Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki
NOTE: This page is about Mons Drake's Super Sentai Goseiger counterpart, as his Power Rangers Megaforce counterpart, Admiral Malkor, is not voted Near Pure Evil, and thus only the information about Mons Drake's Super Sentai Goseiger counterpart and his villainous deeds should be put here.

Pathetic Earthlings! Hear my words! I am Mons Drake of the Planet, the High Commander of the Universal Annihilation Army Warstar! You have twenty four hours remaining... before I eradicate all life on this planet.
~ Mons Drake's international message to Earth's people.
I am Mons Drake of the Planet! I AM Warstar! How could I fall... to creatures like these?!
~ Mon Drake's final words before his demise.

The Great King Mons Drake of the Planet is the first arc's main antagonist, serving the overarching antagonist of the first fourteen episodes, the main antagonist of the fifteenth, and the posthumous antagonist for the rest of Tensou Sentai Goseiger.

He is a luna moth-themed Monsian who was the leader of the Universal Annihilation Army Warstar, armed with the Drake Tomahawk. Upon several occasions of planet conquest, he utilizes the Gravity Fall ability, undoubtedly his favorite attack of ceremonious planet take-overs. During the show, he is calm and composed despite being the terrorizing warmonger of Goseiger, and would later unravel his insanity upon the deaths of his respected close allies.

He was voiced by the late Shōzō Iizuka.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He and his army conquered and destroyed countless planets, wiping out billions of innocent creatures.
  • Upon learning from Buredoran about the Gosei Angels (not knowing Buredoran himself is one), he ordered Dereputa to destroy Heaven's Tower, which he succeeded, causing all the problems for the Goseigers who were stranded on Earth, even after his death.
    • He is also indirectly responsible for the death of Magis, as it was one of his monsters who caused it right after the tower's destruction.
  • He frequently abuses and humiliates his underlings for failing his plans. Most notably in episode 13, he electrocutes Buredoran twice, the first time also blasting Powereddark.
  • He tried to destroy Tokyo and kill the Goseigers multiple times.
  • After seeing how his monsters failed to destroy Tokyo and conquer the Earth, he attacked Earth himself, together with Dereputa, and tried to throw the moon with his gravity attack and make it fall on the Earth to destroy the planet. He earlier stated that he has used that attack several times before.
  • He started sucking the oxygen from the atmosphere of the Earth (which causes the buildings to be disintegrated and people to nearly die, both shown onscreen) and harvesting it into his ship, which would land on the planet and wiping out all life on it.
  • While he wanted to get revenge on Brajira for his betrayal after Drake's death, this is not redeeming as Drake doesn't show any remorse for his crimes. It doesn't help that Robogog also wanted revenge, but is still Pure Evil regardless.
  • While Brajira and Robogog do worse with lesser resources, he nevertheless passes the heinous standards due to the high body count as a result of him destroying planets. Plus, his resources are still extremely low compared to the Space Empire Zangyack.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • He is very honorable, treats his minions with respect, as he praises and congratulates them for serving him and rewards them properly.
  • He is also shown to mourn the deaths of both Dereputa (not knowing he was actually alive for now) and Targate of the Satelite.
  • He has an honor code to fight honestly and fairly and not to cheat.
  • He also never lies and shows some respect towards his enemies.


  • He's the only Goseiger villain to be Near Pure Evil.
  • His Power Rangers counterpart, Admiral Malkor, does not share his NPE status, as his actions prior to arriving Earth and some after rely on Fridge Horror and the rest are generic, not to mention failing the heinous standards to other villains whom done worse in Megaforce and Super Megaforce combined.

External Links[]


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Television Series
Showa Series
Dr. Kumazawa | Thief Knight Kiros

Heisei Series
Torarugin | Emperor Tranza | Lieutenant Colonel Shadam | Bakeneko | Gashadokuro | Reversian Blitz Hells | Reversian Succubus Hells | Sukekonoian Mashu | Quester Gai | Quester Rei | Great King Mons Drake | Emperor Ackdos Gill | Zatsurig | Chozetsushin Deboth | Resentful Knight Endolf | Gengetsu Kibaoni | Kubar | Don Armage | Dogranio Yaboon

Hyde Gene | Pollution President Batcheed
