Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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James Marcus is one of the three overaching antagonists (alongside Oswell E. Spencer and Mother Miranda) of the Resident Evil franchise.

He was one of the original founders of the Umbrella Corporation and creator of the T-virus, as well as the mentor of Albert Wesker and William Birkin. After being assassinated under Spencer's orders and betrayed by his students, a Queen Leech he had been experimenting on at the time latched into his corpse and absorbed his memories and personnality.

He was voiced by Hiroshi Ito in Japaneese and by Ian Downie in English.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close For Pure Evil?[]

  • He founded Umbrella along with Spencer and Edward Ashford, making him responsible for almost everything that happened in the series.
    • To make matters even worse, he is also the main creator behind the T-virus. A sample of T-virus was also used by Birkin to create G-virus, an even worse virus.
  • He was implied to experiment on his staff to turn them into B.O.Ws, which lead to their deaths. He would then leave their corpses within the training facility.
  • While him being betrayed and assassinated by Wesker and Birkin was unfortunate, he lead horrible experiments, so he doesn't deserve any sympathy.
  • While Resident Evil has very high standards due to being filled with omnicidal maniacs, Marcus still stands out because of the creation of T-virus, as it's creation has haunted the world long after his death for over a decade & caused multiple bio organic weapons being created such as the Tyrant, Nemesis, Hunters & lickers. Mutated variants such as the T+G virus, T-Abyss Virus, T-Phobos Virus, & the T-Veronica Virus which was also made into the C-virus, & Bioterrorist attacks and outbreaks such as Spencer Mansion, Raccoon City, Edonia, & Lanshiang.
  • While he would fail to Vincent Goldman due to the latter experimenting on more children than him, Marcus’s experiments are shown in much more detail and the test subjects all looked up to him or at least respected him, making it a case of quality over quantity.
  • Although Resident Evil has high Heinous Standards, Marcus stands out for creating the T-virus which infected many innocent people.

What Prevents Him From Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He genuinely cared about Wesker and Birkin and was saddened by their betrayal.


           ResidentEvilLogo Near Pure Evils

Umbrella Corporation
Oswell E. Spencer | James Marcus | William Birkin | Nicholai Ginovaef | Alexia Ashford | Alex Wesker
Los Iluminados
Osmund Saddler | Ramon Salazar (Remake) | Jack Krauser
Excella Gionne | Ricardo Irving
The Village and Four Houses
Mother Miranda | Karl Heisenberg | Masked Duke
Queen Leech | Carla Radames | María Gómez | Diego Gómez
