Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki
Near Pure Evil Wiki
NOTE: This page is only about his film incarnation as the book incarnation of Lex Luthor was voted Pure Evil, and thus only the film version of Lex Luthor's info and crimes should be put here.

Gods are selfish beings who fly around in little red capes and don't share their power with mankind. No, I don't want to be a god, I just want to bring fire to the people. And I want my cut.
~ Lex Luthor’s philosophy

Lex Luthor is the main antagonist of the 2006 superhero film Superman Returns, which serves as an homage sequel to the 1978 classic film Superman and its 1980 sequel Superman II.

He is an evil criminal mastermind and genius scientist who schemes to defeat and kill Superman, his longtime archenemy, for taking away five years of his life in prison. After Superman returns back to Earth following five years travelling through outer space, Luthor envisions a last scheme to conquer the Earth and defeat Superman once and for all.

He was portrayed by Kevin Spacey, who also played Keyser Söze in The Usual Suspects, Hopper in A Bug's Life, and Jonathan Irons In Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • His past crimes are the same as the ones he committed in Superman and Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut.
  • He manipulates a dying old woman into signing all her money over to him while also estranging her from her family, denying them the chance to see her before her passing.
  • He has one of his goons drop a small crystal into a small pool of water, which causes blackouts, which also causes a shuttle to malfunction, causing it and the plane it is being carried on to crash.
  • In order to steal an important item he needs from a museum, he has his main henchwoman pull off a diversion by pretending to drive an out of control car, but he cuts the breaks to make it more authentic, which put Kitty, and by extension pedestrians, into real danger.
  • He kidnaps Lois Lane and her son Jason when they sneak onto his yacht.
  • He reveals that his master plan is to create a whole new continent that will sink most of North America and also parts of other continents just so he can sell beach front property to the highest bidders. He also gleefully admits that it would kill billions.
  • When he finally fires the crystals into the ocean, it causes a massive earthquake, which causes mass damage across Metropolis.
  • One of the spike crystals that arise from the ocean impales Luthor's yacht, which endangers Lois, Jason, and Lois' husband, Richard.
  • When Superman arrives to stop him, Lex Luthor manages to exploit the fact that Superman is weakened to the presence of Kryptonite on the continent and he and his goons beat Superman to near death. He ends the beatdown by stabbing Superman in the back and when Superman finally gets up, he falls into the ocean.
  • When Luthor and Kitty are stuck on a small island, he yells at Kitty and tells her that he will trade her blood and 50,000 coconuts are just a quart of fuel. When Kitty asks them what they are going to eat, he eyes Kitty's dog, which implies he might try and eat him.
  • His Kryptonite island nearly killed Superman.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • There are a few small times where he isn't played completely seriously, such as stumbling into Lois and Jason trespassing on his yacht while he's brushing his teeth and giving one of Gertrude's little relatives his wig.


  • Kevin Spacey was originally set to reprise his role as Lex Luthor in a planned Superman Returns sequel that got cancelled in favor of rebooting the Superman film franchise due to Superman Returns not being the success the executives of Warner Bros. wished for it to be. Had the sequel been produced and Luthor returned, it's unknown if this would have affected his Near Pure Evil status.

External Links[]


           SupermanLogo Near Pure Evils

Versions of Lex Luthor
Arrowverse | Justice Lords | Superman Returns

Great Darkness | Adolf Hitler | Emperor Joker

TV Series
Superman: The Animated Series: Unity
Smallville: Gabriel Duncan

Superman Returns: Lex Luthor
Man of Steel: Dru-Zod

Video Games
Superman (Injustice) | Joker (Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe) | Lex Luthor (Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe)

           WB 2023 Symbol Near Pure Evils

Animated Features
Ruber | Sarah Ravencroft | Sinestro | Ultraman | Kludd | Nyra | Wonder Woman | Aquaman | Future Mr. Ross | Hunter | Trigon | Katz | Hal Jordan | Lulu

Live-Action Features
DC Extended Universe
Zod | The Enchantress | Incubus | Ares | Doctor Poison | Kalypso

The Thing | Chief Cicatriz | Angel Eyes | Alex DeLarge | Billy | Karl Stromberg | Toecutter | Ray Parkins | Mama Fratelli | Junior | Peter McAllister | Jack Joshua | Prince Humperdinck | Count Rugen | Jimmy Conway | Tommy DeVito | Annie Wilkes | Buffalo Bill | Jack Travis | Penguin | Byron Hadley | Two-Face | Waingro | Adam Styler | Henry Addison | Dr. Jason Woodrue | Poison Ivy | Agent Smith | Evil Masked Figure | Tar Monster | Agamemnon | Bo Sinclair | Anthony Lilliman | Lex Luthor | Mrs. Lenz | Xerxes | Antonin Dolohov | Amycus and Alecto Carrow | Bellatrix Lestrange | Beadle Bamford | Steven Wilkins | Mr. Kreeg | Jason Voorhees | Fenrir Greyback | Esther Coleman | Talia al Ghul | Bane | Leopold II | Angelique Bouchard | Witch-king of Angmar | Sadie Cunningham | King Vortigern | Keicho Nijimura | Alvin Marsh | Nolan Sorrento | Shere Khan | Rose the Hat | Walter Simmons | Johnny Boy Soprano | Lyutsifer Safin | Carmine Falcone

Animated Television
DC Animated Universe
Scarecrow | Sewer King | Professor Milo | Thoth Khepera | Firefly | Arkady Duvall | Farmer Brown | Aresia | Unity | President Luthor | Paran Dul | General Wade Eiling | Doctor Moon | Devil Ray

Adventure Time
Earl of Lemongrab | Stag | Orgalorg | Patience St. Pim | Uncle Gumbald | Warren Ampersand

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Esidisi | Kars | Daniel J. D'Arby | Keicho Nijimura | Yoshikage Kira | Prosciutto | Ungalo

Nemesis | Derek Powers | Zander | Dr. Harley Street | Ci-Kat-A Queen | Traag | Demongo | Dr. Goyu | Chase Young | Mr. Freeze | Black Mask | Clay Puppington | General Grievous | Grand Moff Tarkin | Cad Bane | Admiral Trench | Osi Sobeck | Morley | Equinox | Klarion | Doom Ma Geddon | Quillgin | Natalia | Internet | Joker | Donatello Versus | Ra's al Ghul | Victoria Jones

Live-Action Television
Prometheus | Dante | Stanley Dover | The Thinker | Cicada II | Bloodwork | Non | Lex Luthor | Neron | Dark Arrow | Overgirl | Bruce Wayne

Game of Thrones
Roose Bolton | Balon Greyjoy | Tywin Lannister | Meryn Trant | Polliver | Janos Slynt | Rast

Ogre | Robert Greenwood | Theo Galavan | Eduardo Flamingo | Jervis Tetch | Ra's Al Ghul | Nyssa al Ghul

Overlook Hotel | Johnny Boy Soprano | The Greek | Phil Leotardo | Azazel | White Dragon

Video Games
Alvaro D'Alvade | Claus Strandberg | Reza Zaydan | Craig Black | Brother Akram | Bradley Paine | Carl Ingram | Robert Knox | Dmitri Federov | Roman Khabko | Helen West

Superman | Joker (Injustice Universe | Main Universe) | Wonder Woman | Gorilla Grodd

Telltale Batman
Lady Arkham | Penguin | Thomas Wayne | Two-Face | Hamilton Hill | Riddler | Harley Quinn

Joker | Lex Luthor | Victor Zsasz | Brainiac


See Also
A Song of Ice and Fire Near Pure Evils | Amblin Entertainment Near Pure Evils | Arrowverse Near Pure Evils | Adventure Time Near Pure Evils | Batman Near Pure Evils | Cartoon Network Near Pure Evils | Castle Rock Entertainment Near Pure Evils | DC Animated Universe Near Pure Evils | DC Extended Universe Near Pure Evils | DreamWorks Near Pure Evils | Godzilla Near Pure Evils | Gotham Near Pure Evils | Injustice Near Pure Evils | Legendary Entertainment Near Pure Evils | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Near Pure Evils | Mortal Kombat Near Pure Evils | Regular Show Near Pure Evils | Scooby-Doo Near Pure Evils | Star Wars Near Pure Evils | Stephen King Near Pure Evils | Superman Near Pure Evils | Tim Burton Near Pure Evils
