Kush Husky, or simply known as Kush, is the main antagonist of the 2020-23 Disney Channel fanon-comedy animated series Nalam City, and a few of the shorts with the same name.
He is an evil, 16-year old serial killer, who acts as nice to people just to use them, and torture them for the fun of it.
He is voiced by the creator of the fanon series.
His Evil Ranking[]
What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]
- Destroying 5 cities for good just to see everyone suffer.
- Abuse Jake with a black box during the fight in his return in Season 2, making him badly hurt and even tricking Tina and James into thinking he was dead, quietly.
- Threw 2 7-year old cats into lava, and the other one into even hotter lava.
- Assaulted Michael.
- Burning down down Jake, James and Tina's house while they were still in it.
- Recording him killing somebody with his laser gun.
What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]
- He seems to care at least a bit for his dad, having a picture of them hugging.
- He decided not to blow up Jake, James and Tina in Nalam Traveling, as if they died he would never be able to fight them again, which was before he didn’t have the ability to revive someone.
- Though this being a bit evil, he decided not to hurt the trio as much as Mary, as she’s 38, and they’re 15 and 13.
External Links[]
- Kush Husky on the Villains Fanon Wiki
- Kush Husky on the Nalam City Wiki