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Near Pure Evil Wiki

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NOTE: This page is only about her Alternate Timeline version as her Original Timeline version wasn't voted as Near Pure Evil. Thus, only info & crimes about her Original Timeline version should be on this page.

The Lin Kuei will be MINE!
~ Frost as she seeking the control of the Lin Kuei clan.
You always doubted me Sub-Zero, held me back. Kronika sees my true potential.
~ Frost explaining why she sided with Kronika.
Sub-Zero dismissed me. Raiden dismissed me. They all did, even Kronika. Until I froze the smug looks off all their faces and became the Lin Kuei's new Grandmaster. The Hourglass offers even greater prospects. With it, I'll mold history to carve my name on everyone's lips. But even its power has limits. My vision can be upended by people's individual choices. Unlike Kronika, I won't let these imperfections fester until time itself must be restarted. The Lin Kuei will be my time warriors. Traveling through history, they'll get rid of those whose actions threaten my vision. From now on, no one will overlook my greatness. I'll never be dismissed again.
~ Frost's MK11 ending

Frost is a supporting antagonist in the Mortal Kombat franchise.

A former Lin Kuei assassin and the disgraced student of Kuai Liang, Frost is an overly-ambitious and arrogant ninja, believing herself to be the better fit for the clan. Though a dedicated fighter and learner, Frost's impressive abilities pales in comparison to her desire to be recognized, often at times responding with equal and open hostility to whoever she believes is her better.

She was voided by Kelly Hu in Mortal Kombat X, and Sara Cravens in Mortal Kombat 11.

Her Evil Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Evil?[]

In General[]

  • Though she was an orphan who's said to have had a hard life that made her a tough fighter, it's not enough to truly justify her crimes, as Sub-Zero said, he gave her a home at the Lin Kuei, yet she eagerly joins Sektor, who corrupted said clan.
  • Her cyberization doesn't give her any moral agency issue as Frost willingly converted into a cyborg just to get stronger, with her heinous traits and arrogant personality still remaining after her transformation. Even then, she was fully aware of her evil actions, but simply did not care for them, further proving she has a functioning moral agency.
  • While other characters feel some sympathy for her being looked down on by the Lin Kuei, the sympathy leans more on pity given how heinous she has become.


  • She mentions to either Jax or Sindel that she killed her own mother when she was only twelve years old.
  • At some point in time, she became a Lin Kuei and one of Kuai Liang's pupils, joining their assassins ranks, most likely assassinating many people in the past.

Mortal Kombat X (comic series)[]

  • She was a fighter in a deathmatch fight club, holding a record of 21 fights won, with all of the wins ending up with her killing all of her opponents.
  • She brutally beat Cassie Cage and nearly killed her.

Mortal Kombat X[]

  • She tried to kill Scorpion/Hanzo when Kuai Liang attempted to make peace with him, refusing to make peace with their rival clan and end years of bloodshed.

Mortal Kombat 11[]

  • When Kronika, someone who wants to destroy the universe, offered to have her lead the Lin Kuei in the new era, she accepted without hesitation.
  • Cruelly betrays her master out of arrogance, believing she was more fit to lead the Lin Kuei.
  • She leads the Cyber Lin Kuei, and increases her numbers by capturing several of her fellow Lin Kuei, and along with the time-displaced Sektor, torturously converts them into cyborgs, taking sadistic pleasure in doing so.
    • The process is also graphically shown to be extremely painful, with the person being cut up and having their brain placed into a robotic body, becoming nothing more than mindless slaves to serve the Lin Kuei.
  • During the battle against Kuai Liang and Hanzo at the Lin Kuei factory, she accuses her master by stating that he "corrupted Lin Kuei honor by allying with Shirai Ryu filth" (Hanzo).
    • It is nothing but completely hypocritical on her part, as she not only allied herself with Sektor, the one who truly corrupted the Lin Kuei, but Kronika as well. Whereas Kuai Liang did nothing but help and completely reform the Lin Kuei from their former evil ways.
  • When Hanzo and Kuai Liang try to stop her, she attempts to kill both, but is quickly defeated.
  • She played a major part in the defense of Kronika's Keep, leading the Cyber Lin Kuei in battle.
  • She confronts and mocks Raiden for supposedly ignoring her entire life, before soon engaging in battle with him.

Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath[]

  • When Nightwolf, Shang Tsung and Fujin escaped from the void and returned to the past, Frost, along with Geras attempt to find them them bring them back.
  • When fighting Nightwolf, he offered her to join the right side, only for her to immediately reject the offer.

What Prevents Her from Being Pure Evil?[]

  • Although the likes of Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung are unfair comparisons due to them having vastly more resources, she still fails the Heinous Standards to Sektor, as he shares many of her crimes and has just as much resources but performs them to a larger scale.


  • Her original timeline version cannot qualify for NPE due to being bog-standard.

See Also[]


           Kombat Dragon Mortal KombatKombat Dragon Near Pure Evils

Video Games
Frost | Havik | Joker | Kano | Lex Luthor | Noob Saibot | Onaga | Sektor | Sindel

Other Media
Shao Kahn (Annihilation) | Shang Tsung (Legends) | Shao Kahn (Legends) | Lin Kuei Grandmaster
