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Near Pure Evil Wiki


This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue.

Janai walks a path that leads to the end of our history. The only choice is to finish her chapter.
~ Karim telling Miyana about his plan to kill Janai.
We both see what this world has become. We once had great order, and now there is only chaos. If the world must burn to be reborn, so be it! Let me be your flame! Together, Great One, we can...
~ Karim offering to aid Aaravos in his goal in order to receive power; also his last words before Aaravos crushes him to death under the palm of his hand.

Prince Karim is a major antagonist in Netflix‘s The Dragon Prince franchise.

He was the brother of Janai and Khessa, who, while initially a supporter of the former's rule, became more treacherous after Janai made it clear that she wanted a new version of Lux Aurea with elves and humans living together.

He was voiced by Luc Roderique.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close To Pure Evil?[]

In General[]

  • Even though he started off with good intentions in wanting to make sure his culture wouldn't be destroyed over time, as time went on, Karim put his ego and his hatred of humans above his initial goals, to the point of going against Janai because her plans wouldn't allow him to see how his people's future would be, focusing more on the future of himself to the point that Miyana had to reminds him of the people who followed him, and planning to create an empire built on Sunfire Elf supremacy. In the end, he betrayed his people to gain power from Aaravos.
  • Despite his claims to love Janai even after he betrayed her, Karim is shown to be willing to kill her with no hesitation and even smiling as he thought she and her army were going to be killed by Sol Regem, blaming her for refusing to follow the same believes he had. By the time of the seventh season, Janai, who still loves Karim and wants to find a way to save his life, points out that all that Karim feels for Janai is contempt, something which he never changed.
  • Even with the high heinous standards of The Dragon Prince, Karim still stands out by his attempt to aid Aaravos in his plan to remake the world, not caring about the many people who would be endangered by it, even admitting he wouldn't care if the world would burn.
  • Karim is extremely xenophobic towards humans even by the standards of elves in the series, up to the point that he wanted to force humans to return to their side of the Xadian border because they "belonged" there.
  • Over the course of the series, Karim loses several of the redeeming qualities he had and becomes much more unsympathetic, with there being little moments where his character is sympathized by the time of seasons 6 and 7.


  • Even as a heroic character, Karim already despised humans, to the point that when one of them, a soldier named Tijana, made a joke in the middle of their attempt to reclaim Lux Aurea, Karim nearly attacked her with a spell and would have done so had it not been for Osato stopping him.
    • This is made hypocritical as shown in The Dragon Prince: Xadia game, where he's shown making jokes during the middle of combat.
  • Rather than mourning their friend's death together, Karim blamed Tijana for what happened to Osato and insulted her for being a human, something which disgusted Tijana and left her in tears.

Book 4: Earth[]

  • He tried to convince Janai to not marry Amaya to prevent a human-elf marriage from being official, refusing to believe humans were anything but his people's guests.
  • He tried to manipulate Janai into killing Lucia, a human who was being judged for putting down a ritual candel made by a Sunfire Elf to have his mother's soul get to the afterlife, and rigged the voting of the Six Horns by telling Miyana, whom he was in a relationship with, to vote to have her executed. Had it not been for Janai deciding to give Lucia community service instead, Karim would have been happy with Lucia being killed.
  • He decided to go against Janai to prevent her goal of building a new path for their people through a sun seed, as he refused to go foward with something that wouldn't end with him being able to see the future of the Sunfire Elves for himself.
  • During his fight with Janai, Karim tried to kill her, and after their fight was over and Karim lost, he tried to have her arrested due to seeing her refusal to kill him as her forfeiting.

Book 5: Ocean[]

  • He had Kim'dael steal the Sun Seed from Janai and her soldiers to use it to heal Sol Regem and then use him against humans and to become king of the Sunfire Elves.
  • After Kim'dael kidnapped Janai, Karim decided to use her sister as a hostage and threaten to kill her if they didn't give the Sun Seed to him through Miyana.
  • When Kim'dael refused to kill Janai due to fearing she would be killed if she did, Karim tried to free her, uncaring about the dangers the Bloodmoon Huntress would bring to the world.
  • After understanding Kim'dael wouldn't kill Janai, Karim tried to murder his own sister before being stopped by Amaya.

Book 6: Stars[]

  • He planned to use Sol Regem to kill Janai and her army, then instaling himself as the ruler of a Sunfire Empire made by him, where he would force humans to return to the other side of the continent's border simply of out hatred for them.
  • He refused Ezran's attempts to change his ways, and had him and Corvus captured so they would be later used as his prisoners.
  • While he claims to be choosing violence to "honor" Sol Regem, this comes from fanaticism since the dragon represents his believes in Xadian supremacy.
  • When Ezran escaped, Karim admitted to Miyana he wouldn't care about killing him alongside Janai and her army, and when it seemed like it was going to happen, Karim had a sadistic grin.

Book 7: Dark[]

  • Even when given a chance to avoid getting executed and live with Miyana and their child by stripping himself of his name, Karim refused, wanting to turn himself into a martyr and have his child avenge him. He even initially dismissed his child as just an heir, something that Miyana called him out on.
  • When Amaya tried to save him and relate to him due to how Amaya once had prejudices against elves until she met Janai, Karim mocks her, saying that he knew humans were a plage while Amaya just saw elves as monsters in the shadows, before making it clear that even if Amaya is now the queen of the Sunfire Elves, he only sees her as just another human.
  • He betrayed Janai and his people and tried to aid Aaravos in his goals to remake the world, uncaring of the many people who would die, so long as he obtained the "order" he desired. This leads to Aaravos crushing him to death, with Karim being mourned by no one except Janai, who only did so because she still saw him as her brother, rather than sympathy for Karim's end.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He has a tragic past, as his home city was destroyed and his sister and many of the people he knew died there, and his best friend was turned into a zombie-like creature due to the Sunforge's infection and was put down in front of him. This affects Karim in the present as it motivates his actions. However, due to his betrayal of his people for power, his ego, and it being shown that he was already a hater of humans and the destruction of Lux Aurea only made him worse, as well as the lack of sympathy in his later seasons, this is not a strong prevention and doesn't disqualify him from being Near Pure Evil.
  • He had multiple people he cares about:
    • He loves Miyana, trusting her in his plans, running to her in happiness when he thought she was returning to him with the Sun Seed, breaking down crying at the thought of her having betrayed him, wanting to build the Sunfire Empire together with her, and being glad Miyana was alright after they had been arrested.
    • He cared for his sister Khessa, mourning her death and even dancing during her memorial to honor her memory due to Khessa's love for dance.
    • He cared for his mother, keeping a ring she gave him as a child and being saddened when it was taken from him by Janai's guards.
    • He cared greatly for his childhood friend Osato, trying to save him when he got infected by the Sunforge's corruption, mourning his death and burying his body, and keeping his glove on his right hand to maintain his memory of him.
    • He seems to have a genuine friendship with Pharos, trusting him in his plan to use Sol Regem to wipe out Janai and her army. However, this is minor given he mostly just sees him as a servant.
    • Despite initially only seeing them as an heir, he eventually grows to care for his unborn child, lowering himself to his knees to hear them inside Miyana's belly.


  • In an interview Aaron Ehazs and Justin Richmond had with Cartoon Base, Aaron revealed that Karim was originally intended to have had a redemption arc in Book 7, but due to one of the writers beliving that him dying betraying everyone and with no redemption or regrets was a more satisfying end to Karim's character, it ended up being scrapped with the official end to Karim's character being used. Had the original plans been kept, Karim wouldn't have qualified as Near Pure Evil.
  • Karim is one of the two princes in the current events of The Dragon Prince to be Near Pure Evil, alongside Kasef of Neolandia, although the former lost his status by Janai. Reflectively, they both appear in different story arcs and hold prejudices against humans and elves respectively for causing tragedies in their lives.

External Links[]


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Live-Action Features
Josef | Marla Grayson | Shere Khan | Kloster | Ethan Russell | Sotto Voce | Sir Peter Isherwell | Miles Bron

Animated Television
Clone Wars
General Grievous | Grand Moff Tarkin | Cad Bane | Admiral Trench | Osi Sobeck | Morley
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Esidisi | Kars | Daniel J. D'Arby | Yoshikage Kira | Prosciutto | Ungalo | Donatello Versus
Carmilla | The Judge | Prior Sala | The Visitor | The Magician
Tales of Arcadia
Gunmar | Queen Usurna | Zeron Alpha | King Arthur
The Dragon Prince
Finnegrin | Karim | Prince Kasef | Sol Regem | Warlon
Buzz Aldrin | Cala Maria | The General | Thanapod | General Malice | Lemur | Gunmar | Jiho Park | Computer Interface | Indominus rex

Live-Action Television
Pablo Escobar | Miguel Ángel Felix Gallardo
Series of Unfortunate Events
Count Olaf | Dr. Georgina Orwell | Esmé Squalor
13 Reasons Why
Monty de la Cruz | Rick Wlodimierz
The Umbrella Academy
Leonard Peabody | Cha-Cha
Squid Game
Oh Il-nam | The Recruiter
Nurse Mildred Ratched | Frederick Gideon | Lieutenant Colonel Jack Sullivan | Hwang Jang-Soo | Arruda | Zhao | Darlene Snell

See Also
13 Reasons Why | 20th Century Studios | Amblin Entertainment | Buena Vista International | Disney | DreamWorks | IGA | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure | Jurassic Park | Lucasfilm | Marvel Cinematic Universe | Nickelodeon | Paramount | Sony Pictures | Star Wars | Tales of Arcadia | Universal Studios | Warner Bros.
