Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki

This Near Pure Evil was headlined on March 2022.


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Pochita giving you that heart in exchange for you living a normal life. That agreement that you had with Pochita wasn't a promise, it was a contract. I thought hard about how to break that contract. I thought hard about what I had to do to hurt you so badly that you could never recover, so you can't live a normal life anymore. It was a really hard thing to do, you know? I mean, you had even felt pretty satisfied with the life you were living with Pochita before. So, the first thing to do was make sure you experienced an extraordinary amount of happiness. I prepared a job for you, paid you, money, had you eaten all sorts of delicious foods, and even provided you with a family that you were able to get along with. Aki made a nice older brother for you, and Power become a troublesome little sister to take care of. I made that happiness your normal, and then destroyed it all. From now on, whatever happiness, whatever normality you feel, I'll be the one to construct it all and I'll be the one to destroy it all. If you overcome your sadness and make friends, I'll kill them. If you get married and have children, I won't let your wife and children live long.
~ Makima revealing her true colors towards Denji.
I want to use Chainsaw Man to create a better world.
~ Makima revealing her goal to Kishibe.

The Control Devil, better known as Makima, is the main antagonist of the Chainsaw Man franchise.

She is the leader of the Public Safety Devil Hunter Organization and the guardian of Denji when she took him under her wing, trying her best to give him another purpose in life and become much happier than he was as a child. However, Makima's true colors would slowly reveal herself throughout the past arcs to be none other than the Control Devil herself, being feared throughout the entire world as her plan was to bring about the worst kind of "peace" there is. She ended up becoming Denji's arch-nemesis after having to kill Power and Aki.

She is voiced by Tomori Kusunoki in Japanese and by Suzie Yeung in the English dub.

Her Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

In General/Background[]

  • Her contract with the Japanese Prime Minister has any Japanese citizen take the hit for any fatal hit that can occur to her, leading to countless dying.
  • She had Denji fight against devils and put his life at risk on multiple occasions, while refusing to allow him to leave the Public Safety Devil Hunter Organization by threatening to kill him if he did.
  • At an unknown point in the past, she forced the Angel Devil to wipe out the entire village that raised him, then erased his memories of doing so.
  • Although she seemed to care about Denji she was actually manipulating him into believing she's interested in him to keep Denji under her control and to ensure that he'd be even more broken once she revealed the truth. She even refers to him as her "dog" and telling him that all she would want to hear him say was yes or make dog sounds.
  • She ultimately seeks to place all of humanity under her tyrannical control in her goal to create a "better world" which while genuinely well-intentioned, what she deems the world is better without is of her own subjective opinion than anything objective. This is shown when Pochita asks if she would erase all she deems as bad movies, Makima replies that it would be better if bad movies didn't exist. It demonstrates how dangerous Makima's plans for control will be for humanity as a whole to usher in, as the President of the United States calls, the worst kind of peace.
  • When Pochita tricks her by assuming Denji's form, she tries to kill him anyway, showing that her supposed love for Pochita is only superficial as she didn't realize she was attacking Pochita himself this time.
  • Overall, a majority of the death and devastation that occurs across Part 1 are all organized by her, with countless lives wasted as collateral damage for her destructive scheme to control humanity.
  • Even after Denji finally kills her, her actions left a big impact on Denji's life, as he still has post-traumatic stress disorder from how Makima tore down his life and the emotional abuse he suffered from her as a result, and in Part 2, Barem Bridge/Flamethrower Man decides to make Denji's life hell in her stead to fulfill her goals, even going as far to kill her reincarnation, Nayuta just to break Denji.

Part 1: Public Safety Saga[]

  • Introduces Denji to Aki Hayakawa and Power so that they can build a familial bond between each other, and once they have outlived their usefulness, she later kills both of them to psychologically break Denji enough to summon Chainsaw Man.
  • She kills several of the attackers of Division 4 using prisoners as sacrifices. Though the prisoners were criminals who'd been sentenced to life in prison, the manner she kills them is very ruthless.
  • It is very likely that she had Akane Sawatari killed by the Snake Devil to prevent her from revealing the truth about the Gun Devil.
  • When meeting with the Yakuza, she gives them the eyes of all their loved ones and forces them to cooperate under the threat of not returning their eyeballs back.
  • Killed Reze before she was gonna meet Denji in the café as promised to each other in order to assert her control over Denji's life.
  • She was aware that Denji and several other devil hunters were under the assault of the Darkness Devil, a Primal Fear, yet she did nothing to help until the Spider Devil bids her to come and save them.
  • When Quanxi attempted to surrender and asks for two of her surviving girlfriends (Cosmo and Tsugihagi) to be spared, Makima rudely referred to Quanxi as a corpse and decided to ruthlessly decapitate Quanxi and her last two girlfriends.
  • After Aki confessed that he wanted to protect both Power and Denji from danger, she heartlessly used her powers on him to serve as her pawn.
  • Used her powers on Angel Devil when he realizes her true nature and attempts to turn on her, using him as a pawn for her plans.
  • Although she defeated the Gun Devil, she only did so that she could use the Gun Devil to traumatize Denji, not out of any altruistic reasons.
  • Transformz Aki's corpse into the Gun Fiend in order to force Denji to kill Aki, his best friend,.
  • She killed Power right in front of Denji's eyes on his birthday. When Denji couldn't believe what he was seeing and convinced himself it was all a dream, she began laughing hysterically, stating that's a funny joke.
  • She gaslighted Denji and destroyed his mind, stating that whatever happiness he had, she will destroy it no matter what it is. All the while, she blames him for the deaths of his father, Power, and Aki, so she can have him break his contract with Pochita.
  • If Pochita refuses to join her, she would allow him to eat her and erase her from existence, knowing this will doom humanity as a result due to the loss of control and order.
  • She revived and brainwashed Quanxi, Samurai Sword, Reze, and several other Hybrids, who were previously killed, in order to defeat Pochita. This made them all become a former shell of themselves as Makima manipulated their minds to make them serve her.
  • She tries to kill Kobeni Higashiyama, one of the last survivors of the main cast, to trick Pochita into saving her, then broadcasts Denji's previous fights in an attempt to weaken Chainsaw Man.
  • When Pochita disguised as Denji is exhausted from fighting the army of hybrid Devils, Makima gives "Denji" her blood simply because he wants to kill him herself. During the fight, she tries to kill "Denji" by pulling out his heart for being in the way between her and Pochita, showcasing her petty spite at Denji for having gained Pochita's love and not "understanding" what Chainsaw Man is supposed to represent.

What Prevents Her from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • She's ultimately a tragic figure. Her evil stems from having been raised without love as a weapon for the government, genuinely wanting to build a family-like relationship on an equal footing with others, and the reason she likes dogs is that she likes her relationships one-sidedly, showing an insecure side of her. However, the full extent of the state's abuse towards her are only left in implication, and the story makes it clear that this isn't to absolve Makima's deplorable crimes and that there are some limits to the sympathy as well, with Denji taking in to raise her reincarnation Nayuta to specifically ensure she never ends up as depraved as Makima ever was.
  • Although it's very extreme, ruthless, uses unjustifiable means and is partially motivated by her own emotional issues, she stays true to her word of wanting to make the world a better place despite her heinous actions, making her a genuine well-intentioned extremist. To even further point out how evidentially true it is, she stated she was willing to be devoured by the Chainsaw Devil herself if she thought it was necessary, and Pochita also explicitly states that her actions were to create a better world and rectify its flaws so that she is also able to truly make connections with other people, confirming deep down they all came from a genuine place.
  • While plainly stating that she loves them partially because they'll obey her will, she does care about her dogs and relies on them as one of the few consistent sources of genuine companionship she has.


  • She is the only Chainsaw Man villain to be Near Pure Evil.

External Links[]


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