Giulia is the secondary antagonist of the early versions of the 2011 animated Pixar's full-length film Cars 2, the sequel to Cars. She initially appears to be Mater's best friend, until it was revealed that she is a spy serving the Lemon Kingpin Zil.
Her Evil Ranking[]
What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Evil?[]
- Due to her being apart of the Lemons, she is responsible for multiple character deaths, such as Leland being crushed and Rod being beaten to death. This also would mean, that she is behind the hundreds of other implied deaths that Zil also caused at the Junkyard.
- Willingly assisted the Lemons, in their scheme to sabotage the WGP and kill the Queen of England.
- When the Lemons mistake Mater for a spy, she joined team McQueen on Zil's orders. Considering it's mentioned that she was an arranged helped of the team, it can be presumed the Lemons abducted or even killed the actual car whom was meant to help the team.
- Manipulated Mater into going on a journey across the world with her just so he could get captured in Spain by Zil.
- Acts verbally abusive towards Mater on the train to Spain, when she tries to fake being dumb about Mater's encounter with Finn Mcmissile.
- Attacked Tomber with Mater. Despite her and Tomber being on the same side.
- Set a farm full of cows and tractors free when she and Mater were being chased, potentially endangering many bystanders in the process. It's also something she was aware of.
- Overall has no redeeming qualities, and similar to Zil, she is just a heartless terrorist who is willing to kill others just to succeed in their own goals.
- While she has some funny moments, it is very minor and not enough to detract her crimes.
What Prevents Her from Being Pure Evil?[]
- Although she is heinous enough to qualify as Pure Evil due to her acts of assisting Zil and lemons in terrorism, her crimes were not entirely shown on screen, making her failing the Heinous Standards to her boss.
- Giulia is one of the five Cars Near Pure Evils alongside her boss Zil, Grem and Acer and Cad Spinner.
- Interestingly, according to some concept art notes written by Nate Stanton, it states that after Zil’s conclusion in the storyline, that Giulia would return to London with Mater and meet up with Lightning and his crew, which may mean that she was going to have some sort of redemption arc. If this is of course confirmed, then Giulia would be stripped of her rank and likely become Inconsistently Heinous, due to it also being mentioned at another point that we would’ve learnt more about her actions before and during the film, meaning she would lose all of her Fridge Horror thus no longer fail the Heinous Standards to Zil. But Pixar have never outright confirmed that Giulia would redeem herself, thus she still retains her ranking.
- Giulia's role was given to Holley Shiftwell in the finished version of the movie. However, the latter is a hero instead of a villain. Even more ironically, Holley is Near Pure Good, while Giulia is Near Pure Evil.
Near Pure Evils | ||
Animated Features Scripts Fanon See Also |
Near Pure Evils | ||
Canon Drafts |