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Near Pure Evil Wiki


This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue.

Rin, I've always had a problem with you. You've got no talent, yet you monopolize the trust of the student body president... and even after you became acting president, you're still trying to run things based on the opinions of those around you. You can't solve anything with that kind of middle-man politics. Kivotos need to be led by a superhuman.
~ Kaya shows superhuman complex.
What's wrong with me? Why don't the people around me trust me for who I am? I told them everything would be perfect if they just followed my instructions, so why are they rebelling? She said that no matter what she said, every student in Kivotos followed with complete trust. What's the difference between me and her? Why can't I be "superhuman"? What's the difference between the old student council and the new one? I see. There's a lack of fear in this Kivotos. If I show maximum fear, anyone will do as I say.
~ Kaya Shiranui.

Kaya Shiranui is a major antagonist in the 2021 roleplay RPG game, Blue Archive, serving as the main antagonist of the fourth volume of the Main Story, The Rabbit of Caerbannog, and one of the antagonists for the first chapter of the Final Volume, Where All Miracles Begin.

Her Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • She is the complete opposite of her appearance which seems to be a cute pretty, sweet and nice girl
  • She manipulated the FOX Platoon behind the scenes, staged a coup, revived the SRT Special Academy, wiped out the existence of SCHALE to which Sensei, who now possesses the Siddm's Chast, belonged, and plotted to rule Kivotos by becoming the student body president herself.
  • When she puts Sensei in charge of the RABBIT platoon, she does so in order to keep the student council out of the way, and to keep the RABBIT platoon in the hands of Sensei, the antagonistic adult in the SCHALE, so that they can be hurt and torn apart on their own, to cover up and eliminate variables in her plan.
  • She bought a huge arsenal of weapons from Kaiser Industries, a subsidiary of Kaiser Corporation, and gave them to the Valkyrie Public Security Bureau, who used them to forcibly evict homeless people who were in the way of Kaiser's redevelopment of Baby Rabbit Town.
  • Taking advantage of the situation where Rin's actions caused the student council's disapproval, she worked with the Kaiser Corporation to seize power from the student council, get rid of SCHALE, and try to create a system in which Kaya herself dictates.
  • She concocted a plan with the Kaiser PMC to kidnap Sensei, which led to the Kaiser PMC kidnapping Sensei and thus ruining Rin's Emergency Plan Committee, while also manipulating the six members of the Student Council to get Rin removed as Acting Student Council President.
  • Shortly after the end of The Chroma, she was reinstated as head of the Defense Department, only to be contracted by Kaiser Industries to rebel once again.
  • She forged a memo from the GSC President stating, "In fact, the GSC President had designated the head of the defense office, not the chief administrator of the general office, to act on his behalf in case of an emergency, but the current chief administrator, Rin, had falsified the contents," and framed Rin for forgery of official documents and abuse of power, leading to Rin's dismissal as acting GSC President.
  • She ordered the FOX platoon to put the student council executives who supported Rin into critical condition during the raid on Sanctum Tower, putting all the executives who supported Rin into critical condition, and ordered them to be placed in critical condition again if the executives who supported Rin recovered. got off She also recruited her Red Winter native, the Head of the Human Resources Office, into her own line, and through her hired her Minori to even stage her demo of her Rin.
  • Once she had succeeded in gaining control of Kivotos, she proclaimed to all of Kivotos that she was the acting president, and then attempted to get Sensei to sign a document called "Improvements to SCHALE's Administrative Procedures" in order to put SCHALE under the umbrella of the Student Council and claim its prestige.
  • By outsourcing the policing of 47 administrative districts in Kivotos, including Kousagi Town, to Kaiser PMC, she put Kaiser Corporation in control of Kivotos, and by outsourcing policing to a private company, PMC, rather than an accredited policing public entity like Valkyrie, which is perfect for passing the buck and cutting its own tail, she tried to avoid taking responsibility for policing.
  • The citizens of Kivotos were furious with her for pushing through all sorts of ridiculous laws, including requiring citizens using the subway to bring and show round-trip tickets, receipts, passes, and even completely useless documents like subway maps and proof of D.U. library checkout records, and even issuing an executive order requiring people to bring more than 10 pieces of paper for the simple act of withdrawing cash from their bank accounts.
  • As if to retaliate against Sensei for rejecting her proposal, she showed a petty behavior by blocking food orders from the Angel 24 SCHALE store where Sora works.
  • In an attempt to raise her approval ratings and secure her position in power by showing Kivotos as much fear as possible, Kaya planned to unleash a terrorist attack on the Kaiser Corporation's missile silo beneath Kousagi Park by blowing it up with a thermobaric warhead, a product of the A.N.T.I.O.C.H. project that Yukino had recovered two years earlier. Moreover, the power of a ballistic missile thermobaric warhead is enough to destroy the entire D.U., let alone Kousagi Town, but Kaya was willing to blow up Kousagi Park with a thermobaric warhead if only to get the citizens of Kivotos to follow her lead.
  • She acts like a coward by asking Sensei to prevent her from being bound, and Sensei rejects her begging for mercy by asking if there's anyone besides her that she should apologize to, and she reminds me of Rin in terms of someone who should apologize, but she never did apologize to the FOX platoon she manipulated, and her apology is just a cowardly begging.
  • She is very unique among student villains. While the student villains we've seen in Blue Archive so far (Mika Misono, Saori Joumae, and Bad Future's Shiroko Sunaookami), even when they commit heinous acts, have tragic stories and numerous redeeming qualities, redeeming themselves at the end (Mika is Pure Good, Saori is Near Pure Good) and atone for all their wrongs, but Kaya has no such tragic story or redeeming qualities, and is portrayed as a sociopath whose selfish behavior is solely driven by her own power.

What Prevents Her from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • While she is uniquely vile compared to the other student villains, She has several comedic moments that detract from her villainy. The process of her impeachment and arrest is depicted in a very comical way, with her saying it's the fault of Rin and her supporters, and that she's always hated those bastards for pumping nutrients into certain parts of her body, and when Heine hears the audio file of Kaya's true colour, Heine calls for her impeachment, while Blue Archive's signature comedic BGM, Unwelcome School, plays to prevent her from getting completely serious.


  • She is the only one of the student characters to come close to being Pure Evil, which is quite unique within Blue Archive, as most of the student villains (Mika Misono, Saori Joumae, and Bad Future timeline's Shiroko Sunnaookami), although they have committed atrocious acts, have very tragic backstories, have so many redeeming qualities and redeem themselves at the end, Kaya is a far cry from this and is portrayed as an egotist who will do anything for power.

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