Near Pure Evil Wiki

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Near Pure Evil Wiki

The Earth belongs to us Yokai. Eradicate the humans! Especially our arch enemies, the Kakurangers!
~ Gashadokuro.
Impossible... I've been defeated? F... FATHER!!!
~ Gashadokuro after being struck by Kakure Daishogun's Iron Fist God Finish, and his last words before his death

Gashadokuro is the prince of the Youkai army corps and is the secondary antagonist of Ninja Sentai Kakuranger. He is the son of Diamaou Yokai king who takes over after him as the main antagonist. It is hinted he has a rivalry with Ninja Black Jiraiya.

He is played by Kenichi Endō.

His Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Him Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Brainwashed a young innocent Youkai who just wanted a family and friends to cause destruction and chaos for him and Gashadokuro proceeded to brutally murder him when he served no use to him after breaking the control placed on him. This was even done by Gashadokuro while the Kakurangers and other children (who the boy befriended) watched horrified.
  • Just for the sake of bringing his father back from the Seal Door, Gashadokuro took more innocent human children and transformed them into stone sculptures to fulfill the ritual. He felt no remorse or regret while doing this and later proceeded to inflict the same fate upon all of Tokyo.
  • Knowing how much Saandayu meant to the Kakurangers Gashadokuro proceeded to purposely attack and later kill him while the Kakurangers watched with their own eyes. He even felt joyful doing this displaying his overall sadistic pleasure.

What Prevents Him from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • For everything Gashadokuro has done in his lifetime he still shows loyalty and love to Diamaou his father and his master. Super Sentai Pure Evils and Pure Evils in general don't display love for loyalty to anyone unless its fake loyalty displayed by Enter to the Messiah in Go Busters.
  • He genuinely cares about his son and sacrifices himself to give his son a shot at a normal life in Kakurangers Return.
  • He has a sympatethic death since he lets the Kakurangers kill him by absorbing the powers of his child so latter can have a normal life.


  • Gashadokuro's Power Rangers counterpart, Rito Revolto, does not count as NPE due to being too bog standard to count, genuinely loving his family and other allies such as Goldar, and being too played for laughs to be taken seriously.


           Logo-supersentai Near Pure Evils

Television Series
Showa Series
Dr. Kumazawa | Thief Knight Kiros

Heisei Series
Torarugin | Emperor Tranza | Lieutenant Colonel Shadam | Bakeneko | Gashadokuro | Reversian Blitz Hells | Reversian Succubus Hells | Sukekonoian Mashu | Quester Gai | Quester Rei | Great King Mons Drake | Emperor Ackdos Gill | Zatsurig | Chozetsushin Deboth | Resentful Knight Endolf | Gengetsu Kibaoni | Kubar | Don Armage | Dogranio Yaboon

Hyde Gene | Pollution President Batcheed
