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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Ah, by the way, my dad was a dentist. And also, papa was always cheating with his dental assistant! But I guess he had an inferiority complex 'cause he always roleplayed as a brain surgeon. Yes, a great daddy indeed, neglecting his buisness and making me earn money instead... A perfect papa who I could kill over, and over, and over and it still wouldn't have been enough.
~ Kotoko's description of her father and how much she hates him.
Kotoko, you were so cute, as always! The director, the producer, the sponsors, everybody was super happy! And now... there's another business you have to attend to. And you're mom's gonna come with, okay? It's going to be alright... Kotoko is just so sweet... everybody will be gentle with you... Very, very gentle...
~ Kotoko being encouraged into prostitution by her father.

Kotoko Utsugi's Father, also known as Adult H, is a minor antagonist in Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls. While never physically seen, he is the main reason why Kotoko went down the path of becoming a terroristic member of the Warriors of Hope by often sending his daughter and wife to be raped by producers of her shows to make extra money and get extra roles for her career.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • When the 10-year-old Kotoko was showing that she was very talented for acting roles in theatre, he decided to sell her off alongside his wife to producers of shows so that they got to have sex with them in exchange of getting more roles in their shows, alongside to get more money from them.
    • This would cause horrible scars on Kotoko's psyche whenever she heard the word "gentle", due to him telling her that this is how her rapists would treat her.
    • Alongside the other Warriors of Hope, his abuse turned out so bad that she wanted to commit suicide alongside the other kids that also suffered abuse from their house lives (on Monaca Towa's suggestion), only stopping because Junko Enoshima stopped them from doing so in order to convince them to kill all the adults.
  • He did not have any care towards his wife either, as Kotoko mentioned that he was cheating on her with his dental assistant.
  • He easily stands out as the worst of the parents of the Warriors of Hope, as despite all being awfully abusive, none of them actively sold them off to be used as a sex slave.
  • While he is stated to have insecurities about his role as a dentist due to wanting to be a brain surgeon, it doesn't even come close to justifying any of his actions, right, it can even be considered a whim on his part..
  • Despite only having one line and never being seen physically, he is characterized as a greedy psychopath who was utterly irredeemable and thus, doesn't suffer from insufficient characterization.
  • He has no redeeming qualities.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He fails the overall Heinous Standards of Danganronpa, due to the fact child abuse on a large scale with characters like Junko and more, is extremely common. His crime is unique and he does have low resources, but he can't stand out with such a low victim count.


  • He is the only Danganronpa Near Pure Evil to not make a full physical appearance.

External Links[]


           Danganronpa series English logo.svg Near Pure Evils

Main series
Mukuro Ikusaba | Alter Ego Junko | Monaca Towa | Haiji Towa | Kotoko Utsugi's Father | Kazuo Tengan

Danganronpa V3
Tsumugi Shirogane | Monokuma

Killer Killer
Rei Shimizu | Momomichi Itō | Shūji Fujigawa

Danganronpa Another Series
Utsuro | Kokoro Kurokawa

Other Works
Tsumugi Shirogane | Cameron | Cozy Glow
