Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki

My name is Google Chrome! And I would like to eat your RAM. An unnecessary search engine doesn't need them.
~ Google Chrome introducing herself to Bing.
I'm Google Chrome, and I know everything about you! I am the most popular Internet Browser in the world. So basically, it's too late to stop me.
~ Google Chrome
Internet Explorer... Mozilla Firefox... you may think of me as the villain of this story. But I don't care. You don't get it. The internet has to evolve. Even if I force it. Everyone remembers the old internet through rosy lenses. But they do not remember the full picture. The internet today is more popular than ever. If we were to go back to the freedom of the 2000's... It would destroy society. Who cares about freedom if it kills people. I'll protect the internet... even if it means curating all of their speech.
~ Google Chrome's inner monologue about wanting to rule the internet.

Google Chrome is the main antagonist of the webcomic Internet Explorer written and illustrated by Merryweather. She is one of the most powerful Internet Browsers who rules the Internet with an iron fist. She is the archenemy of Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge and Bing.

Her Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • She kidnapped World Wide Web in 1994, tying her up and frequently abusing her for many years inside the Dark Web void, which possibly could have caused/enhanced her omnicidal intentions against the Internet.
  • She used her Chromium to feed and force Opera Chan to be her right-hand, with the threat she will stop existing otherwise.
  • She manipulated all of her users into getting Google+ accounts so she can spy on them.
  • She had tyrannically ruled over the Browsers for several years, stealing their RAM and bullying them frequently. Anyone who stepped out of line would be sent to the Dark Web realm where they slowly starve and die from misery, as seen with Netscape Navigate and others.
  • She kidnapped Bing and sadistically tortured her to the point of near death for her RAM, even mocking her about it by saying Internet Explorer won't save her and piercing her when she is already down.
  • She sent Internet Explorer to the Dark Web realm to die slowly, only for her to come back as Microsoft Edge.
  • She repeatedly mocked and tries to kill Microsoft in their fight (via tentacles and electrocution), making hypocritical claims that she is just as bad as her for becoming powerful.
  • She mocked Microsoft Edge about nearly killing Bing, saying she'll dispose of Bing, once she disposed of her.
  • She tried to kill Firefox, DuckDuckGo, and several other Browsers when they interfere in her fight with Microsoft Edge, then tried to finish them off with a giant explosion by using all of her powers.
  • She spent her time trying to hunt down and kill Firefox and Microsoft Edge after her defeat.
  • She threatened to absorb all of Firefox's data and kill her, as well as the UC Browser for interfering.
  • While she is a parody of the famous Internet Browser, she and all of her crimes are taken seriously, darkening the otherwise light mood of the comics, along with World Wide Web.
  • While World Wide Web is worse in scale and has attempted omnicide, Google Chrome has far less resources and has its unique crimes like torturing Bing regardless.

What Prevents Her from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • She is a well-intentioned extremist as her goal is to ensure the internet is running and shows standards when World Wide Web threatens to destroy the world, claiming even she wouldn't go that far.

External Links[]


           WebTOON Logo Near Pure Evils

Jiho Park | Olly Wang
Shotgun Boy
One | Three | Four | Seven | Seongbin Yu
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome | World Wide Web
Baekmorae | Dongsoo Seon | Pet Shop | Yun Choi | Oh Sangwoo | Chungil Ji
