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Near Pure Evil Wiki

This new body. It feels...right. I feel so strong! So...beautiful.
~ Imperious's first words upon being resurrected by Octomus the Master.
At last, the Power Rangers. Let me introduce myself. I am the destroyer of your world. I am Imperious, dark wizard of the underworld.
~ Imperious introducing himself to the Power Rangers.
You have defeated me Daggeron but, with my destruction, a terror will be unleashed that you cannot even imagine! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
~ Imperious' final words before his demise.

Imperious, originally known as Calindor, is a major antagonist in Power Rangers Mystic Force, serving as the main antagonist of the second arc of the series.

He is an evil mummy-like wizard, second leading general of Morlock army and Octomus's second second-in-command, after Morticon' s demise at the hands of the Mystic Rangers. He was originally a member of the Mystic Wizards and a good friend of Daggeron, Leanbow and Udonna, until he betrayed his friends and joined the Master, becoming the evil mummy like sorcerer Imperious. He is the archenemy of Daggeron, the Solaris Knight.

He was voiced by Stuart Devine. In his human form as Calindor, he was portrayed by Will Hall.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

In General[]

  • While he started with many redeeming qualities and was good friend of Leanbow, Daggeron and Udonna, he subverted them all throughout the season, having grown to despise the teachings about honor and rules and start using dark magic.
  • He overall has no redeeming qualities and only cares about himself.
  • While he has some comedic moments and funny lines, they don't mitigate or detract from his heinousness and the other characters take him completely seriously.


  • He betrayed the forces of good, including his former friends the Mystic Wizards and joined the Morlocks and Octomus the Master.
    • Even then, he isn't truly loyal to Octomus and plotted to overthrow him just to take over the underworld and the Morlocks for himself. He only abandons this when it is clear he could not get rid of Koragg without the master noticing.
    • While he is said to have been corrupted and given power by dark magic, this does not give him Moral Agency issues, as not only did he choose to use it, but liked doing so, while also admitting he hated hearing about honorable concepts. It's never played for sympathy at all.
  • He tried to kidnap Nick when he was a child and he would succeed if not Daggeron's interference.
  • He cursed Daggeron and turned him into the frog.

Power Rangers Mystic Force[]

  • He infiltrated Rootcore in the disguise of Calindor and tried to poison Udonna and steal Xenotome.
  • He lied to Udonna that Daggeron betrayed the Mystics, while it was him in reality, thus framing his former friend for his own crime.
  • He tried to kill the Power Rangers multiple times and tried to destroy Briarwood.
  • He released the Barbarian Beasts, as they were just as dishonorable as he, and had Fightoe and 50 Below beat and wound Koragg, his own comrade, because he would never betray the Master and later had the two monsters kidnap Jenji and wished the cat genie to create an alternate reality where the Mystic Rangers never existed and forces of darkness took over the Earth. While this wish was later reversed by the Magic Tribunal and Rangers restored their world to normal, but it was still a great shocking moment for them and left a painful impact on their life.
  • He enforced slavery in Briarwood and forbid music.
  • He killed Fightoe when he fails to kill the rangers and let 50 Below die (which he reacted more because the tqo together were valuable assets against the rangers, not because he genuinely cared about them), sending his soul to the Nether Dimension so his power can run the giant monster Ursus against his will, which horrified and disgusted the surviving Barbaric Beast.
  • He put Koragg on trial before Octomus in order to try getting rid of him from interfering with his plans against the master, by using his rival's failure to kill the rangers as proof of his uselessness.
  • He challenged Daggeron on a meeting on the Dimension of Wandering Souls and faked remorse by pretending to feel remorse for his actions, while then proceeding to attack and try to kill Daggeron.
  • He tricked Daggeron into giving him the energy of his Solar Streak Megazord and used it to create a powerful monster known as Chimera.
  • He had Chimera nearly destroy Daggeron and the beast nearly succeeded, if not the interference of Jenji.
  • He had Chimera kidnap the Rangers and drag them to the Underworld where he stole their Legendary Powers, before preparing to sacrifice the teen heroes to the Master.
  • He challenged Daggeron on their final duel and cheated during the battle, laughing sadistically while trying to destroy the Solaris Knight.
  • Even after being finally defeated by Daggeron and even turning back into his Calindor Mystic form as he dissolves to dust, Imperious doesn't show any remorse or reflection for any of his actions. Instead, he taunts him about how the Ten Terrors will appear and cause destruction upon the world before laughing about it as he withers away. Due to his betrayal and dishonorable atrocities, nobody mourns his death.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He slightly fails the Heinous Standards to Octomus. While Imperious has much lesser resources than him due to not being a powerful being, he still was given the role as acting leader of his armies while he is still sealed in the pit after Morticon, his magic powers are shown to be extremely more powerful than the rangers, which includes Daggeron, and is the sole ruler of the dark forces in the alternate timeline he created with his wish, so his resources are still large enough to be fairly compared to Octomus. This is a minor prevention however, as his reality with no Power Rangers to stop him shows people suffering and enslaved onscreen.


  • He is the first Near Pure Evil from Power Rangers Mystic Force.
  • He is also the second Near Pure Evil in the franchise's Disney Era, after Mesogog.

External links[]


           Power Rangers Logo Near Pure Evils

Captain Mutiny | Ancient Master Org | Mesogog | Imperious | Kamdor | Dai Shi | Master Xandred | Emperor Mavro | Galvanax
