Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki
Near Pure Evil Wiki

You're a relic... In this world, power is the only thing that matters. You and those other no-named heroes, you're just people. In the great scheme of things, nothing you do has the least bit of significance.
~ General Wade Eiling to the Justice League.
Ever hear of "acceptable losses"? You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.
~ Eiling facing some non-powered Leaguers in Metropolis.

General Wade Eiling is a supporting antagonist in Justice League Unlimited, serving as a minor antagonist in the Season 1 episode "Dark Heart", the secondary antagonist of the Cadmus story arc in Season 2 and the main antagonist of the Season 3 episode "Patriot Act".

He is a U.S. army general who works as one of the heads of Project Cadmus. Serving as Amanda Waller's right-hand, Eiling joins the organization to combat the Justice League if they ever turn rogue like the Justice Lords from another universe did, but even after Lex Luthor and Brainiac are exposed as the ones behind the whole Cadmus conspiracy, Eiling keeps insisting that all metahumans are a threat to the Earth and decides to get rid of them by himself.

He was voiced by J.K. Simmons, who also voiced Kai the Collector in Kung Fu Panda 3 and Cave Johnson in Portal.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

Justice League Unlimited[]

  • Joins Project Cadmus to undermine the Justice League, serving as Waller's right-hand for most of the project, just because he finds out that the Justice League has a powerful superweapon in the Watchtower II even though they used it to save the day from the Dark Hearts.
  • Collects the remains of the Dark Hearts to repair them and use them against the Justice League if they turn rogue, much to Superman's disapproval.
    • In the long run, confiscating the Dark Hearts and storing them in a government facility instead of destroying them allowed Lex Luthor and Brainiac to merge together in their quest to collect all knowledge, destroy everything in the universe and recreate it to their whims so they could achieve godhood.
  • Expresses his approval for Doomsday after he escapes from the Cadmus facilities thanks to Professor Milo's pettiness and goes to attack Superman at the volcanic island of San Baquero in spite of the fact that the Justice League is there evacuating civilians to safety. While he does follow Waller's orders to stop Doomsday at all costs before he goes after everyone in the world, it's more than likely that Eiling was more scared on what Doomsday could do to him given the abuse Cadmus subjected him to.
  • Resorts to launch a Kryptonite-covered nuclear warhead to San Baquero just to get rid of Superman and Doomsday even though such action would have resulted in the deaths of the San Baquerians and Leaguers present there, which Eiling coldly dismisses given the problems that the drug trafficking San Baquerian rings caused for them, hence why the warhead could get rid of three problems for once. Even Waller was against this and ordered him to cancel the missile, but there was nothing that could be done as Eiling had activated the anti-abortion secures, showing zero remorse for the destruction he was gonna cause.
  • Forces Captain Atom into rejoining the Air Force against his will by manipulating him through his loyalty to the U.S. Air Force, leading Atom to turn against Superman and the Huntress when they come to rescue the Question from Doctor Moon's clutches.
  • Subtly provokes Waller by repeteadly tapping a pencil into sending Professor Emil Hamilton's Supergirl clone Galatea and the Ultimen clones they have to attack the Watchtower II, an attack that would have killed all the heroes there.
  • Attempts to shoot Batman dead when he breaks into the room where he and Waller are monitoring the Cadmus army's assault on the Watchtower II, and once disarmed by a Batarang, tries to attack Batman with his own hands.
  • While Waller and Hamilton express their horror upon finding out how Lex Luthor and Brainiac had been using all of them to paint the Justice League in a negative light, Eiling stays silent, suggesting he doesn't really care for the Justice League's indictment.
  • Takes interest on applying the risky and dangerous Captain Nazi serum on himself after finding it out as one of the top secrets he now has to archive upon being reassigned to desk office job due to Project Cadmus' disbandment, blaming the Justice League and Luthor for his reassignation despite Waller's insistence that they should thank not being in prison for their actions.
  • Breaks into the former Cadmus facility by knocking out one of his former guards for denying him entrance and pointing at Dr. Anderson to take him to where the serum is stored so he can mutate himself and hunt down Superman.
  • Crashes into the parade honoring Superman, endangering all the Metropolinians and law enforcement present there as he engages in a battle against the Leaguers present at the parade. During the fight:
    • Throws the parade car on Stargirl while trying to kill Green Arrow and throws cars at Sir Justin and his mount.
    • Savagely beats S.T.R.I.P.E. up to the point he caused some glasses to fall over the streets just to prove he can be as strong as any Leaguers and can defeat them, then trying to punch him on his unprotected human chest even though that would have certainly killed him.
      • Upon being foiled to do this thanks to a crane a kid from Metropolis operated to save S.T.R.I.P.E., Eiling brings the crane down, nearly sending the kid to his death had it not been for Vigilante's intervention, and while it's unknown if Eiling knew that the crane's operator was a minor or not, given his lack of care for any potential casualties as demonstrated in San Baquero it's likely that he wouldn't have cared either way.
    • Explicitly states as Stargirl takes him away from Metropolis to not endanger any innocents that he doesn't care if he causes collateral damage, assuring that the loss of innocent lives are necessary sometimes.
    • Tries to crush Stargirl's skull with his own hands like an egg upon becoming aware that she only has powers due to her power stick.
    • Claps the Scarlet Avenger away for attacking him and tries to kill both Green Arrow and Speedy, violently throwing them against cars after they run out of arrows.
    • Disarms Sir Justin and tries to send him to the hospital with his punches, mocking him for not being a loyal soldier when Justin talks to him about his Medieval experiences in an attempt to reason with him, assuring that only power is what matters because in the grand scheme of things, no one is really important.
    • Promises to kill Sir Justin and millions like him before they can rival North America, kicking the already weakened Arthurian knight aside and intending to crush a car on him before some citizens stand up for him and point out to Eiling that the world will never be safe if he kills all metahumans, demonstrating what ah hypocrite he really is.
  • While he accepts his hypocrisy and relents from killing Sir Justin, he still refuses to admit his mistakes and insists that people will eventually admit that they will need people like him, avoiding redemption.


  • Finds his way into the Watchtower II by jumping on meteorites at outer space and breaks into the base during the early morning to kill Superman and the Justice League.
  • Brutally beats Blue Beetle up while waiting for Superman or "someone thougher" to return so he can get rid of him and the other Leaguers.
  • Sucker punches Green Lantern when he arrives to assist Blue Beetle.
  • Prevents Blue Beetle from tricking him into Superman's training circuit and tries to murder him with his own hands.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • No matter how hypocritical he can be, Eiling does care for the United States of America, as he evacuated three nearby towns, such as Goldhanger, from the dangerous battlefield where the Dark Hearts were fighting the Justice League, to take everyone to safety while letting the Justice League handle the situation.
  • His paranoia is somewhat justified as, given how the Justice League never informed the American government about their superweapon, they believe that it could have been used during the Thanagarian invasion.
  • He does seem to have some honor, as he spares a guard that he could have thrown to his death because he was just doing his job, though he still throws him back into the room throughly, but a Pet the Dog moment is it nonetheless.


  • Originally, Justice League Unlimited was going to end after its second season before Cartoon Network renewed the show for one last season. Had the series not been renewed and the DC Animated Universe shows had concluded with "Epilogue", then General Wade Eiling wouldn't have qualified as Near Pure Evil, as it was in "Patriot Act" that his genocidal agenda against all metahumans despite achieving it would endanger all of the Earth was finally revealed.
  • Going by his dialogue in "The Doomsday Sanction", it's theorized that Eiling may have participated in Doomsday's abusive raising to hate Superman, as he and Amanda Waller refer to him as their soldier and he states his approval for a conditioned soldier as him. If it were confirmed that he wasn't saying this in hyperbole, it would make Eiling much worse.

External Links[]


            DC-logo Animated Universe Near Pure Evils

Batman: The Animated Series: Scarecrow | Sewer King | Professor Milo | Thoth Khepera | Arkady Duvall
Superman: The Animated Series: Unity
The New Batman Adventures: Scarecrow | Firefly | Farmer Brown
Batman Beyond: Derek Powers | Zander
Justice League: Aresia | Firefly | President Luthor | Paran Dul
Justice League Unlimited: General Wade Eiling | Professor Milo | Paran Dul | Doctor Moon | Devil Ray

          JusticeLeagueLogo Near Pure Evils

Great Darkness

DCAU: Aresia | Firefly | President Luthor | Paran Dul | General Wade Eiling | Professor Milo | Doctor Moon | Devil Ray
Young Justice: Klarion

Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths: Ultraman
Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox: Wonder Woman | Aquaman
Justice League vs. Teen Titans: Trigon
Justice League Dark: Apokolips War: Trigon
DC League of Super-Pets: Lulu

Video Games
LEGO Batman: Brainiac
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe: Joker | Lex Luthor
Injustice: Superman | Wonder Woman | Gorilla Grodd

           WB 2023 Symbol Near Pure Evils

Animated Features
Ruber | Sarah Ravencroft | Sinestro | Ultraman | Kludd | Nyra | Wonder Woman | Aquaman | Future Mr. Ross | Hunter | Trigon | Katz | Hal Jordan | Lulu

Live-Action Features
DC Extended Universe
Zod | The Enchantress | Incubus | Ares | Doctor Poison | Kalypso

The Thing | Chief Cicatriz | Angel Eyes | Alex DeLarge | Billy | Karl Stromberg | Toecutter | Ray Parkins | Mama Fratelli | Junior | Peter McAllister | Jack Joshua | Prince Humperdinck | Count Rugen | Jimmy Conway | Tommy DeVito | Annie Wilkes | Buffalo Bill | Jack Travis | Penguin | Byron Hadley | Two-Face | Waingro | Adam Styler | Henry Addison | Dr. Jason Woodrue | Poison Ivy | Agent Smith | Evil Masked Figure | Tar Monster | Agamemnon | Bo Sinclair | Anthony Lilliman | Lex Luthor | Mrs. Lenz | Xerxes | Antonin Dolohov | Amycus and Alecto Carrow | Bellatrix Lestrange | Beadle Bamford | Steven Wilkins | Mr. Kreeg | Jason Voorhees | Fenrir Greyback | Esther Coleman | Talia al Ghul | Bane | Leopold II | Angelique Bouchard | Witch-king of Angmar | Sadie Cunningham | King Vortigern | Keicho Nijimura | Alvin Marsh | Nolan Sorrento | Shere Khan | Rose the Hat | Walter Simmons | Johnny Boy Soprano | Lyutsifer Safin | Carmine Falcone

Animated Television
DC Animated Universe
Scarecrow | Sewer King | Professor Milo | Thoth Khepera | Firefly | Arkady Duvall | Farmer Brown | Aresia | Unity | President Luthor | Paran Dul | General Wade Eiling | Doctor Moon | Devil Ray

Adventure Time
Earl of Lemongrab | Stag | Orgalorg | Patience St. Pim | Uncle Gumbald | Warren Ampersand

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Esidisi | Kars | Daniel J. D'Arby | Keicho Nijimura | Yoshikage Kira | Prosciutto | Ungalo

Nemesis | Derek Powers | Zander | Dr. Harley Street | Ci-Kat-A Queen | Traag | Demongo | Dr. Goyu | Chase Young | Mr. Freeze | Black Mask | Clay Puppington | General Grievous | Grand Moff Tarkin | Cad Bane | Admiral Trench | Osi Sobeck | Morley | Equinox | Klarion | Doom Ma Geddon | Quillgin | Natalia | Internet | Joker | Donatello Versus | Ra's al Ghul | Victoria Jones

Live-Action Television
Prometheus | Dante | Stanley Dover | The Thinker | Cicada II | Bloodwork | Non | Lex Luthor | Neron | Dark Arrow | Overgirl | Bruce Wayne

Game of Thrones
Roose Bolton | Balon Greyjoy | Tywin Lannister | Meryn Trant | Polliver | Janos Slynt | Rast

Ogre | Robert Greenwood | Theo Galavan | Eduardo Flamingo | Jervis Tetch | Ra's Al Ghul | Nyssa al Ghul

Overlook Hotel | Johnny Boy Soprano | The Greek | Phil Leotardo | Azazel | White Dragon

Video Games
Alvaro D'Alvade | Claus Strandberg | Reza Zaydan | Craig Black | Brother Akram | Bradley Paine | Carl Ingram | Robert Knox | Dmitri Federov | Roman Khabko | Helen West

Superman | Joker (Injustice Universe | Main Universe) | Wonder Woman | Gorilla Grodd

Telltale Batman
Lady Arkham | Penguin | Thomas Wayne | Two-Face | Hamilton Hill | Riddler | Harley Quinn

Joker | Lex Luthor | Victor Zsasz | Brainiac


See Also
A Song of Ice and Fire Near Pure Evils | Amblin Entertainment Near Pure Evils | Arrowverse Near Pure Evils | Adventure Time Near Pure Evils | Batman Near Pure Evils | Cartoon Network Near Pure Evils | Castle Rock Entertainment Near Pure Evils | DC Animated Universe Near Pure Evils | DC Extended Universe Near Pure Evils | DreamWorks Near Pure Evils | Godzilla Near Pure Evils | Gotham Near Pure Evils | Injustice Near Pure Evils | Legendary Entertainment Near Pure Evils | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Near Pure Evils | Mortal Kombat Near Pure Evils | Regular Show Near Pure Evils | Scooby-Doo Near Pure Evils | Star Wars Near Pure Evils | Stephen King Near Pure Evils | Superman Near Pure Evils | Tim Burton Near Pure Evils
