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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue.

Hi. My name is Leith Pierre, and I'm the head of Innovation here at the Playtime Co. toy factory. If you're seeing this, then you're trespassing! Yeah, we play this little tape on loop whenever we close the factory for the day. So trespasser, just to make you aware. While we pride ourselves primarily on our high quality toys and excellent childcare. We also pride ourselves on our security. For example, this facility is full of hidden motion triggers which, once set off, will turn on the factory's emergency alarms and directly contact the authorities! And that´s one of the more tame aspects of our security system. No spoilers... So, you've got my warning. It's not too late to turn around. I just hope you're certain whatever you're doing is worth it.
~ Leith Pierre in Green VHS tape.
Theo, nobody's gonna save you. This prison is where you belong. We'll let you out here and there to go see the kids in Playcare, but your home is here. And as for 'The Prototype', his home is in the labs. THIS is your life now. Get used to it.
~ Leith Pierre talking to CatNap.

Leith Pierre is a major antagonist in Poppy Playtime franchise.

He is the Head of Innovation at Playtime CO. who chose to ignore the violent rampaging of the company's experiments. Following the death of Elliot Ludwig, he seems to have taken over the company's initiative.

He is voiced by Robin “Xycron” Nelson.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He is generally very rude to all of his employees and treats them as inferiors, not even pretending to be respectful. Although he can be nice to them, it is generally only when they do not know his true nature and even then has undertones of sarcasm in his voice.
  • He took part in the Bigger Bodies Initiative alongside Harley Sawyer, turning children and employees into giant toys to avoid paying them and to prevent them from suing Playtime. His role would mostly involve covering up the experiments to ensure they weren't discovered. He would also personally train the toys (or at least CatNap) to be obedient after Sawyer's "death".
  • He used the Head of Security to spy on other workers.
  • When his employee Marcas Brickley reported that PJ Pug-A-Pillar was out causing havoc, Leith rudely neglected him and covered it up.
  • He was complicit in killing Rowan Stoll after threatening to expose the experiments, first by sabotaging his car's tires in an attempt to have him die in a car crash, then having Boxy Boo eat him.
  • When an undisclosed incident at Playtime Co. happened (presumably the theater fire) that almost caused their crimes to be exposed to the public, Leith outright admitted he would personally strangle to death whoever was responsible. It’s also implied he had any witnesses murdered to cover up the incident and was shown to be quite indifferent to their deaths.
  • When the Bigger Bodies Initiative started backfiring and numerous incidents (like the one mentioned above) started happening, Leith, along with Eddie Ritterman and Stella Greyber, betrayed Sawyer and had him forcibly transformed into the Playtime Automated Companion as punishment, although to be fair, he deserved it for his actions.
  • He oversaw Theodore Grambell/CatNap's horrid imprisonment in his cell once Sawyer was out of the picture, during which he mocked the boy about how he will never be saved and should get used to his situation.
  • Some time after the Hour of Joy, he endangered multiple employees by sending them into the monster-filled remains of the factory to continue the Bigger Bodies experiments as shown in Project: Playtime. If they end up dying, he shows no remorse and jokes about having one less pension to pay.
  • He insults his assistant Sharon numerous times for failing at her job, possibly making him a misogynist.
  • Although he does have a few comedic lines, they only highlight his sadistic and greedy nature while not detracting at all from his seriousness.
  • Considering he was alive and well after the Hour of Joy and it’s unlikely he ever returned to the factory, it can be presumed he faced no consequences for his crimes and got away with them.
  • While he doesn't appear in person, his tapes, documents and other factors show him to be a greedy and narcissistic psychopath.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He ultimately fails the Heinous Standard to Harley Sawyer, as Leith lacks any niche to separate himself from the much more cruel, sadistic and exploitative head and founder of the Bigger Bodies Initiative despite having a higher ranking in Playtime's hierarchy, thereby having higher resources. However, this is a minor prevention as Leith was the one who enabled Sawyer’s actions and the Bigger Bodies Initiative to begin with.
  • He shows a moment of kindness towards a dying Resource Extraction Specialist named Johnny, stating he should be saved because he "earned it" for completing his job during the Project: Playtime survivor tutorial. This contradicts how he usually is condescending to his employees and shows no care for their deaths, and seemingly had no pragmatic reason to do this especially since Johnny is just a random employee without much use.
  • He seemed to have a genuine friendship with, or at least respected, the late Elliot Ludwig, taking over the company after his passing and the tie in Orientation book states he thought he was keeping Elliot's values and traditions with the company. Nothing indicates this is part of a façade.


  • In the original script for Chapter 3, it would have been revealed that Leith had Marcas killed by Boxy Boo to silence loose ends, but due to the actor being unable to perform this was never added. If this were included, it would make Leith even worse.
  • It has been theorized by some that the Leith who speaks to the employees in Project Playtime is actually the Prototype mimicking him to send employees to being endangered. If this were proven, it would nullify his prevention of honor but also make him less heinous.

External Links[]


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