", they make bone broth afterwards.
  • They reveal that they took the teeth from their victims all those years and keep them as trophies.
  • They proceed to torture Monet by painfully tearing one of her teeth out with a plier, which winds up the chair getting broken and Monet falling on the floor.
  • When it turns out the tooth they took out broke, Lot proceeded to go get bigger pliers to take her tooth out while Ishmael attempts to get Monet tied up again only for her to beat him up and escape but not before promising to Audrey to come back.
  • After sending Ishmael and Lot to go recapture Monet, Mama Polk attempts to tear one of Audrey's teeth out with a plier and soon succeeds at it after threatening her.
  • She then attempts to tear another one of her teeth out only to be confronted by Lee who knocks her out with a punch before being kicked by Audrey and Lee with Audrey killing her herself.
  • Upon confronting Audrey and Monet after the former freed the latter back at their house, he prepares to attempt to kill them real slow to avenge Mama Polk's death only for Audrey to kill him by shooting him in the head.
  • Upon spotting Dylan, Lot proceeds to kill him by stabbing him several times and then prepares to attack Lee with the knife when she confronts him only to end up running away when spotting the Butcher's mob whilst yelling to Ishmael that they are coming, unaware that he's been killed by Audrey by then.
  • In order to get to Lee, Lot starts a shooting amongst the crowd watching her be interviewed, managing to kill a few people along the way.
  • When Lana Winters tries to reason with him and tries to convince him to spare Lee, Lot ends up knocking her out with his gun, saying that she talks too much before attempting to kill Lee to avenge his family's death only to end up being killed by cops saving her.
  • Despite American Horror Story's heinous standard overall, they stand out for their fairly low resources and their torturous methods towards their victims as well as their effects, as they mostly give the victims a slow and painful death.

What Prevents Them from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • They are conveyed to care for one another and other members of their family, Mama Polk yelling angrily at Matt and Shelby for Cain's death and telling them that she would've bashed their skulls in if the Butcher didn't want them so badly with their being tears in her eyes as the Butcher comforts her over his death, getting angry at Audrey for insulting her sons, Ishmael showing care for a couple of children who were mindless and were sucking the teats of a pig that Matt and Shelby took from their farm and took to the police and being mad at Shelby and Matt for taking them from them when conversing with Audrey and for Mama Polk as when he confronts Audrey and Monet back at their house, he berates Audrey for killing her, declaring her to be the glue that held this family together whilst telling them that he is going to murder them real slow to avenge her death, and Lot, who tries to avenge their deaths by killing Lee, deeming her responsible.
  • They have a minor Pet the Dog moment as they took Flora to be locked in the truck so she wouldn't have to witness Shelby getting her ankle brutally broken by Mama Polk, though they were still willing to get her killed by taking her along with Matt and Shelby as sacrifices to the Butcher.


           American Horror Story Near Pure Evils

Dr. Arthur Arden | Leigh Emerson

Mama, Ishmael, and Lot Polk

Kai Anderson
