Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki

Maeglin is an antagonist in The Silmarillion. He is the son of Eöl and Aredhel who initially lived in Nan Elmoth with his parents before later becoming a prince of Gondolin and counsellor of King Turgon after the death of both his parents with his father having unintentionally killed his mother while trying to kill Maeglin in the court of Gondolin which led to his execution, with Maeglin prospering greatly from his life in Gondolin, though he would become lustful towards Idril and gain a desire for power, two traits that would turn him to the dark side when he makes a deal with Morgoth to aid him in the assault of Gondolin from within in exchange for those two exact things.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He developed lustful feelings towards Idril and sought to have her for himself regardless of how she feels despite her being his own cousin.
  • He showed no grieve for the going of Hurin and Huor, begrudging them the favour of the King and having no love for any Men, telling him that Turgon's grace is greater than he knows and that they would have had to abide there until their life's end had the law not become less stern.
  • He spoke against Tuor in the councils of the king when he gave warning to Turgon that the Curse of Mandos now hastened to its fulfilment and to go do down Sirion to the sea in spite of the potential consequences, though Turgon, despite refusing to leave Gondolin, instead decided to block up the entrance to Gondolin and forbid anyone from going on any errand of peace or war.
  • He harboured hateful and murderous thoughts against Tuor for winning Idril's heart and the two becoming lovers, wanting above all things to possess her.
  • After being captured by Morgoth's Orcs while going to mine and quarry after metals and getting interrogated by Morgoth, when Morgoth promised him the lordship of Gondolin as his vassal and the possession of Idril Celebrindal when the land should be taken, Maeglin eagerly accepted the deal and revealed to him the location of Gondolin and its weaknesses so that Morgoth would be able to assail and decimate the city and its population which consisted of thousands, with Maeglin aiding the assault from within years after being sent back to abode in the halls of the King with smiling face and evil in his heart.
  • During the destruction of Gondolin, he laid hands on Idril and her son Earendil, with the intent of making Idril, his own cousin, his sex slave.
  • When Tuor arrived to rescue her and her son, Maeglin engaged in battle against him with the intent of killing him only to be cast out over the walls as his body smote the rocky slopes of Amon Gwareth three times before pitching into the flame below.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He cares for his mother, Aredhel, the book specifying that he loved his mother better than his father and that if Eöl was abroad, he would sit long beside her and listen to all that she could tell him of her kin and their deeds in Eldamar and of the might and valour of the princes of the House of Fingolfin, all of which were things he laid to heart, even going so far as to help her go to Gondolin to see her own kin again despite Eöl forbidding it. His care for his mother never gets subverted no matter how evil he gets.

External Links[]


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Saruman | Witch-king of Angmar | Morgomir | Maeglin
