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It was pretty tough, you know? Turning Bambi-chan into a zombie. With fellow Quincy, I can't do it until they're already dead, so I actually had to finish her off myself! I remember Bambi-chan's face when I did it. That face... made me so wet... |
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~ Giselle describing her excitement after killing Bambietta and turning her into a zombie. |
Giselle Gewelle, also known as Gigi, is a supporting antagonist in Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War Arc and its 2022 anime adaptation. She's a Quincy and one of the members of the Wandenreich's Sternritter, with the designation "Z" - "The Zombie".
In Japanese, she was voiced by Nao Toyama and in English, she was voiced by Casey Mongillo.
Her Evil Ranking[]
What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Evil?[]
- Alongside her fellow Sternritter members, she participated in the Thousand Year Blood War, killing numerous Shinigamis in the war.
- She, along with the other Bambies, hid away from Bambietta Basterbine and refused to help her to defeat Sajin Komamura. After Bambietta lost and suffer great injuries, Giselle decides to turn her into being her zombie slave, despite Bambietta's plea.
- She spray the 11th division of Shinigami with her own blood causing them to commit mass suicide under her command.
- After Yumichika make fun of her by telling her that she has the smell of semen, Giselle order a zombiffied Bambietta to attack him.
- She constantly abuses Bambietta by sadistically slapping her and calling her as "gross" after she wanted something "specific" from her, pulling Bambietta's hair, bashing her several times, use her as a human shield or sucked her blood excessively.
- It is good to add that at one time, she admits the reason for reanimating Bambietta is because she likes her suffering which makes her "wet". The gesture that Giselle show is clearly implied that she ever do sexual assault on Bambietta either before or after kill her and turn her into zombie which was enough to disgust Yumichika, who calls her a psycho.
- It was revealed she not only zombify a majority of the Shinigami from the 11th Division, but also major characters like Hitsugaya, Rose, Kensei and Rangiku. In anime adaptation, she also has desire to zombify Yhwach and Haschwalt into her zombie and has no problem to zombify Meninas and Candice, and make them as a minion to defeat Yhwach's soldats.
- As revealed in the light novel, Can Fear Your Own World, she was insane enough that prompted by their fears of her action to zombifying the others, her fellow sternritters can't leave Giselle and need to keep her watched from close.
- Despite her actions, Giselle keep claiming that she is not a sadist. In summary, she is just a necrophiliac who loves death so much and there are heavy sexual undertones regarding the treatment of personal "favorites" like how she treat Zombie Bambietta.
- The fact she survived the war between the Gotei 13 and Wandenreich, and still keeps Bambietta as her zombie slave makes her a Karma Houdini.
- Despite the fact that villains like Sōsuke Aizen or Yhwach are more heinous, she manages to hold on through her lack of resources and the fact of turning around dozen of people into zombies, which has been shown to be a fate worse than death and her horrific abuse towards Bambietta.
- In the end. She get away with all of her actions as she and her friends move to human world to open a café shop while still keep Bambietta as her slave.
What Prevents Her from Being Pure Evil?[]
- She has some genuine care about the other female Sternritters and she can be concerned about their safety. This includes a twisted but genuine care about Bambietta as she try to prevent her from real death from Yhwach. She also showed standards against Yhwach and his mistreatment on the other Quincies who held genuine loyalty to him only to get betrayed by performing Auswhelen to gain his own power. This resulting on her agree to help Liltotto and Bazz-B to get close on Yhwach to kill him personally.
- Despite zombifying her enemies, she doesn't really control the hearts and minds of her victims, and is even fine with it. She even shows annoyance whenever she's accused of doing so.
- She has some comedic moments, although she is still taken seriously most of the time, which in her case is only a minor prevention.
- She and Yhwach are the only two Bleach villains to be approved for Near Pure Evil.
External Links[]
- Giselle Gewelle on the Villains Wiki.
- Giselle Gewelle on the Hate Sink Wiki.
- Giselle Gewelle on the Bleach Wiki.