“ | This technology has been falling to Earth for centuries. All it took was the right mind to use it properly. Oh, the advances I've made from alien junk. You have no idea, Doctor. Broadband? Roswell. Just last year my scientists cultivated bacteria from the Russian crater, and do you know what we found? The cure for the common cold. Kept it strictly within the laboratory of course. No need to get people excited. Why sell one cure when I can sell a thousand palliatives? | „ |
~ Van Statten while torturing the Doctor. |
Henry Van Statten is the secondary antagonist of the Doctor Who episode "Dalek".
He was the CEO of the American corporation GeoComTex and a collector and exploiter of alien technology, as well as the billionaire owner of the Internet in 2012. He owned a secret underground museum in Utah known as "The Vault" where he stored his alien tech, including a badly-damaged Dalek believed to be the last one in existence.
He was portrayed by Corey Johnson.
His Evil Ranking[]
What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]
- Withheld the cure for the Common Cold for financial reasons.
- Replaced the U.S. President, rigging the U.S. democratic system, on seemingly nothing more than a personal whim.
- He tortured two sentient aliens mercilessly: one just to get it to talk once, and the other being the Doctor himself, who he was going to use as an exhibit afterwards; with the implication that the only reason Van Statten hasn't tortured more aliens was because the Doctor and the Metaltron Dalek were the sole two living aliens he'd even gotten his hands on.
- He dismissed the lives of the Doctor and hundreds of his own staff just so to avoid losing his living alien specimen. This Dalek specimen, or “Metaltron” was an omnicidal monster, and the Doctor, who Van Statten previously knew was a genius, warned him that no-one on the base was safe. He decided to sacrifice even more people to keep it alive, explicitly ordering his own men to stand down while the Metaltron was actively slaughtering them to the last man.
- When he disagreed with someone or didn't like them, or they questioned him, he had their entire minds wiped and then had his staff dump them on the street in a random city.
What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]
- He sincerely apologized to the Doctor when Rose was presumed by them to have been killed by "Metaltron".
- He seemingly cared for Adam. However, he didn't seem to prioritize Adam's life when Metaltron escaped, and Adam himself didn't feel he was any safer around Van Statten than the other employees Van Statten had fired and mind-wiped, so this is a minor prevention at best.
- He is the second Doctor Who NPE, after The Dalek Emperor.
External Links[]
- Henry Van Statten on the Villains Wiki
- Henry Van Statten on the Doctor Who Wiki