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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Jason Voorhees is the main antagonist of the 2009 remake of Friday the 13th, being based on the same character from the original saga. Once a deformed child who drowned in Camp Crystal Lake, he survived and grew up. He is a serial killer, who kills anyone in or near his camp. Unlike his original counterpart, he's far more sadistic and intelligent.

He was portrayed by Derek Mears.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

In General[]

  • Unlike his original incarnation, who usually kills his victims quickly and painlessly without making them suffer, and has more sympathetic qualities, this Jason is more malicious; he's actually more prone to prolonging and slowly killing victims.
  • He passes the standards of slashers by murdering 13 people, an unusually high kill count even for a slasher villain, and by having painful methods of murder.
  • Although his original incarnation has killed far more people, the remake Friday the 13th is a separate movie to the original.

Friday the 13th[]

  • He murders Wade by stabbing him and cutting off his ear with his machete.
  • In one of the series' cruelest scenes, he stuffs Amanda into a sleeping bag and burns her alive by hanging her over a campfire.
  • Worse still, Amanda’s boyfriend Richie tries to save her, but gets caught into a bear trap Jason left there, so he is forced to watch her burn to death while slowly bleeding to death himself.
  • Repeatedly stabs Mike with his machete multiple times from underneath a floorboard before dragging him underneath with him.
  • Kills Richie off by striking a machete into his head, and only reason he didn't kill Whitney was she looked like his mother. But he still kidnapped her.
  • Kills Donnie who lived near the camp by slitting his throat.
  • Kills two teenagers from the new group that went near Camp Crystal Lake, one with an arrow shot to the head, and the another by stabbing his machete in her head.
  • He murders one of the teenagers who was going to turn on the lights, slowly driving a screwdriver into his neck. And unlike most victims, Chewie even tried to be nice to him and offered him a hockey stick to "complete his outfit."
  • It is observed in the place where Jason lives that he takes the corpses of the people that he's killed and keeps them in his lair possibly as sadistic trophies.
  • He throws an axe in the back of another teenager to let him scream in pain in order to lure the rest of the survivors to him, but when this ends up failing and having no more use for him, Jason finishes him off.
  • He murders a girl by impaling her on a stag horn decoration.
  • He also murders a policeman who came to help, piercing his eye with a fire poker.
  • He murders Trent, piercing his entire chest using his machete and nailing him onto a truck as it drove away (although it’s hard to feel bad for Trent considering he was an asshole).
  • His last murder is when he chases the 3 survivors and manages to pierce one with his machete.
  • Tries to kill one of the survivors on a woodchipper.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Much like his original incarnation, he is still genuinely tragic, as he almost dies when he almost drowns in the lake and saw his mother beheaded in front of him. Though, it isn't as major of a prevention as his original counterpart since the narrative doesn't focus on it nearly as much and not as much happened in his tragedy.
  • He still has affection for his mother, since he keeps a family heirloom with the photo of her, and the machete with which they killed her. In addition, he also kept her head and kidnapped a teenager who looks like her in his eyes.


  • He, along with Roy Burns, are the only Friday the 13th villains that count as NPE.
  • Only the remake version of Jason Voorhees counts as NPE while the original version of the character can't count due to his tragedy holding up more, having moral agency issues, still caring for his mom, and having standards against killing children.

External Links[]


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See Also
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Telltale Batman
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See Also
A Song of Ice and Fire Near Pure Evils | Amblin Entertainment Near Pure Evils | Arrowverse Near Pure Evils | Adventure Time Near Pure Evils | Batman Near Pure Evils | Cartoon Network Near Pure Evils | Castle Rock Entertainment Near Pure Evils | DC Animated Universe Near Pure Evils | DC Extended Universe Near Pure Evils | DreamWorks Near Pure Evils | Godzilla Near Pure Evils | Gotham Near Pure Evils | Injustice Near Pure Evils | Legendary Entertainment Near Pure Evils | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Near Pure Evils | Mortal Kombat Near Pure Evils | Regular Show Near Pure Evils | Scooby-Doo Near Pure Evils | Star Wars Near Pure Evils | Stephen King Near Pure Evils | Superman Near Pure Evils | Tim Burton Near Pure Evils
